I know this is old news and shit but I genuinely feel like giving my two cents in this and seeing what other anons...

I know this is old news and shit but I genuinely feel like giving my two cents in this and seeing what other anons think. I never fucking post but lets just hit this nail on the head. Why the fuck did celebrities in 2014 complain about leaked nudes? These people aren't individuals. They're not "people" like you or me, you know us shitheads browsing the internet. Their opinions are fashion statements, their personality is always a corporate brand. These "people" aren't real people. They don't have privacy, their opinions don't actually count except for the rare three who aren't corporate fleshlights. Why in the fucks name does ANYBODY care about the privacy feelings or opinions of people like J-law for example? Why does ANYBODY give a fuck? I genuinely want to fucking know. Why do they get special treatment? What's the fucking difference between me shitposting J-Law's nudes and you leaking your ex girlfriends photos? Why is one policed but the other is not? I would honestly argue that a celebrity has LESS rights to individual privacy and such than someone like even you, or worse myself.

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The TL;DR is in the fucking picture.

i am the kaos. i am the almighty. i have returned from my slumber because you have summoned me. i put all of you on notice. my power is reaching out to you. you cannot escape. your age is at an end. mine is just beginning.

same reason that when they die it's on the news and when you die I won't know.

What? Stay on topic. Why the fuck does anybody care about celebrity opinion?

They're just people going to work and doing their job for 14 hours a day.

Either you want them to shut the fuck up and stay out of public discourse, or you want them to be more than individuals and think they deserve no basic common decency everyone else on earth expects. Decide, faggot.

Then realize no one gives a fuck what you decided either.

Whatever, tardbaby. Your topic sucks and is stupid, I'll talk about whatever the fuck I want.

Your point would be valid if these people weren't raised to be nothing more than brand names from childhood. Emma Watson for example.

Nobody cares about celebrity opinion. You are just more likely to get caught posting their stolen nudes. Posting your gf is still illegal, just the chances of the agreived party finding out are lower. That is, unless your Sup Forumsrothers find her fb through reverse image search - then you go to jail while we laugh.

Fuckin faggot OP spent so much time and emotion on something he doesn't even comprehend, what an embarrassing display of ignorant conviction

Are you completely blind to the concept of popularity OP?

There should be an intelligence test before you're allowed on the internet what the fuck.

Good point. That does make more sense in that point of view. I'm just irritated with these creatures speaking as if they know jack shit. You know exactly how uneducated a majority of these things are because of the shit that comes out of their face holes.

Questioning the intelligence of somebody for daring to strike up conversation to help better inform themselves only serves to prove your own belligerent blindness to intellectual platforms let alone how they function.

1) Their phones/email got hacked so the natural reaction is to fight this because it's likely to become the norm otherwise.
2) In order to get control of their pictures on the internet they had to file petitions for the copyright on their own nudes and then submit copyright infringement notices to sites that host them, and that's just obviously a ridiculous workaround to get the sort of protection any reasonable person would expect to exist in more straightforward ways.

I'm not saying I care what celebrities think nor am I saying I support taking their nudes off of the internet. Rather, I am saying that I don't have to care what they think nor support them myself in order to understand why there exist people who are willing to fight for their rights.


>Implying you or any of your idiotic friends know jack shit either.

Doesn't stop you, does it...

I can see exactly where you're coming from with that. Yeah, it makes sense but at the same time it fucking doesn't. All in all what gets under my skin is that the public eye and society pays more attention to these fucking half sentient mannequins and completely ignores the exact same struggles and situations coming from real people with actual lives.

Nice comeback. Took you a while. How's preschool?

This is what you have? This? Of all the horrendous shit going on on this planet, this, is what you are outraged about?

You're 8, tops.

What kind of retarded response is that? Do you think this is some sort of amicable casual conversation on reddit?

You sperged the fuck out, full 9 yards of teen angst solidified in form of Sup Forums shitposting and you want to try and sit on some sort of intellectual pedestal?

That's because your shit life inspires no one and achieves nothing of lasting significance.

I realized about three years ago that most news is shit because they make stories around what a dumbass celeb thinks as if it's irrelevant followed by them intensely following some random child abuse case of which there are thousands not followed. Then they will get a bunch of experts to respond to an out of context quote, followed by unwarranted speculation about something that hasn't actual happened yet.

These are probably more symptoms of complete lack of editing in the 24/7 news cycle and celeb opinion quoting is just one of many time fillers they use. That and the viewing public is just as dumb as the arrogant journalist who think what they're doing actually matters.

