ITT: post your military rekt photos/GIF's/webm's

ITT: post your military rekt photos/GIF's/webm's

Why just military?

they are more justified

and more interesting

Well, go ahead and post something then


How is that picture rekt? Looks like the guy on the ground is having a blast.

>merely pretending

lmao, he has a hole in his head

What happened? I mean, it looks like he blew up or something, but the skin overall doesn't look that shredded or burned.

executed by ISIS. Idk how, don't habe a vid


They're both smiling. The soldier prolly cracked a joke and the guy just couldn't handle it and is rolling on the floor laughing.

It looks fucked up. They removed all the guts somehow.

Souldn't the thought bubble go to his head?

I have never thought of that...



Come on people, post something



what a lazy fuck

WHats happening in this?


crack ripped like can of meat


What? Why?


Guy got hit by a bull while running away for bull. There are more pictures, but I just don't have them. I guess you could find them with google image search.

Cheese pizza

My sides

kek was about to post that

I puked a little...

what's falling from the thing parked on the left?

looks like they're contractor bags

makes me feel bad

Lol. Fuck the police.

A bull chased that guy down the street, causing him to drop his freshly baked pizza pie