Why is this board the worst?
Why is this board the worst?
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Reddit and Sup Forums took over
delete this
Because it cares more about creating the next baneposting and bitching about Jews than talking about television and film.
Colonized by Sup Forums
Any board that is, turns to shit
Sup Forums killed Sup Forums starting in late 2011/early 2012
Sup Forums started the fire with Bane in late 2013
Sup Forums brought their normalfaggotry over here, especially their shit memes, like Doge, etc, and lately "senpai, desu, baka" facebook normie crap
Sup Forums brought over Big Brother because "Sup Forums MODS WERE MEAN :(" and this was outright admitted years ago. Also Game of Thrones and other plebby crap as well, and muh Blacked, "favorite actress" (read:porn stars) became more frequent as well. Nothing of quality came of those threads; everyone was just indulging themselves with their own opinion, you'd get more sauce/info out of a shitty /gif/ thread.
2014 was the nail in the coffin for Sup Forums as a whole, due to the Fappening bringing in all types of normies or idiots.
Sup Forumsedditor shit started appearing in 2014; MUH SJW! MUH WHAT IS THE ___ OF TV/MOVIES?! MY VIDEOGAME MOVIES! MY MISPOSTING! Also you're seeing more and more capeshit; Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums are mostly related by their demographic and prone to be attracted to underage as well.
Moderators for Sup Forums have been shit since 2012, with the great tripfag purge of 2013 pretty much banning or making them all leave due to harassment, even on different boards.
Since __2013__, statistics:
This board is pure spam, & in those 5 pages consist of 3 pages with image.jpg
APPLE USERS WITH THEIR SHITTY iPHONES EVADING BANS, POSTING GHETTO NIGGER SHIT, OR OTHERWISE POSTING DRIBBLE. Also, the fact they own an Apple phone is embrassing. Moot really fucked up by implementing a mobile version of Sup Forums.
It's Pandora's Box; you can't go back, you cant put it back.
All of this can be proven by simple searches on either moe or 4plebs archives.
Sup Forums still exists
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
game of thrones
the list could go on
Because you're a pleb and don't like Spring Breakers and memes.
Due to all shitty people from Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums that come in spouting garbage and not even talking movies.
>"Why is Sup Forums the worst moderated board on Sup Forums and when will the mods there get fired?"
What did he mean by this?
I fucking love it here
I love the autistic BvS defenders
I love the many goat GOT posts
I love ppl pretending Marvel isn't perfect
I love Bane
I love the other dank memes
I love Sup Forums
I love you
this board is perfect, never change Sup Forums
Delete this
poltards and redditors. it's not a meme, they are about 95% of posters here.
Sup Forums has actually improved a lot, you'll get a more coherent conversation there than you will here or on Sup Forums
The worst board has to go to /r9k/, it's honestly the most pathetic depressing place on the Internet, full of sad lonely autists who are obsessed with interracial cuckolding and trying to cover this up by being overly racist
If you spend even a bit of time there regularly rather than just visiting you should probably an hero
Sup Forums is too spammy in a live match thread, which is a shame
Letterboxd users are the cancer killing this board, they shove their shitty teenage opinions down everyone's throats and act like its law.
They also spam buzzwords like
>Sup Forumseddit
when faced with an argument they can't refute.
It falls between the cracks of Sup Forums culture. You have lowbrow and weeb shit for loserish children like Sup Forums and Sup Forums, which is the majority of Sup Forums users, and then you have something like /lit/, which is about a rarified & ostensibly intellectual enough subject that it's reasonably good at containing itself.
Movies and television are just populist enough that you're gonna have retards from Sup Forums and Sup Forums popping over here whenever Star Wars or Game of Thrones or whatever shit comes out, and they're going to be approaching the medium from the mindset of somebody who was raised on Evangelion and Zelda and thinks those things are interchangeable with 2001: A Space Odyssey, and that's where the problems start. I don't think most Sup Forums users actually like cinematic art -- in fact I think they hate it, but they believe that they love it and that they know a lot about it, again because it's more accessible than something like literature.
Well fuck face?
Only during international matches, but a 90 minute fest of shitposting and live updates is fun as fuck when you're in the thick of it, especially in the specific /comfy/ match threads
then once the games over it fizzles out and you get back to normal conversation
Don't forget Tumblr
Sup Forums is the worst board since it got mods about 2 years ago. Literally SJW nu male cuckolds who ban you for saying "nigger" while agreeing with someone.
Sup Forums represents the biggest faggots on this website.
When someone is "into" music, they are typically already a faggot. But when you get really snobby and contrarian about music, you transcend into a completely higher level of faggotry. People can be snobby about movies and literature and still be cool but being a cunt about music is the true mark of a permavirgin hipster shitstain.
