I dont tip

i dont tip.

here are a few reasons why.
1. if the server dosent like how much money they make. get another fucking job. stop being a sheep and grow a spine. quit and do better.

2. corporations that pay their employees 2 dollars an hour and expect customers to pay the rest are assholes. again if servers found better jobs, these corporations wouldnt be taking advantage of people so much.

3. people that say " I WORKED AS A SERVER FOR 5 YEARS, ALL PEOPLE SHOULD TIP" go fuck yourself. you were a worthless loser for 5 years with no ambition. placing the blame on the customer is a cop out.




I don't tip because i don't have to. I also try to make the waitress/waiter job a living hell by making a mess, ordering a lot of stuff, and throwing stuff on the floor when they're not looking LMAO



i serve tables to pay for college. No loans, no government aid, some of us have ambition asshole.

le dubz

have fun with ball dipped soda.

i tip 15% but I also basically never go out to eat.

its not my job to make sure you make a living wage.

> I'm a cheap, passive aggressive faggot who would never tell this to a waiter for fear of getting a tray jack shoved up my ass. In reality, I don't make enough money to eat out but I have no life skills, like cooking, so I'm forced to and tipping is definitely out of the question... That's waifu pillow money.

>corporations that pay their employees 2 dollars an hour and expect customers to pay the rest are assholes.

Then why are you paying them?

i tip 100 percent. but only when i tip. and i never tip.

I tip, but not fucking 20%.

How about this: we get rid of the tipped minimum wage and just make all servers straight minimum wage. No more $2.13 an hour.

Why you never hear servers clamoring for this? Because they *always* average out more per year with tips than they would with minimum wage.

we found the upset denny's waiter folks. or waitress. who knows.

>fuck blaming the company that pays me nothing
>pass the blame to the consumer
>we were kangz


I have never understood why people feel they should be given extra money for doing something they're paid to do in the first place.

My name is op and people spit in my food

theyre assholes to their employees. complete suck ups that will remake my steak every time to me.

Why the fuck would anyone volunteer to pay more for their meal aftwr already paying for it?

Americans are so weird.

negro, if you think im scared of my hot waitresses spit. you havent seen me eat ass

It's essentially voluntary welfare paid to those whose jobs are so simple they can be replaced in an afternoon.

Came back from EU. Those motherfuckers wanted to blow me for leaving 20%.

Hi, my name is Johnny and I don't tip. I don't tip because I live in Scandinavia. In Scandinavia waiters make 20 bucks an hour. I Scandinavia, everything is great. In Scandinavia, my university course in a useless humanities degree is not just free, the state pays me a thousand dollars a month to do it. I Scandinavia the skies are blue. In Scandinavia, the hair is fair and light. In Scandinavia I vote for right wing extremists. In Scandinavia, muslims are coming. Muslims don't have blue eyes. Muslims are taking away my liberal arts money. Muslims are taking away my tolerance. I Scandinavia everything is fun and sweet.
I'm Johnny.

I only read you don't tip. Dude bitch move if you go to the same joint without tipping. If you do you're also eating snot/piss/spit/dirt/shit/. I'm poor as fuck and still tip. You're being served you're not cooking and cleaning and bringing the food to your table you're paying somebody else to do that for you. Fuck off fag

Former waiter. Senior sys engineer. Nice try, though, faggot.

For the record, I tip based on service, ranging from 0 to the socially acceptable 18%.

Cheap, penniless shitbags like you oughtta be forced to wear a gold star on all your clothing and get auto-charged 35% gratuity on your orders just for showing your faces in polite society.

Fun fact: by federal law if a tipped employee does not make enough in tips plus the 2.13 to equal the federal minimum wage then the employee must make up the difference. Servers are just greedy entiled fuck sticks and never bring that part of the law up

Why though? Why should others be responsible for you making up the minimum wage? I don't know how it works in America, but I gather you do have a minimum wage, and that to not be paid that is illegal? Why is it other people's responsibility to top your wage up to the legal limit because your employer won't?

youre poor AND you tip? you must be a MONUMENTAL RETARD. no ambition AND youre spending your money like a moron.

how ANYONE can still be poor in this day and age is beyond me.

i have hundreds of thousands of dollars. and i still dont tip. not because im an asshole. but because i have self respect.

10 bucks says youd back down from a real life fight. pussay.

kill yourself immediately.

1.) Use punctuation you stupid nigger, nobody wants to read a raw stream of your retarded consciousness.

2.) If you're poor, nobody really cares about what you think.

3.) We don't tip cooks, and typically don't tip busboys, so we're tipping the people who write down our order and bring us food. I can get that shit with a touchscreen and a conveyor belt and it would be the same "ambiance" everywhere except a place upscale enough to have a sommelier.

