Can someone photoshop the mess behind me out of the picture? Thanks!

Can someone photoshop the mess behind me out of the picture? Thanks!

or you could stop being a lazy cunt and clean your room

no jairo

Easier just to shop it.

Yup that's why I posted

I got this shit op but I'm going to need a few mins so don't let this 404

bump it you you stupid fuck. ps takes time

Sure, thanks!



Step outside of your shithole

no I live here

here u go

And done.

finally done op. the key to these things is to make subtle changes that really reflect the person's personality. I think I nailed it





If I were Muslim I'd have you put to death for that, infidel.

please delet this

Pound that ass

my trips demand it


you're welcome

sorry bro. I feel bad about it so I'm working on something that will make you look badass. give me a few mins.

Boy got skils


The anticipation

few mins. I think you'll like it

Bump for #badass


alright. here it it. gangsta as fuck!

Sweet jesus

Hey, that's pretty goooood


Top kek, best user of the month.

wow. I worked hard on that op and you didn't even say thank you. fucking ungrateful millennial bastard

Thanks user ;)

meh. not feeling the love



op left to go post this on 9fag


I'm still here
fuck u


please stop, i dont want anyone i know to see thses.

(everyone knows you're trying to troll your buddy. it's ok)