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /r9k/ posters inundating Sup Forums with their meme trash. off site /got/ posters who wander out of their circlejerk with the musk of cum emanating off them. people who think "fun" is shitposting and memes and you can't have "fun" on Sup Forums without either.
What did he mean by this?
Sup Forums is unbrowsable. Soon Sup Forums will be too
t. Sup Forumsedditor only on Sup Forums because he heard about memes
all this is pretty moot since Sup Forums died in 2008 and everything since has just been various stages of rot.
Sup Forums isn't even snobby or "into" music anymore. They are all teenagers who came from Reddit and Anthony Fantano's videos that listen to rap and Top 40 pop music.
>I love ppl pretending Marvel isn't perfect
You fucked your post right there
so what you're saying is, Sup Forums is shit because it mainstream?
Literally because of Sup Forums cancer
I agree, there's too much rap discussion.
Rap is the Capeshit of music.
I think he's saying that Sup Forums has garbage taste.
Because you can't spell Sup Forums without the Sup Forums.
This is honestly the best history/explanation. I've been here almost 7 years, I think, and this is incredibly accurate. Anyone saying "muh Sup Forums boogeyman" is Reddit
look around, the whole fucking site is forever infested with pol cancer who think they're fighting a culture war by sitting in their mamas basements and dropping shitposts everywhere. its sad how deluded they really are
>too much rap discussion
If they actually liked good rap I'd like Sup Forums.
They all listen to the same Pitchfork approved backpack of the month bullshit and it makes rap discussion there intolerable.
If you had half a brain, you'd realize that all of the "SJW"/gender/race crap bledover from fucking Sup Forums, because they have a hardon for such a thing.
More cartoon stuff bleed over also due to Sup Forums. You'd see this started mostly in 2014; more accidental Sup Forums crossposting, more intentional crossposting, more "what if __ was a movie" or "warcraft/etc" that are coming up.
Sup Forums moved in here in 2012; as early as 2011ish due to Big Brother threads "outlawed" due to "poor mean Sup Forums mods" that numerous posted have admitted (back then, not now, before revisionist history newfriends attempt to dissuade), and never left. They use memes to the extreme;, this is their Facebook, they don't care if they piss and shit in the same place they eat.
That's why you see half of this board is spam, also the moderation simply cannot keep up with the massive amount of spam unless you actually send reports. Even then, there seems to be some sort of favoritism with this "fourth round" of moderation (for Sup Forums, since its inception). They delete shit that should be deleted asap (cunny shit, shrek/just/bane [which took forever for them to get on too, the latter memes]), but some things take an awfully long time to delete, like Sup Forums blacked threads.
Stay new.
>people blaming other boards for this board being shitty
You faggots are really in denial if you think all of the problems with Sup Forums are everyone else's fault.
It's a pitchfork chatroom for 15 year olds
>culture war
Confirmed for redditor who can't handle the bantz, I just go there to hunt down flags and make fun of them.
kek, you realize Sup Forums doesn't give a shit about this place. They don't think about Sup Forums at all. It's gamergate Sup Forums you are referring to
The problem isn't Sup Forums's opinions, it's that they just bring up trump in threads that have nothing to do with them and force their opinions down other's throats.
I'm fine with one or two Sup Forums threads, but they should stay in them.
>Capeshitter likes Sup Forums 2.0
No shit
Saved. Sup Forums is my home board and this is 100% correct
This place could use a safe for work Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is just porn dumps now.
>cunnyfag vanishes after russia is range banned
>quality of board dips even lower than before
Was he saving us by giving us free Illegal content submits??
Go ask for it on /qa/ you massive faggot
no, fuck off, he did nothing to scare people off at all.
He just posted Instagram posts. Nobody cared about him.
>doesn't like the only good meme in the last 5 years
hothead pls leave.
>no, fuck off, he did nothing to scare people off at all.
I'm not saying that
I'm saying you could report his threads for "Illegal content" and you wouldn't get a ban for false reporting
my bad, the people that say that are fucking annoying though.
I liked reporting as illegal as well. It got deleted faster.
>little girls posting illegal pictures of themselves in bikinis on instagrams
Ask the mods my friend. All I know is that when there was cuck spam and he started spamming the little girls you could report them as "Illegal content" they'd come clean up all the Sup Forums trash
Reminder this is the janitor
Reminder he is a huge game of thrones pleb
except pol's popular topics were popular subreddiits
its hilarious how Sup Forums and this pasta thinks that Sup Forums destroyed Sup Forums. its like a fucking autist posting some hateful comments about chad in fb.