Ok faggots, listen up to an oldfag with money to dine out, has worked as a waiter and knows what the fuck they're talking about.
You prissy little non tipping faggots need to eat smegma. If you don't want to tip, don't dine out. Get it to go and eat in your parent's basement and shitpost on 4 Chan you miserable fucks.
If you dine out you tip 10% because some poor fuck has to deal with your retardation. You tip more depending on service, or, you know, because you aren't a screeching autist saying your tendies need to be cut diagonally because you got 5 gbp.
Christ, this no tip meme needs to die, you cringy edgy fuckstains.

Tl;dr- if you don't tip, don't dine in. Fuckers.

Employer must make up the difference rather

why the fuck are you eating at a restaurant often enough to think they'll notice if you don't tip when you're poor. You my friend are fucking stupid.

I usually leave a good tip.

I'm a not a waiter or anything but I take people on guided river trips and usually tips help me out a lot

>if you don't tip, don't dine in

I think you mean dine out, mister fancy oldfag who enjoys getting backdoored by big angry niggers.

Jews actually tip really well

If you're going out to restaurants to eat you can spare a couple bucks. OP's just a hooknose.

it happened once in history and now everyone thinks it's tradition because there's no other way.

The wrong way to not tip is to not say anything about it if it gets brought up. The right way to not tip is to jump down the restaurant owner's or manager's throat if a waiter/waitress mentions that they need tips for any reason at all. Bonus points for making it bloody while you're there.

In a wealthy country, you show your appreciation for good service by tossing the guy who did all the leg work a few extra bucks. This is evened out by having a separate min wage of $2.13.

All trolling and shitposting aside, it's really mainly a cultural thing and admittedly made more sense when the US was... Wealthier, as a whole.

>be OP
>grows up in poverty white trash trailer park
>pops drank a lot, beat my fatass mom, fondled my asshole
>still poor
>eats steak with pieces of shit smeared on the top
>drinks penis dipped water
>floor spice makes everything nice
>"I don't tip and I'm stupid enough to go back to the same restaurants, where the waiters definitely know they are clear to fuck with my food."
>fucking asshole corporations

It pretty much is if you're it out you shifty eyed heeb

This faggot sounds like the surveillance expert Jew sister fucker.

There is literally no other profession where it's the customer's job to make sure they're providing the other party a certain standard of living.

If you're that butthurt, let's get rid of tips and just pay servers $8 an hour like all the other stupid unskilled niggers whose skills can be learned in a day or less.

tipping is not a custom in England, so neither do I, tipping here is a much more rare occurrence

>individual of Semitic descent detected


op here.

im hispanic. i am very wealthy. i travel so much im usually never at the same restraunt twice. mom is actually hot. dad never drank. only did tweeds.

literally everything youve said is speculation.

cept for shit stained steak.



With all the money you save not tipping, you'd think the English could afford some orthodontia or at least a toothbrush.

I was a server growing up and I still believe paying employees less money just so they should get tips is stupid. Think about this:
You have 3 tables an hour and each one tips $5. That means you make $15.00 an hour. Not bad! Now that's a slow day. I was making about 3 times that for twice as many tables. Don't feel bad for servers. Plus I worked with a lot of people that would start to expect a huge tip for doing nothing. Don't be quilted by these people.

>im usually never

>OP here, I lie about my income, I'm a dirty beaner, and I want to fuck my ugly whore mother

Seems like you should ask for a raise in your allowance so you can afford to tip. Kys asshole, people who don't tip in America are scumbags. Food prices are lower so people can tip.

I tip based on service.
>Good service , friendly, nice. You gunna get a nice tip
> never ask to fill my drink, rude, hit on my girlfriend, shitty service. Im gunna leave nothing or my pocket change
you lowlife piece of shit

ok Juan who's yard do you tend to?

My roommate is a pizza delivery driver for Larosas, he is paying for school, rent, and the rest of the good shit. He brings home more than I do and I work making $18 a hour. It's bullshit. Last night he brought home $138 in 5 hours. It's bull shit.

What is it today, first the evolution "theory" meme, now the tip debate meme...is it 2009 again?

if u have to pay ppl to not shit in your food, its cuz u allowed it to happen. Its your fault, u shouldntve tipped

Not everything has to be a meme you twat

How does it feel that the only meaning you have in life is to lie on some shitty site ON THE INTERNET.

Plebian, I think there's a goat in your fancy kitchen. Being Rich in Mexico doesnt mean youre rich. Just less poor than poor people.
We tip because we can, we have mo money than your bean smellin asshole.

Poor piece of shit.

>tray jack up the ass

im literally richer than you. and youre butthurt because of it.

i smell like donald trump body wash.
your mom probably still pays your medical bills.
i kicked the goat out months ago . after he started fucking my sidebitch

those who work in hospitality either do it for the love and depend on tip or need a flexible job to accommodate their life, dont sit on a high horse and judge anyone . you are probable living in your mother basemen/ attic and dont have a fucking care in the world. fuck off and go into the real world and stop living of your moms teets.

between 20-30% , niggers dont tip

I agree with you. But since that probably isn't gonna happen, how about you try to help them out and make their wage livable? It's not like they're disrespecting you in any way. You're just flat out being a greedy dick

My mom's poor. She's injured and lives on welfare. She lives in a nice big house and has a new car. She eats well, and does not work. This is Scandinavia. I'm Johnny.

im not rich, but comfy. always leave 20-25%.
but if the food/service sucks, i call a manager over. no resolution, we leave what is appropriate.

