Any Sup Forumsro's from Colorado?

Any Sup Forumsro's from Colorado?

>I'm planning on moving to the U.S next year, to work in the medical marijuana industry starting out as an entry level trimmer or something similar.
>I need to establish residency in Colorado by getting my Colorado drivers license then I need to apply for a MED support badge.

My question is, have any of you been through this process? Either in Colorado or other states. It'd be great to hear from anyone, especially someone that has done it on a working visa from another county.

Thanks Sup Forumsro's

Bump with tits

>>I'm planning on moving to the U.S next year, to work in the medical marijuana industry starting out as an entry level trimmer or something similar.

This is one of the more ridiculous plans I've ever heard of. But out of curiousity, what country are you coming from?

What's so ridiculous about his plan? You can make decent money and have a solid career once recreational use takes off nation wide

This. My step sister works in the industry out in CO but she's an American with a degree in this shit

>What's so ridiculous about his plan?
1. First of all, no weed grower is going to sponsor someone's work visa for "entry level trimmer". And if he gets a visa for something else and wants to work on the side? No legit weed grower is going to hire someone illegally. And that brings us to #2:
2. "entry level trimmer"? Really? Do you think the American job market is so busy that growers can't find people to do this? You might instead look at "field worker" or "night shift janitor" as more likely openings.

I've made a lot more ridiculous plans work, this is actually very straight forward. To answer your question I'm from Australia, our country has just passed legislation for legal growing but it's going to be a few years before little guys like me are really eligible to get our shot. So in the mean time I'm going to check out how it's done in The States. Also I want to travel your coasts and spend a summer in South America, so it's a plan that consists of a few different goals.

OP here, the pessimistic attitude of some people really does astound me at times. In 24 hours I've contacted 4 different companies/agencies getting a reply from each, each with an offer of an entry level position if I have all the required documents/licenses, I've researched what/how to meet these requirements, applied for a working visa (which for your information you do not need a sponsor).

Turning thoughts into plans and plans into reality is how determined people get things done.

>moving to US
>to become a drug dealer

Welcome, but why not deal in actually good drugs instead. We have a severe shortage of reliable coke dealers, and meth... I don't think there is any such thing as a reliable one. You could become a punctual dealer. That'd be your hook: I'll meet you when the fuck I say I will, and not eight hours later.

Fuck these people. If you wanna do it, fucking do it. Loses don't wanna see people win. They wanna see winners fail, so they feel better about themselves.

I live in Denver, and it's nothing but opportunity here for someone who wants to work hard. End of story.

See my above post.

Also working in the industry isn't drug dealing.
There are plenty of good reliable coke dealers all over your country, educate yourself on the darknet.

>In 24 hours I've contacted 4 different companies/agencies getting a reply from each, each with an offer of an entry level position if I have all the required documents/licenses,
> if I have all the required documents/licenses,
> if

That's like saying you have an offer as a starting quarterback if you have the proper skills/ability.

If you're so good at turning plans into reality than do it in your own country.

>but it's going to be a few years before little guys like me are really eligible to get our shot.
"Turning thoughts into plans and plans into reality is how determined people get things done."

Go to California don't come to Colorado you are not wanted here

Thanks man, it's good to see someone with this attitude. What's Denver like and what do you do there for work and recreation?

Can I come to your house?

OP here, funny you should say that, my fall back plan was to be a quarterback.The people I contacted said as long as I have the required documents/licenses I'm in with a chance.

You could also consider moving to some place in Canada. Probably either Toronto, Montreal (if you don't speak french, don't bother) or Vancouver. The Liberal government wants to legalize fairly soon (within 2 years) and independent stores are popping up like crazy. The wave is just starting here cause everyone is getting prepared; i can only speak for Toronto.. but ya it's ridiculous how big this is gonna be.

im guessing this faggot is a transplant as well
honestly how many places did you consider?
you know a bunch of other states just legalized weed?
the tiny roads we have been using for years cannot handle the high volume of californian traffic that is flowing in
they come like a radioactive tsunami
you will be stuck in traffic constantly and you wont be able to afford rent which seems to go up each month.
if you want my advice, go to humboldt county, california and ve a bud trimmer.
you get loads of free weed and a lot of money.
if you dont like that, go somewhere else. dont come here.

I'd be concerned with the new Attorney General
nomine, Jeff Sessions, who is very much anti pot.
>might enforce Federal pot laws

oh fuck you. im sure you love it here. i hope you choke on the smog you have created.

I don't really understand your first line?
I've only been researching the last 24 hours so not that many, I was just going with Colorado because that's where the most solid offer I got was.
Thanks for the advice on Humboldt country, I'll check it out.
Honest question, why do people from Colorado hate tourists so much?

Are you interested in botany or something? It's honestly not a terrible idea, though I'm honestly a little ashamed that our prospects for stimulating the economy is to get baked. I don't smoke often enough to really get into the weed culture, and I want to see all the pissed off jobless people actually get to work again, I just hoped it would be manufacturing/escorting solar panels or something a little less surreal.