You know what destroyed Sup Forums? Game of Thrones.
a brief history of Sup Forums. users are generally introduced through Sup Forums via the entry boards of Sup Forums and and in some cases Sup Forums. normally due to the high number of users this boards are generally shit. after you get board with Sup Forums. you then move on to other hobby boards like Sup Forums, Sup Forums Sup Forums, Sup Forums /x/ etc. having learned from Sup Forums, you lurk moar and learn the board culture then participate in the discussions.
fast forward to 2011 game of thrones is shown. Due to the huge number of threads generals were introduced. and on live showing days, people started linking Sup Forums to fb, twitter, rddit, tumblr or whaterver shithole they'd think of. this introduced a lot of new users without knowledge of board culture getting introduced to memes like CLEGANEBOWL HOYP! and wanting to participate in the discussion. so fuck learning board culture? let's just spout memes right? add to that the /who/ and /hannibal/ posters that also link to tumblr or whatever site.
i wo der why they
allow nigger porn to stay up
Why do you think he is a janitor?
/diy/ invaded and killed it
t. Sup Forums
Sup Forums pre mod lockdown was the pinnacle of Sup Forums. Sup Forums gets sports celebrities post in their board, and also has managed to win Big Brother. Sup Forums also had the best concentration of tripfags although its more centralized on what sports you follow. and yeah they're also on the top of the meme game. What has Sup Forums done other than Bane and a mediocre porn? you can't even send a card to Aiden. pathetic
Tv died when LOST threads ended
Newfags will never know
Shame about /who/. DW threads were a lot of fun before they turned into an afterschool clubhouse. I don't think there are more than 40 regulars posting the same shit day after day. How can they stand it?
i'm not really into dr. who but i was told that /who/ threads aren't really that bad pre got. they existed quite some time and just got up in the generals thread and got some influx with the others linking Sup Forums to other sites
>how can they stand it
Have you ever met a Dr. Who fan
Donald Trump is the new MLP except he was specifically made for autists.
All the Sup Forums is probably deserved, you guys make it sound exactly like the shithole Sup Forums is now, but I've honestly never seen Sup Forums crossposting except for after wrestling got booted to /asp/ and a bunch of them tried setting up camp here. Sup Forums on the otherhand... I can't even count the number of times some Sup Forumsedditor forgets he's on Sup Forums and makes a thread about some shitty game, and the worst thing about that is watching those same threads get hundreds of fucking replies. That shit pisses me off.
How do you think Rich reconciles the fact that he's a 40 year old man who works for minimum wage and has to rent an apartment (rather than have a house) in Milwaukee of all fucking places, eating fast food as his diet and fucking a physically retarded femnazi? For years he had to work menial construction jobs to make ends meet, with the low point of his life involving something as mundane as a parking ticket.
Rich had a difficult life growing up--his mother was a crack whore and his father was absent most of the time. His loving grandmother tried, but she placated young Rich with videogames and dreams of a better life. Dreams that Rich was never able to cash in on. The constant failures in his life shaped him as the Don Quixote figure we have today, an empty casket of ruination and aspirations.
A man with no training, no education, no real life experience tries to make his voice heard. This echoes the warnings of the great capitalists of the 19th century, showing that, given power, the proles will replace society with an empty shell of itself. Reflecting this, Rich only brings his jaded, cynical outlook on life to the table.
Mike uplifted him from his sorry state, but even then Mike and Jay keep him around so they have an easy source of schadenfreude. While Mike and Jay make a comfortable living doing what they loves, Rich remains a punching bag. They keep him around as a literal reminder of the failures of Generation Y, encapsulated by Rich's love of shitty grunge rock and old school FPSes like Doom.
Many nights Rich does nothing but play videogames, sometimes playing live to a crowd of people even more pathetic than him. Previously Recorded gives him solace that no matter how much of a fuckup he is, he will never be on the same tier as the retards that join him every Wednesday and Sunday night. This is the only thing that keeps Rich from giving up the ghost. Not his girlfriend. Not his childhood friends. But the mere feeling that he is better than somebody.
the hipsters left Sup Forums when pitchfork started praising mediocre hip-hop and top 40 shit. Sup Forums hasn't been "snobby" in years now.
Always Sup Forums facebook cancer
hi-fucking-larious. you're obviously just parroting the pasta. Sup Forums used to raid other boards for gets and Sup Forums was their favourite victim. Sup Forums is the chad while Sup Forums is the fat kid that gets buried a lot who they can't help fantasizing that what he wants to be.
>Sup Forums
a lot of Sup Forums posters crosspost in r/trump anyway and it shows
I don't even know what that is, and I'm from Sup Forums. You clearly visit reddit every day and it shows
how do we save Sup Forums then boys
Sup Forums type moderation
create another for /film/
don't worry, he's back
I love how ez it is to trigger plebs too