>Tyrion is found guilty in a trial by combat who's result is determined by the gods.
>Gods are real in GoT
>Everyone acts like he's innocent.
Explain yourselves.
>Tyrion is found guilty in a trial by combat who's result is determined by the gods.
>Gods are real in GoT
>Everyone acts like he's innocent.
Explain yourselves.
The result isn't determined by the gods. The trial by combat is just a human manufacture.
And what proof have you of that? Even if I accepted that the idea was formulated by humans, the gods will still pick the victor.
There is one god with seven aspects, represented by the faith of the seven.
There's also R'Hllor, the Many-Faced god, and the Old Gods.
Which god determined the result?
The only god is the R'hllor. The trial was in the eyes of the seven who do not exist.
There are no gods. There are greenseers which are simply men/children with powerful magic powers.
The Seven aren't real, it's just stupid Andal superstition.
Only the Red God and the Old Gods of the Forest are confirmed real.
why should they? theres no evidence the gods intervene except when they feel like it, and so far the red god is the only god shown to intervene at all
But he didn't poison Joffrey. Like, that's just a fact
What about the Drowned God?
The Seven quite obviously don't exist. There has never been even the slightest bit of evidence that they do.
Meanwhile followers of R'hllor are fucking swimming in hard evidence that their god is real, or at least that the power attributed to him is.
Why would anyone even follow any other religion? Doesn't actually make any sense.
Old Gods also have their share of physical evidence, but it comes more across like "just" magic without any higher beings pulling the strings.
The drowned god is a meme perpetuated by the ironborn who get brain damaged after being oxygen deprived.
Really ? You got butthurt when we told you that Tyrion didn't kill Joffrey to the point of making a fucking thread abut your stupid response to it ?
The drowned god has powers in the books, and it is believed among fans that the god is actually a thrall of The Great Other. Its not just a meme god like in the show.
Just because red priests practice pyromancy and shadow magic doesn't necessarily mean R'hllor exists.
>implying the gods are real
>implying they arent just using blood magic for literally everything
>implying azor ahai isnt just the story of discovery of blood sacrifice/magic to empower weapons
>implying targaryens didnt infuse blood magic in their genome to give them neato bullshit like purple eyes and mild heat resistance, starks wargs etc, trees n shit.
Because everyone knows it was bullshit anyways
Gods aren't real. They're tapping into magic which is reawakening.
>implying blood magic isn't just mutant superpowers from NUCLEAR WINTER
No, but things like the Azor Ahai prophecy seemingly coming true, visions in the fire and how miracles seem to be selectively granted according to some bigger plan make a good case for a higher power being behind it.
Could go both ways though.
The books aren't canon
Who acts like he's innocent?
here then the gods also determined that he would escape because he is truly innocent, that him being found guilty pushed him toward the journey he needed to be on even if he was innocent
Now eat shit and die while using your own internal logic to troll