Dont forget to use protection!

Dont forget to use protection!

Where can we buy these?



I mean where can we buy these online, I know that's japanese

I think you can get it on Amazon, just look up the brand name.

But why do you need it if I may inquire?

My girlfriend have a "cuteness" fetish.
We even have a teddy bear bed...
That thing would be a good way for me to have a full night of sex.

I see, and just how "old" is your girlfriend?

21. Two month older than me.

Are you in some weird country which writes numbers right to left? Theres no way a 21 year old would still be into cuddy bears, perhaps she is actually 12?

No, I'm french. She's older than me.

You know, everyone is allowed to have weird preferences. If she like to live with cuddy bears, that's great, at least she like something.

I'm not buying it, We are backtracking your IP. Please have a seat, we will be with you momentarily.

See ya.
Must I call my girlfriend to help you proceed to the verification that she's an adult?

You convinced her to lie for you, I'll need a signed birth certificate to be sure.

let's see her adult tits on the teddy bear bed

for science

I don't have it, but tomorrow we can get it at the town hall.
Until then she have her identity card

I hardly doubt she'll agree.
And if she accept, I wont.


well aren't you just the most fun loving couple

Don't forget to bring a towel

this guy

Chris Hansen saving this bundle of sticks thread.