How come they never fucked?
How come they never fucked?
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They literally did every episode.
That was literally the joke, their relationship is supposed to be mentor/trainee and father/dysfunctional daughter, they purposely never hooked up cuz that'd be disgusting.
Per Baldwin:
>Well, I think...they could never end up together you know? That's the way those shows were made. They're smart enough to know that it would be a bad idea. So they avoid it. They like each other, and it works perfectly, so long as you keep that aspect out of it. A lot of television shows are built around that, where you have people wondering and guessing when they're going to get together that way. And I'm not saying that always ruins everything, but it ruins it enough of the time to give you pause.
What were some of the best 30 rock lines?
> You can't have a Lemon party without old Dick
>wanting a lemon donaughy pairing
Full pleb
Nutless numale spotted
Did they crawl out of the same cunt?
Did they breastfeed from the same woman?
No? It's not disgusting. It's a man fucking a woman.
Uncalled for? Sure. Disgusting? No.
>Liz will never be your gf
Tracy's breakdown when he remembers what his childhood was like.
>It’s all coming back to me. Oh my God! I slept on an old dog bed stuffed with wigs! I watched a prostitute stab a clown! Our basketball hoop was a rib cage – a rib cage! Why did you bring me here? I blocked all this stuff out for a reason! Oh, Lord, some guy with dreads electrocuted my fish! All my life I’ve tried to forget the things I’ve seen: a crackhead breastfeeding a rat, a homeless man licking a Hot Pocket off the third rail of the G train! I’ve seen a blind guy bite a police horse! A puppy committed suicide after he saw our bathroom! I once bit into a burrito and there was a child’s shoe in it! I’ve seen a hooker eat a tire! A pack of wild dogs took over and successfully ran a Wendy’s! The sewer people stole my skateboard! The projects I lived in were named after Zachary Taylor, generally considered to be one of the worst presidents of all time! I once saw a baby give another baby a tattoo! They were very drunk!
>completely missing the point this hard
You're an idiot, headbutt a speeding bus and remove yourself from the gene pool.
Werewolf Bah Mitzvah, spooky scary, boys becoming men, men becoming wolves.
Who was the best guest character and why is it Dennis?
>A pack of wild dogs took over and successfully ran a Wendy’s!
Damn it, every time
>Hey Liz Lemon, can I Google myself in your office?
>A pack of wild dogs took over and successfully ran a Wendy’s!
they have this conversation in the episode where they had to stay at jacks moms house and sleep in a bed together and jacks mom was a lesbian in her later years.
>i fucking love this show and have watched the whole series once a year for the past ~4 years and i usually start around summer time but now i dont have netflix anymore ;(
Too many great ones
>New York gives us a tax break for employing sex offenders. It's a terrible program.
I loved the visual gags.
>Jack as a picture of himself with Kim Jong Il
>New York gives us a tax break for employing sex offenders
>mfw that's an actual real thing
My boss at the pizza place I worked at in high school asked me if I was a sex offender and he seemed sad when I said no. I was like dude I'm sixteen, I can still be sexually offended, not an offender.
>tfw no 30 Rock during Trump's election
Fuck this homo earth
One of my favorite tv comedic scenes. Wish there was vid of the actual show.
Kimmy Schmidt scratches my 30 Rock itch a little but it's nowhere near as good. Plus thirteen episodes a year what the fuck?
First season was GOAT. Second season was mostly meh with moments of slight lulz.
It's a shame because UKS has a terrible premise and the characters are all unlikable and it's on fucking cuckflix.
But you can still see it's the same writers behind it. I really think terminating 30 Rock was mistake. They could've easily gone for a few more seasons.
Remember when Jennifer Aniston was on the show and suggested they all have a threesome. Jack and Liz both seemed to think about it but Liz shut it down.
Liz Lemon is not for sexual
Also it doesn't make sense why any of the characters in Kimmy are that funny and constantly refercning celebrities. Whereas in 30 Rock it makes a lot of sense and doesn't feel forced at all.