Anyway, what's your long term goal? Do you want land (we still have a lot) to try and farm? Do you want to get into the dispensary business? Saying you want to be an entry level trimmer or mail dude or janitor or whatever is fine, but making a career out of it is why the tards are getting riled up.

Here's a really good idea, OP: Go fuck yourself. We don't want you here. Colorado is NOT the only state in the U.S. that allows medical/recreational. Seriously, OP, you're a fucking tool.

Because people are moving here to be a part of the r/mmj have driven up the cost of living so badly. My rent for a 2br 1ba apartment in suburban Denver was nearly $1500/mo. Not only that, there are now a half million extra assholes on the road now from California and Texas who panic at the sight of snow.

The fact that literally EVERYONE and their grandma moved to CO for the weed is stupid. There are plenty of other states out there that allow REC/MED use of weed now... what people should be doing is actually trying to make REC/MED weed legal where they live, so no one has to move anywhere.

we dont hate tourists, we hate people who move here from california or texas or really anywhere seemingly without having a solid plan or any knowledge of the lifestyle here.
mostly because this year in colorado has seen such radical change. we are watching the foundation of our life become weak from termites. people come with no respect for this place and its getting trashed. the natives hate to protect the beauty of their land.

People also like to come to CO to snowboard and pretty much fucking trash the mountains and everything that's beautiful here.


Exactly this. My family has been here longer than colorado has been a state. It's heartbreaking to see.

Wow I didnt think Sup Forums could be so hateful and useless.

>come to Sup Forums
>expect love and generocity
you fucking eternal newfag
tl;dr of this thread, OP, fuck off. we're full.

I've been a horticulturist for the past 10 years, I started my own business 4 years ago with $25k and profited 125k last year. Not huge money, but exponential none the less. My long term goal is to start growing legally in Australia once it's actually realistic to obtain a license and expand.

Why are you ashamed? Don't you think it's surreal that alcohol is taxed, as well as cigarettes, as well as pharmaceutical drugs?

Marijuana grown properly is less dangerous physically than the aforementioned, as for it's affects mentally I believe it's different to the individual. I personally do not use it.

I don't understand the hate from the locals. Not everyone moved here from cali or Texas trying to 420 blaze it.

I could write a paper on why I moved here, but all it would add up to is I like whats going on here. Some of us transplants give, not just take, so fuck you and everyone like you.

American here, just be aware, EVERYBODY is trying to do what you're doing. I know so many friends who've moved out to CO. Its a fucking magnet for wide eyed young people with naught but the clothes on their back and a dream. Tricky to find jobs, trickier to find a decent place to stay and even if you manage to it will be EXPENSIVE.

That said, I did just visit CO recently and I get it, the place lives up to the hype. The weather is agreeable, the nature is incredible, the amount of shit going on in Denver is fucking sweet and obviously pot shops with high grade weed and the best extracts in the world never hurts.

OP here, I understand this, I really do. I grew up in a small town with a really nice river and bushlands, it was beautiful. But on school holidays families from cities would flood the town with their speed boats/motor bikes and general disrespect of our quite way of life. I get why you fucking hate it, I would too. Can I come if I call every person that's not from Colorado an asshole and learn all about the history of your state? I'm a respectful person.

Seriously moving to CO this late in the game is a mistake. Pick a different legal state

oh yeah im sure youre a real go getter, op. i bet you just spend your days making deals and creating opportunities left and right, dont you? absolutely no way youre working a low level job that could go to anyone so that you can barely afford rent in your retarded apartment made just for stupid people like you...
maybe I should take a step back. im sorry to be this judgemental. tell me about your situation. maybe you can open my eyes.


Fuck off dont come to colorado theres u other states you can go to and do the same thing. All you liberal stoners are turning this place into another expensive hell hole like california

its tragic, man. dont let yourself get bitter.

Only if you're respectful - people be like "hurr durr, lets go hiking" as they spray paint national parks... smh.

what's so special about weed other than being able to watch Apatow movies?

I dunno, I can't really explain why it bothers me. There's absolutely nothing wrong with smoking weed or growing it or selling it in my mind, and I've smoked enough of it to recognize the absurd stigma that people have toward it.

Alcohol, cigarettes, and pill taxation were established before I was born, so it's always been there. But hey man, good luck in your venture and I hope it makes you happy.

Weed is a beautiful flower that smells and tastes and looks heavenly. Sometimes when I'm looking at an especially gorgeous bud I don't even want to smoke it because it just looks so fine. The high is nice and there isn't much drawback to it at all. No hangovers, no liver damage, just a nice easy high that comes as easy as it goes. Weed never hurt anyone, all it's here for is to make us happy. I love weed.

Extracts are really cool too, but more intense. If weed is like that cool as fuck chick you're best friends with and would like to marry one day, extracts are her hot 10/10 sister who is way out of your league.

try heroin bro