Suppose one was to plan a school shooting. What would be some of the steps and precautions one might take?

Suppose one was to plan a school shooting. What would be some of the steps and precautions one might take?
>General school shooting thread

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Shoot yourself first.

bring more than one magazine

Ask yourself if it would not be more fun to take all ur monies and ebbryone else's monies an buy a fucktruckload of marijuana seeds and sprinkle them all over your town, around the school grounds, planters, city hall gardens, fire dept, retirement communities, parks, grass along sidewalks, just be Johnny Fuckin MaryJaneSeed and cover your town in weedies, then sit back and watch the excitement as the whole town blooms with pot.

Before you take your first shot make sure you scream really loudly that you're a feminist and hate white men. Also scream that you play lots of Call of Duty.

Dubs command you

So, say your name is Greg Proops...


Use a simple but effective AK47 and carry a pistol.
Dont forget plenty of clips.
Hand grenades, hand grenades, hand grenades for big groups.
In and out quickly before the cops show.
Do the deed in disguise.
Car prepared with change of close for get away.
Make sure your escape route to the car and away from the scene is off camera.

Sit back with so much win and a huge high score cos you remembered the grenades.

I would recomend to chain doors or block exits, turn on the fire alarm and execute everybody on the fire exits like in the gay night club. Try to take and take them in to a safe room with difficult breach points and rape one or several of the hostages bareback so they will have to bear your child. Then execute some of them to alert the police and go out in blaze of glory.

they'll still be able to track you down from the forensics. if you're going to do it go all out.
bring a bomb vest

Learn to spell, you fucking degenerate

Don't go full rampage mode.
Do some research and target people who really deserve shit happening to them.
You don't have to kill.. Just shoot their legs off or something like that,
Also give yourself a good reason.

Even if you're being bullied by some niggers, shooting up the school isn't really a good reason,

The current teenie generation is full of shit and will probably never accomplish anything else than trash our way of life....

Make "cleansing" your reason.

Also leave a letter saying Jesus or whatever told you to do that

Forensics? Like what? Any sensible criminal wears gloves. Wipe finger prints off ammo when loading.

make sure that the hydrogen bomb you planted in the cafeteria actually goes off at 12 instead of shooting randoms outside the front of the school and hardly killing anyone before you shoot yourself with your best friend

What's spelt wrong you fucking American twat?

You dumb motherfucker

No it's spelled correctly in ENGLISH mother fucker.

>Wipe finger prints off ammo when loading.
Just load the rounds in the mag with gloves you cuck.

I always had fantasies when I was in high school of doing a shooting in my math class. There were 3 or 4 extremely sexy girls in that class that would've made fantastic mothers of my children. I'd never see them grow up, but they were pro-life so I knew they'd be forced to give birth

Nice satanic dubs. Plus quit trolling in your shitty juvenile rage way.

Ayy lmao! nogunz hillary supporter cuck beta nu male detected

What, you're gonna do a school shooting with a fucking Springfield? Do you even know the fucking difference between a clip and a magazine? Or are you one of the fucks that just assumes you know what to do with guns because you play CoD and occasionally watch documentaries on military actions?

It's a good idea to tell at least 5 people about it before you do it. Just make sure to make them pinky swear not to tell anyone else.

Rape would make the mass shooting more original and infamous. Also imagine if they star copying it.

Don't do it if you thank about it is just a waist of ammo
Use like a timed bomb or something and kill as many as you can, but don't waist your ammo on a bunch of kids and teachersx trust me not worth it

I would say boobytraps. Shotgun boobytraps made out of 3/4 gas pipe and mouse traps use fishing line for effect invisible line of course. And theres always that good old ammonia gas you could use by all the exits. Obviously the guy getting the hi score shouldnt forget a gas mask and remember the route

>School shooting thread
Underage b&

rifling of the gun. they could also look in the registry for people who used the type of gun you used and who purchased ammo/guns recently among the people who go to that school. If anyone saw what car you used to get away with them they can use that information as well.

with a bomb vest you would be able to take down much more people

>Change of close

The kids would grow up, the other kids would learn how they came to be, the bastard sons of a school shooter turned infamous icon. They'd be bullied. They'd be pariahs. And then they'd be like dad, and the cycle continues

>hand grenades
>change of close

It was propane...

Lmao do r make a forchan bread about it

Ignoring your total lack of spelling capacity, why do you say it isn't worth it? We all die, one way or the other. Why not take some with you while you're in the prime of your life?


It was a 20lb propane bomb set for 11:15 when the cafeteria was at its fullest.

