Ancient times thread

Ancient times thread

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Best place to get a skateboard



I remember listening to her when I was in 3rd grade! XD

I miss KB, the one where I live always had toys years out of date, I bought EWJ action figures in 1999, which put them 3-4 years after the show was canceled.



I see a lot of nostalgia threads on varying boards as of late.

My first computer and the software that came with it absolutely destroy my feels to think about.

It's Christmas and we're all alone.
Kinda natural to revert to childhood...

kek, is that Raleigh?


truth, not a nice one but still truth

I love and hate this kind of thread. They are soothing and sadden at the same time. Wish we could all go back in time to our favourite years and hours....


Bruuuuuh for whatever reason my town of 2000 had one of those. Lasted a year or two.


Young fag, GTFO of this topic.

Fuuckkkkk I ordered a gateway back in the day.

Still remember my ICQ number too!


Friday nights with the ps1 and rc cola

For us fucks in small towns, we didn't have your fancy Best Buys and Toys R Us and bullshit. We had this right here.

Fellow 919-er there?

Nice Trips by the way.

The Blockbuster closed a few years back were I lived.
I bought a bunch of their wall units to put my game collection in. Really helped with logistics of having a big collection

Best system during it's time

What the fuck is that? I grew up outside Philly and never saw a "ben franklin" store.

Or if your town was big enough to have one...

You're parents were rich, weren't they?

If it's not in the Universe, it doesn't exist!

Ben Franklin, or the ol' 5 and dime stores. Sam Walton got his start in these before starting Walmart.

Nope, we were poor as balls. Never had one, always drooled for one.

The Universe has seen better days


I loved that they sold toys that everybody else was afraid to; cap guns, dart guns - can't find any of that shit now. Somebody could put an eye out!



I miss this store, haven't seen one for years. Rarely bought anything, just loved to look around


Back in the 80's, Ben Franklin stores were horrible, something like dollar store now. They were all franchises and their supply chain was absolute shit.

>these nights with my cousins.
Good times

>gateway 2000
My first was an IBM 5150

Oh pre 9/11 America. You were so innocent.

>dart guns
Are you nuts? Have you seen the shit Nerf puts out? This is a goddamn Gatling gun and you long for the days of a shitting dart that fired 2 feet and didn't stick to shit? No way man, this is one department where the kids of today have it way better than us!


Yep. But if you wanted toys, it was the only place to go in my little town.

Hey! I'm not young. I'm in high school, ya dip!

I got your back man.

1985 - got one of these as a birthday gift from a girl I just started dating. Cost $500 back then.

Indeed, fuck off young fag

Fuck, loved these old bookstores. The other one was B. Dalton I think

remember when all malls had at least one store that sold this pewter junk?

I blame vaporwave
I haven't heard this sound since I was five years old.. damn, man. Fun fact: I'm still sitting in the exact same spot.. Two feet to the left.
Didn't they turn into Zany Brainy? I used to fucking love that store, it was like this wonderful place where my mom would actually buy me stuff because it 'supported childhood development', they had this play area in the middle where lots of kids would always play and my mom would have to practically drag me out at the end, lol

My contribution:
I used to have this
on cassette, and I would jump around and sing and dance to it literally everyday. I'm sure it drove my parents out of their fucking minds haha

>buys you $500 betamax machine
She wants the D

I'm 23 years old and have two ten year old cousins with an armory of nerf guns and it blows my mind how advanced these fucking things have gotten. I remember having shitty pistols. I have no qualms playing nerf with them when I can fire 30 rounds in under a minute.

Not talking the ones that only went two feet, I'm talking about the ones that had the bad ass spring inside and you could make those suction cups stick at 20 feet away. Nerfs are just too gentle.


Actually still have one in my local mall.

These dipshits passed up buying Netflix for a laughably small amount. I loved blockbuster but they dug their own graves.

Fuck 9/11, I hate living in a post-Phil Hartman world.

and she got the D, more too but that's a whole 'nother story.

My first job was in KB. I miss that place. I didn't do a fucking thing. I was a late bloomer, but my first time messing around with a girl was with my assistant Supervisor.

>dem were da days, ma boys!

The simple nerf guns can still do that. The problem is that all the new fancy motorized stuff just can't provide the same quick release of energy as a nice fat compressed spring


amen brother

Too bad they didn't have your expertise on their side when the opportunity arose.

Not just remembering when Playboy showed pics of naked women (just a couple of years ago) but being young enough to be happy about that. Porn in magazine form....who knew that the internet would so decisively destroy that business model.

Man I remember this store was pure chaos in the Christmas season. I literally could just pick up pokemon card packs off the floor and walk away at the mall. It's how i got my shinys. Furbee and teenie babies were big too even mcdonalds had them in their happy meals. Who remembers age of empires cds in cereal?


Ya got pegged, eh? Say no more, say no more.

I like the passive aggressive attack but it's common knowledge they fucked up and is regarded as bad business. Sorry your blockbuster was retarded.

Back when mall designers cared a bit more for providing an inviting atmosphere rather than covering every square inch of floor with kiosks selling "as seen on tv" garbage.

I had one of these, at the time it was the height of Nerf weapons technology. It wasn't shit compared to what the kiddies have now.

Who's old enough to tell us what this building used to be?

Was that the KB Toys in Santa Barbra?


Isn't Frye's still around, and thats in an old circuit city right?

>an inviting atmosphere
not sure I'd call that seventies hellscape 'inviting'

Not literally, just figuratively. Married her, she ended up with the house and everything in it. Just as well, freedom's not free.

dat feely feel that feels feely

Hard rock

Arcades man....:(

Nickelodeon at Universal studios


I know where you can find one.

Or, you could last I drove by, 2 years ago

Clarkstown, PA

They're making a comeback in big cities

triple double

You walked away with a betamax, though.


good riddance


Inviting by 70s standards.