I can't take this series seriously

I can't take this series seriously

This guy has a weird baby face and his hair fucking ridiculous


I wish I looked like him too, user.

Is this any good?

Studio security, he thinks I'm an asshole because I kept stopping him at the gate instead of waving him through every day

he's got a good head of hair tho

>Studio security, he thinks I'm an asshole because I kept stopping him at the gate instead of waving him through every day

Even if this is fake, it made my day, don't stop doing it

Watch out he might genesis you ;^)

The series has potential but everything about it feels so cheaply made and amateurish.


looks like topher grace mixed with karl urban

aw shit


Do you see Ruth Negga too?

>I can't take this series seriously

You're not supposed to

Why do you keep stopping him though ? Is he an asshole or something and just want to annoy him ?

Yeah, met all the cast and crew and really anyone you can imagine

Glare on the windshield and he was driving a very common car, a blue focus, that and he never put his parking pass on his dash and if I don't see that I stop the person

Noice, give gilgun a wave with a extra bit of OOMPH in it for me, best thing about the show.

>that and he never put his parking pass on his dash and if I don't see that I stop the person

This is amazing, you are softly trolling Tony Stark's dad, the King of Warcraft and fucking Jesse Custer, keep up the good work, he'll figure it out eventually.

I will next season, they wrapped 3 days before the show started airing and they've already strikes the stages and stored the set

>Tony Stark's dad
That's not the guy from Mad Men.

He played the young version.

HEY! that's the fucking king of Stormwind you're talking about! HAVE SOME RESPECT

Every scene that's supposed to feel edgy or gritty just feels like you're reading an emo teenager's attempt at writing serious fiction.

the FORMER king of Stormwind

Then read the fucking comic is way fucking better than that shitty show