>I'm rich
Translation =
>I'm so poor it's astounding I have access to the Internet


Pic related. It's OP.

What the fuck is a tray jack you autist.

i think its sad that today's society is so filled with poor unambitious retards that its literally unfathomable to think someone has more then a paychecks worth of cash in their account at any given time.
im sorry your world is such a small bubble. when was the last time you took a flight somewhere fun?

If the restraunt can survive paying employees minimum wage then get rid of this tip system its retardes anyway

It's obvious bait

>you were a worthless loser for 5 years with no ambition.

Says the guy posting on a image board from his mom's basement

You aren't ambitious. You're on the most worthless board on an edgelord website intended for toddlers. You're a child still living with his parents, don't tell us otherwise because we all know it's bullshit.

Not true. We do remember. When you're a real asshole, and there's not a tip, it doesnt matter if you come once a week or once every two months, we remember. I'm not saying I remember so I can fuck up their meal, I've still never done that, but we see you walk in and all talk shit and give you shitty service for being a shitty person.

but these two topics literally are. They were the original bait because they'd start an argument every single time, but they haven't been around in forever. Now we just need a fingerbox thread and a 0.999 = 1 thread. Your newfag is showing.

>here's $40 for a steak
>oh and hey, you did your job which requires the same skills as a McDonald's cashier, so here's another $5

No. I was a server for a year and I think tipping is retarded, and people who expect others to tip are fuckin morons.

Go work at McDonalds if you want a livable wage and whine like a baby if customers don't give you extra money for doing your basic as fuck job.


Anyone who still sits around trying to justify whether or not to tip is doing it wrong. There are more meaningful things to ponder. It's ok OP, eventually you will open your mind and your heart and realize what really matters in life :)

yeah, like not tipping.

See you're tipping for the service provided. Waiters dote on you. They get paid fairly for simply walking up and saying hey but if you don't want to tip then don't let them wait on you.
Seriously the whole point of tipping is paying for service, otherwise oder to go. Waiters make damn good money though. If you don't tip I wouldn't be surprised if they fuck with your food the next time.
You're reasoning is naive.

I figure you don't tip because your parents always pay for the chicken tendies and they tip.

>listen up, I'm old, have life experience, and have a lot of money
>get ready for my advice and suggestions and help with the subject
>here it comes, make sure to write it down guys
>you're all faggots, fuck you eat smegma hurrrrrrr durrrrrr

pour 1 drink. bring 1 plate. expect 5 bucks.
go fuck yourself. youre afraid not to tip because theyll judge you. grow some COHONES




>not understanding how waiting works this much
You do realize you're not the only person in the entire restaurant right? You go to restaurants alone by yourself? How fucking sad an existence do you live?

I worked as a server for a year and no, it's up to us. At least where I was anyway, had to give 4.5% of all food/drink sales (mandatory) to back of the house staff.

Being a server is retarded unless you constantly get good tips.

>you don't go out of your way to give me more money for doing a basic as fuck job because my employer pays me pennies an hour
>YOU'RE the shitty person

Faggot, get a big boy job

Cool. You're a huge asshole. Hope you're not a repeat customer, because you're gonna be eating the staffs jizm.

you modafoker, first: you tip when you finish , soif you dont tip then why the fuck should be smegma in the food before knowing if I wasnt going to tip? so you always spit and do dirty stuff to the food no matter if they tip or not... you're so busted modafoker

>be OP
>run out of Swanson TV dinners
>phone is dead can't order in
>put on my crusty cumrag sweatpants
>walk to nearest family restaurant because I don't have a car or a driver's licence
>order chicken nuggets and curly fries off the kids menu
>speed out when the waiter says it's only for kids
>get my way
>waiter sprays liquid diarrhea on my nuggets because I never tip
>leave without paying
>bitch about it on Sup Forums
>hey guys don't forget I'm a rich beaner

Okay, but.

What if I'm nice, fill your drink, but hit on your girlfriend AND you.
What does that get me for a tip?

English please

What if I give you a really nice tugjob but you cum on your chicken parmesan and your meal is ruined?

go to restraunt in another state because im rhyyychh byyytchh. hard weekend of larping with friends. need steak.

waiter puts lemon in water. ask for another water.

no tip. waiter didnt bring me my chiplotle sauce in 15 seconds flat.

run away with my weathy beaner money. back to texas.

4 chan cries because most of you are broke loser waiters.

3 ounces of protein in the mens room. super secret

lost my shit kek