I really enjoyed the first episode of Homeland.
Is the entire show worth watching?
I really enjoyed the first episode of Homeland.
Is the entire show worth watching?
It's good for a while but drops off and gets good again mid last season. I never gets as good as the first season again though.
Yes. die hard senpaitachi will still say the series drops in quality in season 2 but keep watching it actually gets better imo.
piping hot opinion comin thru:
first season is GOAT, was literally on the edge of my seat in some parts
watched half of season 2 and tapped out, haven't seen any since, and have no interest in doing so.
season 3 was complete fucking garbitch
don't listen to plebs that think it sucks when ____ dies
he should have died in season one
this show is terrible at season finales but great to the build ups
first season great
second season is okay
third season is hot trash
never watched season 4
It gets silly
first two seasons are incredible. third season is a bit senseless. fourth season is pretty damn good in my opinion. fifth season had its moments but didn't make a lot of sense.
it's fucking awesome, I hate callie and watched it all and still loved it
carrie lol
gets a bit shaky around season 2 but gets better.
Writing stays on par until season 4.
What was the point of this character?
She got so much screentime and nothing really happened with her. I was half expecting her to get assassinated and Brody going on a revenge spree.
Think of it as a slightly more realistic 24.
Also be prepared for S4-S5 to be different from S1-S3. People seemed to be thrown off at the changes.
S1 > S4 > S5 > S2 > S3.
When does new season start? I always forget about it
imo first 2 seasons are best 3 is good. I like Quin alot. hope is isn't dead somehow
It gets better. Season 4 is good, so is season 5.
S1-3 was like a trilogy. Now it's like an anthology series.
>S4 - Pakistan
>S5 - Berlin
>S6 - NYC (showrunners confirmed)
>tfw you will never be a kebab and get to rape dana for being a stupid western whore
she probably was meant to take negative attention off Carrie, most females on this show other than Carrie are not very likeable
Her relationship with her father was pretty important, but I think the writers definitely lost their way with her in season 3.
>Season 1
Classic tier, just a great season of television overall.
>Season 2
Good but not great, got a few plotholes but overall still a really enjoyable season
>Season 3
This season sucks so fucking bad, it's total garbage. This season has so many huge gaping plot holes. You could show season 3 to an actual retarded person and even they would feel like their intelligence is being insulted.
>Season 4
How you feel about this season depends on how you feel about the season finale. The first 11 episodes of the season are good, it's a solid season up until that point. I personally found the finale to be infuriating and it ruined the entire season for me, but I know people who didn't hate it as much as I did. It has a really divisive finale, don't be surprised if it pisses you off and ruins the entire season for you.
>Season 5
Honestly, at this point I lost interest in the show. I stopped about midway through the season. I just stopped caring about the show and the characters because of all the retarded shit that had happened on the show.
Should've been a miniseries.
There was no need to continue it after Season 2 apart from muh ratings.
1 > 4 > 2 > 3
Don't know about 5 because I dropped it 4 episodes in.
this, i really like what they started in season 4
It turns into a completely different show after the first season. The Brody Mystery was really interesting and unique but after that it focuses more on Carry who just isn't as interesting.
Love the first two seasons, then the best writer on the show passed away and a couple others left, forcing a HUGE drop in quality in Season 3, which was literal shit until a little bit after the midway point where it then became just merely watchable. The season finale wraps up the whole story up to that point; watched the Season 4 premiere but the show had changed so much by that point and started getting repetitive (and pointless) that I didn't bother continuing
Its a great tv show. Not perfect, but what show is?