It's a fucking grilled cheese relax, favreau
It's a fucking grilled cheese relax, favreau
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someone post the webm of the Rock making barbecue from that Bay flcik
this was a stellar movie
the character's like a super award winning chef, he'll make his son the GOAT grilled cheese sandwich if he wants to
american ''''''''''cooking''''''''''
>this is food porn in america
>tfw no artisan grilled cheese fast casual resturant
brb going on shark tank
>not using frozen bread
>moving it around like an ultimate chef
wtf i love food now
>oil AND butter
>cooking it like an open-face sandwich
what the fuck. I just throw the whole thing in the pan (without oil, gross) and flip it a few times until it's crispy.
>that plastic american cheese
>greatest cheese sandwich
with precut american cheese
why not make it air-canned cheese while youer at it
>with precut american cheese
why did he add more butter after getting the sear on the bread? did the choreographer of this scene ever cook in his life?
>put cheese in bread
>boil the bread
so this is the power of american cooking
No grilled cheese is Europoor food. Anything without meat isn't food porn.
>Favreau only directed this movie to eat food and kiss Sofia Vergara
God Michael Bay is the fucking worst
Nice meme knife
This is just gratuitous filth.
Why does American butter look like mayo?
>four slices of fucking cheese on that thin bread
go back there
dude, just get a sandwich press
And Twitter shekels, I would too if I could.
Anyone got the Hannibal cooking webms?
This is shit tier filmmaking. Almost a minute long sequence of insert shots of someone cooking a grilled cheese sandwhich, and it does absolutely fucking nothing, it's dead space! I know the movie is about food, but holy fuck this is the kind filmmaking you'd expect from a student flick.
that kid is going to die of diabetes in about 15 minutes
Is that a parent? A single parent? No parent would dirty that many dishes for a fucking grilled cheese.
>ywn consume human flesh prepared by Hannibal
that is way to much cheese
>only pepper before
>sprinkling salt on it after it's done
>it just bounces off the steak
>Butter in a special butter bowl
Do cooks actually do this? I keep my butter in tupperware
thank you based robots for chopping up that cow for me
goddamn I'm hungry now
>tfw haven´t eaten in 18 hours
stop posting food
15 hours here and I'm so poor I have to live on popcorn tortillas
its because favreau is a fat fuck.
Watching robots is hypnotic. They move like dancers.
stop living
even mcdonalds is better than that user
>Can afford popcorn
>Can't afford fucking potatoes or something
Seriously, you are just wasting your poverty dollars on that garbage.
That is a lot of eggs and a lot of butter. It might be like your one meal of the day, Gordon. And then creme fraiche? Make an egg taste good, don't cover it with fat and fat fuck
kernels are like 30 cents a gram
what kind of a disgusting fool eats cooked tomatoes?
Potatoes have more caloric density, more vitamins and they are dirt cheap.
yea i like cold tomatoes too. sometimes they match the dish tho
wtf I love long pig now!
what part of a human is that supposed to be?
>He doesn't lightly roast his cherry tomatoes
English people, I think
What the hell nigger I am poor too but can do better than that
>acting like that's not haute cuisine
fuck of with your hot egg salad gordon
This picture triggers me so much
>Those bland looking beef cubes
>Fucking bananas??
>Hot sauce? Ketchup? Who gives a fuck
God damn, I almost want to go bake a potato to show you fuckers how it's done.
Part of a thigh if I remember correctly
>he can afford ketchup
>not a fatcat
You sound like a pretentious child.
>Butter and EVOO
>Shit full tang gook blade
>Garbage processed cheese mixed in
I hope Jon Favreau gets murdered by a pack of wild gypsies. I know he was in PCU and that movie is great but this shit is just offensive.
>That burnt egg.
I can do better than that, bon appétit.
He didn't even melt the cheese, fucking hack-fraud.
>on bananas
>all that fucking butter
Is this one of the videos where they replace the hand close ups with ridiculous shit, but keep everything else? I can't tell.
What I don't understand is why he greases the pan. he's USING FUCKING BUTTER. It DOESN'T NEED OIL.
that has to be a bitch to clean
pic related
you have to fry FRUIT to get yourself up in the morning? god damn
Dude it's 4th of July weekend, time for an American classic. Pizza!
French cuisine means it has lots of butter.
it's oozing out the sides retard
add a little more 'chup, and it's perfect.
>this image
Actually worse then liveleak gore.
Holy Christ.
Ladiess and gentlemen, socialism.
M8 that's a fellow bong.
>250 pounds
>That layer of burned plastic/ American cheese
Did you get those hot opinions over at reddit buddy?
Why popcorn? I love regular corn with good ol' American ranch
That is mayo, it's the secret to a god-tier GC.
I though 250 pounds was average?
>tfw had a dream where Reviewbrah was eating me and only gave me an 8/10 last night
The average is 260-285 lbs he's just trolling you. You're still mommy's special healthy boy.
Pounds as in the currency
i weigh 145lbs btw
Does he not know that black means burned?
Mayo isn't that hard and you don't put it on the outside.
>eating meat
It's like you want your body and the environment to be destroyed.
>When gore reaches such absurd high levels it becomes funny
>eating meat destroys your body
>this is still a real story
hated that part.
utterly pointless, well I guess it helped the idiots who came to see a Bay movie remember that this was in fact still based on a true story like it said in the beginning at that point in the movie. not sure how dumb you have to be to forget something like that
This movie's ridiculous and I love that
It's mexican meme street food, they call it a "char"
That's a seasoning rub on the outside of the meat you fucking mongoloid. I hate it when you peasants try to talk like you know about food. Go choke on one of your mother's chicken tenders from a bag she bought with the money she made fucking black men.
I thought that was "pretty good" on his scale?
literally triggered about food
americans everyone
>puts pepper before cooking
>adds salt after its done cooking