It's the mental retards running NBC. The same people that fired Conan and brought back Leno canned 30 Rock and thought Outsourced and that show with Olivia Munn were good ideas.
It has it's moments.
>What do you call this place?
>Kimmy's Klubhouse with two K's
Are you sure? Because I feel they weren't smashing it in ratings and they still let the show go for 7 seasons.
Baldwin's salary probably factored in too.
The ratings weren't great but they were better than everything they tried replacing it with. Plus it does huge numbers on streaming services and won heaps of big awards.
HD camera was great
Didn't he say he wanted to do another season? I doubt he was a problem.
They should've kept it on for another few years. The show was funny as fuck and they could all kind of shit with it. UKS is up its own asshole due to lack of ideas. What's sad as well is Cuckflix is going to keep that shit for years and it's going to be painful for us 30 Rock fans to follow these retarded plots the show is going to throw our way.
During that scene where Jacqueline goes to the doctor, I couldn't help but imagine how much funnier it would've been with Leo Spaceman. It was just 30 Rock jokes stuck in a weird Netflix show.
Because the show has some god damn integrity
>Tracey taking food from the writers table while that diversity lady is there
>Lutz:Hey! You eat from your own table, remember? Our food is separate. Separate!
Tracy: I'll kill you, white devil!
Even as much of a raging misogyst I am, a Liz Lemon/Tina Fey in general type wife would be goat.
I've fapped to 30 rock.
Dr spaceman all day
But she never takes off her socks
>It's a Liz takes her shirt off and shows her bra episode
There's that.
I've also fapped to her in uks, where it seems like she more resemble herself, fey, than lemon.
When she was in the same car as kricowski or whatever , I almost cried. Seeing them in them same scene again even tho she writes both shows.
They need 23 of these per season
Wayched this ep earlier and was in tears at this. You know the last ones at the end credits were totally just Tracy improving lines. I want to see a forty minute version of that scene.
>a puppy committed suicide when he saw our bathroom
Gets me every time.
>Tracy acting out as he's coming to terms with the show ending and don't know why
Liz: Cause the brain is improperly connected to the heart. And you miss things even when you think you shouldn't.
Or something like that. I can't bring myself to watch the end. I've gone through the show thrice now and skip the series finale each time.
I always tear up when Liz has her last scene with Tracy because you can tell she is saying those things to the real guy and the tears are real. I love how even in recent interviews he talks about how much he loves Tina too. Apparently she is a really good person IRL.
>Tina Fey will NEVER be my mom
heh..just pull the trigger, kid.
>Tracy's post-accident interview
>Happy Holidays---
>Is what Terrorists say. Merry Christmas
>Apparently she is a really good person IRL.
Even as a self proclaimed feminist, Fey is the top .01% of women. She doesn't take herself too serious and even defended Leonardo D'capuccino about being a womanizer (which he is).
It literally tears my heart to pieces that they don't make them like her anymore and I'll never find one like her.
I love how Franco seems up for pretty much anything
Brian Williams
It was amazing how readily and easily he was prepared to make fun of himself and his network and it payed off
It seems like they had a lot of pull around NBC studio in general. From the Today show to Late show were on call.
>Do you know how to get to Connecticut?
Everything about this show was fantastic.
>I don't think that's a word
Also literally every scene between Jack and his mom.
>oh yeah, wanna see me shotgun this?
>oh god she means the pizza
>she's unhiging her jaw
Because if you step back and look at LL objectively you realize she's really a terrible person.
If she were a man she' be something like shallow hal etc.
Not knocking Tina Fey, who is a goddess.
Last season
Cops come for dr spaceman
> come with us.
>You've been appointed to surgeon general.
Its between Leo Spaceman and Donny, the head page IMO.
>Tracy, you're my best patient. You're bills have put me almost through medical school
Liz saying "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, NO ONE!" hit a little too close to home.
What accident?
Watching Kimmy on Late Night. Who knocked her up? Was she Blacked?
