1. Homogenic

1. Homogenic
2. Vespertine
3. Post
4. Vulnicura
5. Medulla
6. Debut
7. Biophilia
8. Volta

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The Sugarcubes are better than anything she ever did solo.

Two good albums

I'd put Post over Vespertine and Debut over Medulla but alright.

1. Vulnicura
2. Biophilia
3. Vespertine
4. Medulla
5. Homogenic
6. Post
7. Volta
8. Debut

Debut is her best

Just swap Medulla and Debut. Volta is the only bad one in the bunch.

1. Medulla
2. Post
3. Homogenic
4. Vulnicura
5. Vespertine
6. Biophilia
7. Volta
8. Debut

Medulla has this sparse, summer night vibe and I dig the fuck out of it.

found a dumb person

>debut at 6

bretty gud list, though I'd put Debut above Medulla, and I have a giant personal bias for Vespertine

that english came out fukt, to be clear I love Vespertine and would put it on top

1. Vespertine
2. Homogenic
3. Medulla
4. Vulnicura
5. Niggas on the Moon
6. Volta
7. Post
8. Sugarcubes' first album
9. Selmasongs
10. Debut
12.Drawing Restraint 9
13.Sugarcubes' other two albums

>no kukl
come now user, you can't possibly expect me to take you seriously.

1. Homogenic
2. Biophilia
3. Vespertine
4. Debut
5. Post
6. Vulnicura
7. Volta
8. Medulla

1. Vespertine
2. Medulla
3. Post
4. Debut
5. Homogenic
6. Vulnicura

Not listened to the others

Check'd. I hate Medulla.

>he thought it's important to include an non-Bjork album where Bjork sounds like Grimes
>he actually thinks it's better than Post and Debut

It could have been an amazing EP, my man.

1. Pleasure is All Mine
2. Who Is It?
3. Oceania
4. Sonnets/Mouth's Cradle
5. Triumph of a Heart

don't bother. I mean, some people seem to like Biophilia, but Volta is unredeemable trash.

Where is the line?

Idunno. Where is it? You tell me.

(It's decent not an amazing one like the ones I said)

NotM is definitely better than generic pop like Debut

this actually
grimes and death grips are shit

>Bjork sounds like Grimes
[citation needed]


what citation I can give you?
you probably have ears, if you're visiting Sup Forums

I always knew one faggot who actually holds this opinion had to exist.

P much my list too OP, except sometimes Vespertine can take that number 1 spot.


>the way bjork's voice is sampled on that album is not only borrows from grime (the only difference is that it's a little bit more chaotic, the same thing with Have a Sad Cum BB and Government Plates), Andy Morin is confrimed being a grimesfag via his instagram

It's always Vespertine #1 for me. Great song after great song almost the whole way through, I struggle to think of any other album that holds my attention as well.

if homogenic is her best then how do people think pork is better than carly bae or tswizzle

1. Vespertine
2. Homogenic
3. Debut
4. Post
5,6. Cant decide, either Vulnicura or Biophillia
7. Volta
8. Medulla