Are you enjoying Braindead?
Are you enjoying Braindead?
First 2 eps were slow, now i like it a lot.
What show/film would you compare it to
i was going to dowload it but i don't know since
This. It really starts to pick up when she gets detained by the spooks and Gustav starts taping up his ears.
I haven't watched it, but I enjoyed that webm user. Thanks.
>It would be great to have a penis
>Oh look, I'm leaking blood... again
>Fuck this, I'm going to become a man
my brain is nearly going dead from fapping to mew 2much
you'd be braindead with her fat ass on your face
>swn test out her new penis on your eager mouth
i want to be that rope
mew is kinda ugly sometimes
The fuck?
You know, I know exactly what you mean. But I kinda think makeup works against her.
She definitely looks better with natural/minimal makeup.
how does one enjoy nothing happening?
What is it, seems like a mix of the Strain meets Spin City.
it's a 100% mew driven dark comedy about aliens infiltrating the US government.
>Idealistic film maker girl starts working with her brother on Capitol Hill.
>Bugs from outer space are taking over politicians Body Snatcher style.
>MEW catches on, teams up with black geek to figure out what the fuck is going on.
>Shit gets paranoid.
why was she such a mary sue in 10 cloverfield lane?
why cant i just kiss her feet. when is it my turn for happiness
I look LITERALLY like her.
post pic
why dont you let us decide that? post armpit
should I marathon this show? is that _really_ good?
pls be honest, Sup Forums already tricked me to watch Portlandia...
coal burning slut
the movie kind of felt like a video game where she is the player
>pls be honest, Sup Forums already tricked me to watch Portlandia...
I wanna have her half-caste babies
it's only 3 episodes in i wouldn't call that a marathon.
The first two are a hurdle then it gets better.
Is MEW gonna go on a Roddy Piper style massacre and brutalise all the infected?
lets hope, user
How long until the inevitable Telltale "game"?
Could they even get away with that shit in todays climate?
this movie is from just a few years ago, of course. things aren't as pc as the internet makes them out to be.
how does this keep happening
Literally been with the same (white) guy since she was a teenager. I had guessed that she was one of very few decent women still getting work in Hollywood, then the fappening –and here subsequent reaction– pretty much confirmed it.
A mass shooting on Capitol Hill? Perpetrated by someone who isn't a Muslim/Russian/Militia terrorist?
I don't know, doesn't seem like any network would go for it.
>nu-male husband
imagine her cheating sessions
muh fucking dick
it's going to be more of her finding out and taking out individual 'leaders' as it were. wont be over the top like you described, sorry.
I like how this webm has little bit of everything for everybody.