I accidentally took way too much Adderall

I accidentally took way too much Adderall.

I bought some from my friend and I thought they were 10mg pills.
Turns out they were 30mg and I took 2.
So I was expect 20mg, but I accidentally took 60mg.

What can I expect to happen.
This happened 15 minutes ago.

You gonna take over the world dawg.

livestream it

Expect to clean your house and attempt to be successful

U sure? 30mg are normally football shaped. 60mg might be a bit uncomfortable but isn't something to worry about in terms of danger or anything

You should probably vomit and then stick something long and thin up your anus so you can purge your rectum. Your only chance for survival OP.

if you're used to it you should be fine, just zinging like the first time you did it.. if its your first time, enjoy your extremely long lasting focus and energy.

probably wont sleep tonight. Play some games or study if your in college its fucking finals week. Come down will probably be a bitch if your not used to it too.

expect a very clean house/room

find a new project or dig into something you've been putting off b/c pain in ass.

Now you can finally fap yourself to death before you even cum once.

Get ready for a strong high. Its going to be OK tho, don't be afraid

Hello from here on 30mg.
I have energy and thought processes but for some reason I've still been fucking around. When even on adderall you end up 4 hours fucking around.. feelsbadman


Seriously seratonin poisoning will fuck up your life!

You'll be fine. I did a 60mg rail last night before work. Fun times.

Gonna be wound up and restless as fuck. Then after you will feel like a sack of shit. Overdoing adhd meds sucks but it isnt the end of the world.

Get shit done fucker. If you have any benzos and are a pussy, take a low dose. Eat something.

Fap furiously

They were 30mg.
As long as there are no health effects, that's all I care about.

You better call an Amber lamps.
You're probably going to die.

You crush and snort? Whats that feel like? Smooth like coke or is it harsher?

You gotta be doing what you are planning to do already when it kicks in. Friends always warned me if you were sitting on Facebook waiting for it, you'd get sucked in to doing just that.

>Eat something
And drink plenty of water!

You won't die, just drink a shit ton of water and get ready to do a bunch of shit.

Do you have any hobbies that require physical activity? When I take too much addy I just do whatever hobby that will make me move a lot and then I don't notice I'm tweaking.

find some xanax fag and the orange ones that taste sweet are 30s ir

For sure. I take 20-30 and if im on a game and it hits im strapped in for a ride of my life on the game.

you'll be fine, just don't go jogging cause your heartrate will already be through the roof

you're gonna have serious anxiety and possibly a heart attack. Nice knowing you Fag

Nigga u ded.

Just taking 30 mg of a stimulant drug gave me high blood pressure.

If you don't end up having a fucking stroke from having extremely high blood pressure from this you should count yourself lucky

Nighty night. Wife takes 20s for her back. They knock me out

I was on that shit for years, why do faggots think it "gets you high" i was on some crazy dose because i sucked at everything that mattered. It never made a fucken difference. It just make you detail oriented for like 8 hours lel.

adderall is stimulant u fucking 13 year old

its a mood lifter, it makes me feel amazing

Your body pillow doesn't need adderall for back pain. No one needs adderall for backpain.

I actually prefer it to coke, though it could be considered a tad harsh I suppose, especially compared to swallowing them. Different feel in your sinus too. Less pleasant, depending on who you ask. I always chalked it up to organic vs. manufactured chemicals.

Just drink some liquor and smoke a bit of weed. Its easier and cheaper, it also doesn't make you some eye shifting faggot for 8 hours.

dude i did the same thing with zoloft. got a new script and nobody thought to tell me that the pills were now twice the strength i was used to.

not that i suffered any ill effects, other than a weird discomfort in my abdomen, but if people unknowingly took twice their prescribed dosage of other medications it could be dangerous. the dosage will always be written on the small label, but they ought to tell you that shit because you probably wouldn't bother to check half the time.

Find something to do before you get restless as fuck. Start cleaning.

How do you crush it? Ive got cylindrical pills. Might be riddilin

... Are you sure it isn't cyclobenzaprine/Flexeril? Because that shit makes no sense.

Amphetamine (and even meth) has a pretty decent overdose margin so you're fine. Remember that unlike coke it releases neurotransmitters that your brain has already produced instead of mimicking them at the receptor site, and you can only produce them so fast.

0/1, everyone knows amphetamine is an ndra. need dat methylenedioxy ring for it to be an SNDRA

If you have no history of adhd or add in your family youre more likely to get ko'd by taking this shit than others. My best friend has no history of it an he passes the fuck out on it.


I used to take 70mg vyvanse as a teenager daily, sometimes double dose.
Ive taken 60 mg of adderall before as well and been fine

try and take in as much vitmain C as u can (ornage juice or Emergen C) and that will help inhibit absorption as well.

just enjoy the ride, if you do get nervous, take a warm shower, drink plenty water, chew up an aspirin and relax.

retard you took extended release

extended release

youll be fine retard

hold on there user. serious question. i'm an oldfag with Adderal and really don't know/can't find info on snorting v. swallowing the drug. Seems like bioavailability is about the same. Don't know anyone with experience to share and google is noncommittal on the subject.

just dont take anymore for 24hrs and ur golden

You can snort adderall. I've done it before. The drip tastes like shit. I felt as focused as I did when I normally take it. I personally didn't see a difference.