Does Sup Forums think climate change is a hoax?

Does Sup Forums think climate change is a hoax?

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I heard some pretty convincing evidence once that the Earth goes through periods of heating and cooling and the heating we're experiencing now is just coincidentally in line with the development of the industrial revolution.

It isn't a hoax. However we do not effect it as much as we think we do. Ice ages happaned before humans.


we dun fuked ourselves.

Life is a chance, and we were not responsible

No. But what is causing it to change? Humans or something else. It could be sun spots, aliens, hand of a deity, parent earth or something else?

We will run out of crude oil in the near future, coal and gas in 150 years (give or take a bit) and we need to stop dumping our waste.

Stop using dead dinosaurs to fuel our economy. Use reliable renewables!

Recycle or at least store our waste until it can be re reused.

Instead we could just carry on and let future generations deal with it.

I think the crux is that it's happening at an unprecedented rate due to human activity. The world has been hotter and we are still coming up from the last ice age

Yes, the Earth is warming. It is very likely, at least in part, caused by humans. But projections on where it is going are bullshit, it is not of catastrophic, and fixing it does not appear possible or worth the cost on humanity.

nice dubs

The planet will carry on, however humans will need to adapt to the changing environment. Our food crops will have to change, the ice caps will melt and cause the oceans to rise - where will we live?

"Climate change" in the definition of both words happens everyday. Whether it snows one day or warm enough to melt the next, that is changing climates.

Now with that being said, what I think OP is trying to get at is; Is the greenhouse effect affecting the rate and severity at which our climate changes, sure it can and it is. Who is responsible? It's hard to say but in another 10-15 years I suspect we'll have a definite responsible party...

also, I believe anyone in industry or government who is pushing for reforms based on climate change have ulterior motives


Like industrial/shareholder and government motives?

We "build a wall!"

No but seriously we do build a wall or barrier to the sea. Cities like NY are kinda fucked unless they do this but it will have to happen if they wanna last in the long run

I think its undeniablely real. Statistics dont lie.

Prove climate change exists. It might. Who knows. You can't prove it though.

On this I agree with Trump 100%.

(and wtf, why do libs keep bringing up Russia, ffs TRUMP WON)

also - sidenote. YOU can't prove that the world's round, either (have you seen the 'planet' from space?). and you can't prove evolution. you can't disprove creationism.

More than 95% of climate scientists say that there is a climate change.

50% of climate scientists say that you cannot tell yet if climate change will have good or bad influence on humans.

The earth always went through periods of climate change, leftists and green people tend to overstate human influence on climate change.

But if human made climate change is real, the costs we have to face now to avoid negative influence on humanity are significantly lower than the costs we would have to face later when the climate has negative influence on us.

Turning Sup Forums into a cesspool; Get the fuck out of here. Your incessant trolling isn't funny or productive with my tax money anymore. Go get a job, welfare queen that jackoffs in mommys basement.

>YOU can't prove that the world's round, either
>what is the coriolis effect
>what is the eotvos effect
>what is a tall building
>what is high school physics
Are you underage, a retard, or both?

Doag, look at the moon, there is black round cut out.. thats the shadow of our plant... Moron

yes, yes, calling someone a troll and pointing to the moon proves it all.

brilliant debate.

naturally you can see why I'm pressing the issue.

> You can't prove this thing that's been proven.
> You can't prove this other thing that's been proven.
> You can't prove this other other thing that's been proven.

Did you fail grade school science class or are you just poorly trolling?

> You can't disprove this thing that hasn't been proven.

Oh, you're just a moron. Never mind. Go ahead and continue believing your bronze-age bullshit. Trump is the ideal president for a shit-kicker like you.

Oil largely comes from ancient sealife, not dinosaurs.

(YOU) can't disprove the Coriolis effect
(YOU) can't disprove the Eotvos effect
(YOU) need to CAPITALIZE some WORDS to fool yourself you're actually making a POINT

There is evidence so show that the Earth does go through heating and cooling periods, but there is no evidence to show that it can effect the climate this much or that this is one of those periods.

You can't disprove your penis isn't 1/2 inches long

I see you sir ain't got fucking clue what you on about, you brainwashed faggot

I believe the climate is changing. If you think about it, Earth is always changing, the climate always changed. I am not sure if mankind is to blame, What I know for sure is pollution sucks ass, so even if the environment fags are wrong, it doesn't matter. We should reduce pollution as much as possible.

Also, nothing humans make is green. It is all marketing bullshit.

nope it's true

Climate change is not a hoax. It's been going on for billions of years. It's called the fucking weather and that includes hundred year, thousand year, and ten thousand years cycles.
Humans have such a negligible affect on these cycles it's silly. Human conceit believes we can even destroy the Earth, not understanding our puniness.

Those terms rather apply to yourself if you do not post a refutal to the mentioned phenomena as soon as possible, dickhead

I live in siberia and we have now fucking 0 degrees celsius. I'm glad though.

Yes it's happening. But it was going to happen regardless, all we've done is speed it up.

Yeaah, more likely that the Earth destroys us!
I do think tho, that we should do everyting we can on producing eco friendly energy and reducing co2 emission etc..

If we reduce co2, that's less for the plants to breathe.

There is a co2 pollution, plants do not benefit from this high co2 level, also with all this co2 comes a lot of heat of which the plants are suffering from massively

Prove me wrong
>Protip you can't

Hahahah "I read some guys comment saying coriolis effect"

Said effect can be proven in 2D

Eotovos can be disproved by changing the way we look at gravity, flat earth supportrs often disprove this by saying that gravity as we are taught it isn't true and that the earth is just moving @ 9.8 m/s through space resultion in a "gravity" like effect caused by inertia.

Anyway, point is your argument isn't constructive, you probably don't know your shit. You p[robably never reasearched a counter argument outside of some fuckign comment section.

(I obviously don't believe in flat earth. Just pointing out that you don't actually sound smart)