My solution is to not consume news that does this sort of thing. There are still a lot of news pubs that don't and common among them is they publish weekly and have time to go through editing and sanity checks.


Your problem seems to be that you dislike celebrities being upset about anything, regardless of whether it's an invasion of privacy or not. The other user is right, it's pretty easy to see why they'd be upset about their phones being hacked and then having to go through obnoxious loopholes to get them taken down. No one is saying this is a thing only celebrities should give a shit about, and other people who are hacked similarly care about their shit being made private.

Also OP, you seem to be the last person on earth who actually cares about the leaked nudes in 2014. Maybe you ought to get over it.

Sounds like a good answer to me. Journalism is shit, so it probably is their fault in the first place, not the plastic toys who think they're people.

I'm sorry, but are you saying that you're upset about their privilege? You know that's a popular trend these days.

In all seriousness, it is a real problem. I remember some time ago reading about some medical researchers who were complaining about not being able to get funding. They pointed out that this wouldn't be an issue at all if a celebrity or politician's relative got hit with the disease. To me that sounds totally crazy for a modern society, but I believe them in their assertion.

This is exactly my bone and why I'm picking it. It's disgusting.

Okay now I have time for a legitimate response to this. So do you remember the times when this place fucked with public opinion by faking all of this shit? Can you name one time when it did not happen by manipulating celebrities? When have these fucking pieces of trash ever spoken up about real issues that effect millions rather than just dolling up something like an african charity for good PR? When has a celebrity ever spoken about something that really counts for EVERYONE outside of the two celebrities which aren't corporate fleshlights made of solid gold and unobtainium? Seriously. Name one time they've spoken about anything serious like funding legitimate research into legitimate causes? When have any of these people pushed for the public to do something that doesn't benifit themselves in some way?

You faggots are overthinking things and doing mental gymnastics to make sense of it

The question should be of influence, OP legitimately cannot conceptualize popularity though why even post in this thread?

Then go browse YLYL you fucking retard.

Are you brave or stupid? Stop embarrassing yourself

You're implying you don't want to be here yet you're forcing yourself to be here to try and convince or force others to not be or not want to be here. You're wasting your fucking time. Leave. Go do something else. Leave us to our devices. Go jerk off to a furry thread. Who gives a fuck what suits your fancy. Just stop imposing your own opinion of worth onto this conversation and get the fuck out you god damned newfag.

Jesus Christ, back with the mental gymnastics to justify your ignorant self righteous agenda

You can't even form a complete thought, get the fuck off the internet and read a book

ITT: a pretentious pseudo intellectual spergs out over criticism

pic related

Roman Circus newfag, keep the plebs busy and distracted while government and corporate jews steal everything under their noses.

Hey OP. You know how when a post gets like 6 replies its bound to grab peoples attention even though the post fucking sucks dick? And how that post may generate even MORE replies just because people see a bunch of blue numbers? Well being a celebrity is a lot like that. They are only popular because bandwagoning retards think other retards opinions are valid. Since they can't think for themselves, of course they latch on to kim kardashians latest pointless life event like sucking milk from a teet because they literally cannot think for themselves. It's a bunch of retards jerking each other off, OP. Which would be fine, but they are getting rich off it while us normal people are getting poorer (and stupider) from their garbage, which I think is your main source of jimmy-rustling. I take comfort in the fact that money is completely artificial and people who abuse it are probably talentless, scummy, uneducated, unfulfilled, peices of shit.

Imagine being famous and knowing that you aren't talented, smart, and undeserving...it would be very scary to keep up the facade.

I'm so happy right now

Sup Forums did manage to prove the absurdity of 24/7 news cycle by knowing exactly how to manipulate it. I always thought this when doing it. It wasn't just for the lulz at the time, it was pricing how unreliable the self described reliable sources of info was. If a handful of user nobodies could get them to repeat nonsense, it's proof nobody should ever listen to these people. And yet the public continues to watch.

Why am i saying this? Because we are powerless to stop this trend. The only thing we can do is quit giving a fuck by not consuming trash news. Ironically if we did this, the problem would go away but we wouldn't give a fuck anyway so what's the point.

Nobody actually cares. People are just pretending to care. In their heart of hearts, they secretly think Jlaw is a fucking moron for even having nudes, that if she wasn't a colossal slut she wouldn't have this problem, and that she should cry a river then dry her tears with her stacks of cash. People just don't talk that way in public because it would make them look like a misogynist. It's the same as why you (hopefully) don't call people niggers in real life.

Sounds about right, to be honest.