Kenneth had some of the best lines
>Donaghy: I can't have bedbugs. I went to Princeton.
>Kenneth: Sir, everyone can get them. Back in Stone Mountain, even the mayor had them, and she was a horse.
>I ate my father pig!
>Look at us laughing together, like a couple of Jews watching The Daily Show.
Tracy's lion Tangiers.
>why are you wearing a tux?
>it's after 6, what am i, a farmer?
>There were a lot of mine collapses in Stone Mountain. Both business and residential.
>I made you a stew. Instead of Union soldier meat, I just used potatoes.
His goofball smile after each line.
It made the Stone Mountain jokes even funnier when I found out Donald Glover is from there and was writing for the show pretty much shitting on his hometown.
He went the wrong direction cause stone mountain, ga is fuulllll of niggas. Not inbreds. I lived there once and the Wendy's on memorial drive always fucks up my orders.
Tracy's tour bus was hit by a Wal-Mart truck and I believe a friend of his died in the crash and he was seriously injured.
Yeah, they were on the road doing comedy gigs and the truck driver had been up for like two days or some shit.
>they were very drunk
The delivery in this line kills me every time
Because he can do way better
never have children
Tracy almost died too, he was in critical condition and has permanent brain damage, trouble speaking and walking
It also broke his ribs and his femur.
He didn't deserve this
You don't have any female friends, huh?
His dick was too big.
This. I work at a company that has a temp service to bring people in to do the more mundane work. They get money from NY state for hiring DSS people and parolees. Some of the folks are fun to work with and just trying to make a life for themselves. Most of them are there just to make sure they keep their welfare coming in.
They had Kenneth's high school reunion and everyone there was black
When 30 Rock ended, it was the death rattle for NBC's domination of Thursday nights.
That episode is so great. I thought about Sup Forums the whole time I was watching it.
you.. don't fuck your female friends?
or at least try to?
>liz lemon is wearing stockings
Time to fap!
He actually took a large pay cut to get S7 done and was willing to take another to keep the show going.
I thought of Sup Forums specifically during this episode.
>huge nerd
>lives with his mom
>oedipus complex
Frank is Sup Forums incarnate
Liz becoming an executive and becoming more successful than ever while doing nothing was great. Also Judah Friedlander becoming Liz due to the stress from work is a perfect B plot.
>"Did you know Janis Joplin speedwalked everywhere and was afraid of toilets?"
Certain ones, yes. But not all of them.
Are we all potentially lawyers too?
>The bullies at school couldn't decide what to call me so they settled for super virgin
I almost pissed myself at that the first time I heard it
well to be completely honest yeah, unless you're a crazy fucked you don't fuck every girl you befriend. But.. if you're single, she's single.. you're together some night.. i don't see why not
Sound Mound rocks the town.
Didn't they had a scene were they kissed or something?
I am completely and utterly convinced by this post.
This is a very authentic post that we have all just witnessed.
There are no false flags to be seen in this reply.
Quite a persuasive retort.
A compelling rejoinder.
I truly believe with all of my heart that a real human being, with genuine intentions and no hint of irony posted this message.
You have my gratitude for your honesty.
Thank you.
Bro i can honestly say the last episode is the PERFECT finale of any show that i've watched. They just end jokes rightly.
Tina Fey is so smug her asshole has the density of a neutron star.
>I had an erotic dream about an adult Dora the Explorer. I took her on a balcony in Madrid above the Plaza Mayor
>That's right! We know you ordered a porn version of Temple Grandin entitled 'Ten Poles Rammed In'.
>In order to save this network I have to destroy it, just like BP did, when they heroically tried to lubricate the Gulf of Mexico.
>I'm Jenna Maroni. I played Arts & Literature in the film adaptation of Trivial Pursuit.
Also, I remember laughing so loud during pic related that my dad thought I was maybe on the spectrum.
I'm glad the show ended when it did. Even when it wasn't really strong it was still pretty good. Its going to reach GOAT status in after 10+ years.
>Is this horseville because I am surrounded by neighsayers. Wordplay