>inb4 beefheart
yeah i know him i love his music, but i want to know if there's some kind of "avantgarde son house" for example
Avant-garde delta blues?
Bill Orcutt
Jandek is my choice of poison personally
>Avant-garde delta blues?
What did he mean by this?
Presumably something pretentious
>something pretentious
What did he mean by this?
>avant-garde delta blues
kinda of redundant desu desu. a lot of those musicians were cutting edge in the 20s/30s
American Primitivism as a genre is pretty Avant Garde and fairly inspired by blues as well as other American folk. Maybe you should try John Fahey or Sandy Bull.
The Savage Young Taterbug is a folk artist who does some crazy tape stuff and often channels infernal gutteral blues ramblings. Maybe you should try the albums River Mortis or Syrupy Evenings.
No-Neck Blues Band
OP here, thanks for the recs anons