everyone point and laugh
He'll never get to make his Batgirl movie now. It's not funny.
>tfw you realize Refn isnt a genius, but just some autistic hack who got lucky with drive
>Thinks he can have an opinion about Refn
>never seen the Pusher series
fucking pleb
No one was ever going to make a Batgirl movie.
Here is the only place I see people talking about this shit. And its probably because they are as autistic as the director
people not on the autism spectrum make worthless art
I really don't think a thread mocking the film's box office take would qualify as "talking" about it. I guarantee no one in this thread has even seen it.
drive is his worst movie. go watch batman vs superman again.
most people are thankless, stupid peasants, news at 11
>film with limited release doesn't make that much money
It was a limited release in like 4 cities. Its on Amazon you dumb nigger
They were expecting AT LEAST $2-3 million. It didn't even make $500,000 it's opening weekend.
With Foreign it's 1.8 million
>drive is his worst movie.
no it isnt tryhard newfag. Go watch this literally who flop and pretend to like it
>every single movie he made was good until OGF and TND
Did OGF shake his confidence or does he just not care anymore?
>France box office more than the entire US domestic total
French confirmed worst taste.
nobody can top China in bad taste.
so what? do popular means good now?
what happened to Sup Forums?
Why do you care?
Looks like every member of the autistic population of the United States went.
saw an early screening, liked it but i think a second watch is deserved
will probably watch it again Monday when I have to head downtown to pick up my certificate of unemployment (B.Sc)
no, just to the types of plebs who hated this film
canadafag here. surprised this was playing in a theatre at a mall. great watch. dead theatre, myself and some friends brought some booze.
I don't get it. Why is the turnout for this movie so low?
Does the aesthetics confuse normal people? Are men embarrassed to go themselves, or to ask their normal girlfriends to go with them? Is it the low Rotten Tomato ratings? Are the only people who go to see movies in large numbers capeshit fans?
>Expecting a Refn film to do good in theaters
Are you fucking retarded? It's not even in most theaters.
No. Drive was an accesible movie for wide audiences giving it success. Refn is making "art" so he isn't trying to bring in the audiences with his brilliance. Pleb who has probably seen two Refn flicks, please leave.
Yeah, there are a handful of directors who just make movies that they like, success be damned.
They know that they'll usually make a little profit or break even.
Exactly. I saw the movie, didn't exactly love, though I knew Refn probably loves what he does. Also, the first thought that came to my mind was this would be a total bomb.
Wouldn't surprise me if autism attracts like minds.
Love the film, 5 stars no question.
In guessing men aren't seeing it because it's about models and the fashion industry, women aren't seeing it because it's "weird".
A lot of artists I know went and saw it too (and artists aren't autisic - artistic ability comes from a condition that's actually kind of the opposite of autism). A handful of them are famous ones, too. I've said it elsewhere, but I think the only people who've gone to see this are artists and Sup Forums.
Yeah, except I think said men secretly want to see it because most of them probably kind of subconsciously have noticed Elle on their radar, but they're such normals they're uncomfortable with even the thought of being seen buying tickets to an Elle Fanning movie.
It's an okay movie.
The runway scene was perfect.
>Go see The Neon Demon on a Wednesday morning
>Still a fucking negro is talking in the back row (not shrieking obnoxiously, just talking to himself but still not trying to be quiet. I was in the front and he was in the back and I could hear him)
>"Shiet man she don wan it like that, got dam" When Ruby and Jessie are arguing before/during the rape
drive had a horrible premiere tho. people went in expecting fast and the furious and got neo noir. it wasn't until it was on netflix that it took off and found its audience
Also true, I agree. It's a shame.
It's also a shame they didn't show her naked. It wouldn't have been forced at all, it was part of the plot that Photographer Quinn had her strip naked for him. It was visually awkward NOT seeing her naked since they had to just shoot her head after filming longer shots of her alone in that big white room up to the time she takes off her underwear. Naked Jessie in front of that big white backdrop would be quite the shot.
Nicholas Winding Refn is an artist, not a merchant.
On first watch, the narrative felt rushed in places. Would've liked another 20-30 minutes. Had some really wonderful moments, though, and my eyeballs (and earballs) were BTFO in all the right ways. Want to watch it again, but today was the last day in any nearby theaters.
Two people in the theater at a massive mall, btw.
Isn't it illegal to portray characters under 18 nude in US films, even if the actual actors are of age?
Are you fucking serious?
So you think that it should be illegal to so much as utter the words "that nude person is underaged"?
I believe it actually counts towards artistic freedom and therefore not illegal.
American Beauty is the only example I can really think of where it was used though.
If it were illegal for a person over the age of 18 to portray a person under the age of 18 in the nude is essentially thought policing. Its to say that the very concept should be outlawed.
You're thinking of Australia
>white movies bombing left and right
>soon the age of Idris Elba movies will be upon us
I can't wait
lmao what a pleb
but dont forget drawings of naked kids are illegal
Well, actually so many of the bad reviews are on the basis of it being 'misogynistic', as if, even if that can be measured, would have any bearing on the artistic or entertainment value of a film
She was 16 at the time of filming.
I'm sure they could have pulled it off. But I don't blame even Big Dick Nick for shying away from that circus.
These two movies came out at the same time:
Swiss Army Man
$114,000 in 3 theaters; PTA (per theater average): $38,000
The Neon Demon
$606,594 in 783 theaters; PTA (per theater average): $775
Even with a limited release, it's absolutely bombing.
Jesus Christ
I know this movie gets plugged a lot here, but no one in the real world actually gives a shit.
>Swiss Army Man
This looks so fucking awful.
hey it'll make prolly a mill domestically at least, which is more than OGF. OGF also make $10 mil worldwide on a 4mil budget, so this movie will make it's money back easily from Europe.
if not, well hey it wouldn't be the first, second, or last time Refn bankrupted himself of funds and came back.
I missed it, it was on one shitty screen in the sole multiplex in my shitty little city, and I missed it. It was on for just a few weeks, and it's just gone without a trace.
>Sep 27, 2016 (3 Months)
the wait is painnnnn
Swiss Army Man has Paul "Classic" Dano, Hairy "Horsefucker" Pothead and is one extended fart joke. Of course it's gonna sell tickets.
And it has MEW too. MEW!
I guess I have no excuse but to go see it.
What happened to him supposedly directing a remake is Maniac Cop?
Shut it pleb
I've never seen trailers for this. What's it about?
>inb4 gaggle
The movie is already making it apparent that it's a new cult classic.
Refn is pretty based.
He'll do it for even less then the original
Shitty fucking movie
Much better thread about this movie.
Anons even ran into the director tonight
OP is a fag.
Would love if he'll do some concrete pleb friendlier stuff like Pusher and Drive again. It's Lynch on Valium now, with the look of a hollow high fashion advertisement.
I browse Sup Forums daily and I barely knew this movie existed. Did people expect it to make money?
Drive is just a rip off of The Driver, fagola