Has Sup Forums ever gotten someone pregnant? How did it happen?

Has Sup Forums ever gotten someone pregnant? How did it happen?

I am curious and trying to gauge what I am in for.

Experiences/stories welcome

How did it happen xD I obviously stuck my dick into a chick and cummed all up in that pussy and she got pregnant.

lol why not just save up a jar of your jizz in your freezer, thaw the full jar then get a funnel and pour it all down her cunt and plug her holes to trap a good amount of your swimmers

Being in love does crazy things.

>my baby is 6 1/2 months now

i have a fetish of cumming in girls things, coffee, shampoo etc. I once was visiting my girlfriends college dorm, and i came in the soap cause i thought it'd be hot to have her 3 dorm-mates using that soap and not know whats in it. well i got one of her mates pregnant and the only reason i know is because the one who got pregnant was highly christian and still a vrigin, she even kept saying it throughout the pregnancy, i felt like an ass. but. her parents thought she was hosting some holy child. lmao.

>dont be a bitch, deliver your baby and cut the umbilical cord yourself

Love is a hell of a drug

got a fuck friend knocked up back when i was 19-20

she lost it one day by going to the toilet and it was there at the bottom after she was done

the other one is my best friend
got her pregnant twice

she aborted both times, it was a bit stressful.
says if I get her knocked up again shes keeping it the 3rd time

I never use condoms


yikes, sorry user.

Did either of them change physically during/after pregnancy?

I like swollen bellies

Pregnancy does shit to a woman's body, and not just the belly and big tits you see in the preggo threads.

Hormones go crazy, feet spread due to extra weight, stretch marks, she'll get uncomfortable and probably lazy as fuck, hemorrhoids... honestly it's kinda gross.

My girlfriend and I think she may be pregnant right now :o

yeah they both got bigger tits, they got more beautiful. it only lasted till they lost it so maybe 2 months.

Gross, pass me the cocaine instead

so hook her up to a breast pump and keep her suspended in a harness for 12 hours a day.
Also restrict her diet to milkshakes only with all necessary vitamins and other supplements mixed in

Interesting, maybe there is a way to keep the bigger tits after the fact

love her tits

Keep her breastfeeding or pumping milk... that's the only way to keep them enlarged. And the size will change with how full of milk they are.

This is usally a woman when pregnant:

First three months: puking, being extremely tired, pain

Three months after that: not so tired anymore, but loosing breath very fast, stairs are enemys (this kills the woman). Eating 5 times a day, but not full portions

Last three months: idk, have to wait how it works out

my girl never had issues with a bad mood whatsoever so i guess its very subjective to the person who's pregnant

yeah that sounds right, I wonder how large you can get em

Once, at least what she told me.

ive knocked my girl up twice
aborted both times
danger sex is just so enticing, but she's on BC now