Ah but you are assuming that the person wants to die. You are also assuming the person gets legit guns.

buy lots of high capacity mags, use high end ammo, aim for the upper body. I read recently that when Dylan Roof shot up that church, there were 12 people, he shot 70 rounds but only killed 9. That's just poor workmanship. I also recommend using a heavy bullet. Whatever ammo you buy, whatever gun you us, make sure the load uses a heavy bullet.

Also raping 15yo girls at gun point sounds pretty hot.

honestly haven't looked into the super columbine bros in ages.

just top of my head knowledge, im very forgetful

OP here. I'm prepping now.


Post all of your personal info in this thread. That's step #1.

Like Nike. JUST DO IT!


I threatened to shoot up a school on here once. FBI came to my door the next day. bye bye faggot

True, but my whole point is just use a bomb, don't worry about wasting ammo and if you want to die than strap a bomb to your self and go in a mass group of people then, BOOM! There you go goal achieved.

>hydrogen bomb

Are you fucking retarded?

Remember to post your high score.

where you going
>pull fire alarm
>everyone in neat lines
>tear it up


Oohhh nice idea.

Extraction port looks weird. Might be fake

someone else will for us.

The news sites and channels

Are you claiming a hydrogen bomb would not be up to the task of blowing up shit at a school?


>no image search results besides car parts

Fuck you, small fry.
Defending a school shooter nigger is degenerate.

Lame. The nihilistic way is non discriminant. Any and everyone is a target, leave morals and who deserves it more to the Roofs and other fucking ideological lames

hand grenades

>an hero
make the world a better place op

Check out the photo's date as well.

How the fuck would an autistic teenager like op be able to create a hydrogen bomb?

You really wanted a response, so here's one

Nice airsoft gun. Expect to be visited by the FBI soon, sperglord.

Nah its not. Being so new is.

That one autist built a working nuclear fission reactor in his garage, I'm sure there's a tutorial out there on how to build a hydrogen bomb.

Also OP what state are you in? I wanna check the news later and see if you pussed out

Almost ready. Couldn't make pipe bombs or any bombs in time. Been planning for three months now and kinda put those off. Tomorrow morning those fuckers will be sorry.

Are you talking about Kaku?

If someone is actually gonna do it would it kill one of you faggots to be original? Guns are expensive and none of you retards can shoot worth a damn anyway. It'd be way cheaper and get more kills to just chain the doors shut and set the bitch on fire.

need upclose of gun/bullets
and where are you going to be going

Well done. Shoot a jock for me.

>faggot coat
God, OP. Just... Just use that gun on yourself and get it over with.

>been here since 2006

Also I don't care.

put me in screen cap if OP goes through with it

Oooooooh the edge


Here, have some proof that anyone can do anything and that you've probably fucked yourself by not already developing marketable skills


Well you must be pretty degenerate by now then yourself.

agreed theodore andrews was fucking here!!!!

2006 was when the normalfags invaded. Unless you're a goon or a gaiafag you're an eternal summerfag. Fucking candy ass.

dammit bobby

Please do it op, i need to hear something new for once on the news, for christs sake they are still covering Pulse Nightclub on the news, and with like blood or something write messages on the walls to make it more dramatic and shit

Don't do this OP, we'll listen and help you with whatever problems you have. Just don't do this.

>Nah its not. Being so new is.

take a look at the image you tard, old meme

seems you're the new guy here new friend

did it for

You aint doing shit. Now go to bed kiddo.

Agreed. I bet he's that paedophile Paul "DJ Paulo" Richards.

That gun looks pretty fake. You'd be not be trolling, OP.
If not, I expect to hear about you in the news tomorrow.

the fbi will actually give you some helpfull tips, try calling them

Yeah I guess I am, to be honest.
But in a totally different way to the faggot OP.
Unless he's going to yell pro shillary stuff before he does it, he's just a cunt.

This user actually got it!

No trenchcoat faggot, use a sports bag or it will be suspicious af

If I was to shoot up a school. I would do it during a Lock-in drill, so that no one would suspect someone to do it. Also destroy the generator and the WiFi so no-one could call for help. Lock the doors. Have the generator destroyed so no-one could see in the dark. Use small arms in class rooms and maybe a AR-15 cause it has a good fire-rate, also ammo is cheap. But before the shooting starts I would kill the officer on duty or subdue him so he is no threat to me. Am I missing anything?

Why would you post about this a DAY EARLY. Post only a few hours before you fucking idiot.

>kid is described as a young genius throughout the entire article
>anyone can do anything

That's just a lie parents tell their children after giving them participation trophies. Fuck off.

if we screencap this and send it to hillary she can put a stop to it


DO IT OP, YOU'RE my hero ( other than florida! Man ) /b needs you

tq was here