Ask a former Gamestop employee of 4 years anything

Ask a former Gamestop employee of 4 years anything.

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do you make commissions or something on that stupid subscription you guys try and sell or something? or are you supposed to sell a certain amount?
They try and sell those so aggresively

Do you have Battletoads?

There are zero commissions period at Gamestop. You make nothing extra from selling extra. Your incentive is you get to keep your job. Sometimes they won't even fire you if your performance is shit, they just cut your hours and starve you out.

Not OP but a current GS employee. You will literally get fired on the spot if your % numbers aren't high enough. It becomes an even tougher thing when you have nothing but repeat customers who already have it.

How does the "buy before it's released work?
I mean, how get away with it, how many days before of it released do you get the game and how you credit it?(cuz the system would accuse)

also interested... tired of these faggots trying to sell me that dumb shit

Why do you give so little for trade ins?

Yes we do, manager found one in her attic and brought it into the store and put a sticker worth $6,000 on it.

very true. They've been known to cut managers hours sometimes to the point that their assistants are working 10 hours a week if they're lucky and the associates get 3-4 hours a week.

I am not sure what you mean. Do you mean preorders or something else?

If they cut hours like that, what is the entire store is performing poorly?

Because your games aren't worth shit to begin with. What do you think we're going to give you for an 11,000th copy of Gears Of War 2?


Yes, I have been on the bubble of getting fired or hours cut short and it is not fun at all. Especially when you literally try your best and you get nothing.

no, i mean having a friend that work in there and buys the game before it official released.

whats the easiest way to rape a male gamestop employee and get away with it

so just steal shit and quit like a normal person...

what kind of cuck keeps a 4 hour a week job at gamestop

Typically the games are cheap for trade ins because they want you to trade in bulk to get certain promotions such as trade 3 games over $20 and get $80 instead. Then again a lot of people come in with Modern Warfare 2 and expect to get their $60 back almost a decade after the game was released.

He's not buying anything he's stealing and they're almost surely investigating him and waiting until he does enough to charge him with something big. lol

Like takes it home and plays it?

No one that's the point. They starve the store of hours so the manager and shit staff quit.

Drug his drink he has at the register and follow him home and rape him.

im not from US, but i see a lot of people that get the game before it is released, is that much normal?

When it comes to theft the store will wait until it is 100% sure you have stolen it. They have gotten in trouble in the past for blaming theft on employees and they actually didnt even steal.

see this
like an employer seeling the game to you before he should

>know that if you try hard you wont be rewarded
>try hard anyways
>complain when you aren't rewarded


They are breaking the street date which in it's own right is worse than stealing the game. They get super pissed and angry when you break street date on anything, games, toys, fucking funko pops.

Was the moment you realized your life was meaningless the same moment you realized working at Gamestop was likely the best thing that would ever happen to you?

I talk to the workers every year a WWE title comes out and I ask for the advertising cutouts or props and shit and they say if I come in on ___day, I can have if. And every day I come in, they threw away the shit the day before. Are they doing this on purpose? I've never received any promotional material

If I sold you a game early the system would flag it and it would immediately go to my District Manager and I would get fired, if I had to guess your friend was stealing them and that is just as bad.

What's the point in keeping a shit, stressful, cucking, 9 dollar an hour job that cuts your hours due to "poor performance"? It's not like pussy lines up after closing because youre a big bad sales associate at gamestop.

The "reward" is I get to keep my job. In the year 2016 jobs are fucking hard to come by my friend.

What would a blowjob get me in store credit?

They aren't allowed to give it away and are being nice. They're telling you they threw it away so you'll go outback and get it.

No I have better job now. But it is funny to see the manager who has worked there for 9 years and I get paid more than her at my job which is 10x better now.

no they arent you lazy unqualified fuck

They really arent allowed to give away the promotional material. However, when customers ask for extra shit I will only do it if they buy all the extra add ons and arent dicks.

What do managers get paid there like 50 cents more than a sales associate?

Hard to get a job period where I live. Gotta take what I get man.

About $15 in store credit and $10 cash.

Were you a manager? You can get a $9/hr job anywhere with more stable guaranteed hours...

I think assistant managers get paid about $2 more and store managers get paid about $3-4 more. It's pathetic.

Good to know ;)

I started as a temporary holiday sales associate and became a regular sales associate but I never got to manager because I didnt want the bullshit that came with it for only a couple extra bucks on my pay.

Never had a J.O.B.

Is it worth working there as a first job?

toads of the battle variety?

Anytime ;)

if you're desperate enough to work at gamestop, might as well work at mcdonalds since you sold your dignity as it is. At least mcdonalds gives hours

Fuck no, I worked fast food before and I way way way preferred fast food. Especially when I was on grill because you don't have to deal with complete fucking idiots all day long who want "That mario game that just came out for the ps4"

Previous employee reporting in. I have literally had a Senior game advisor get their hours cut from 40 a week to 0 to send a message about numbers.

Shit job and I hope that company goes to even more shit than it is.

Check previous post

Left Wendy's for Gamestop because I thought it would be fun. Wasnt much more fun. Occasionally got free stuff from Gamestop though.

seriously fucking walmart starts at $10/hr... I don't know why anyone would stress a $9/hr gamestop job and actually try...

Well I have an awful pizza face that is greasy if you know what I mean.

Would you still say I am better off working in fast food?

With the rise of digital games and the decline of people buying discs I give the company maybe one more console cycle and then they are fucked. Especially with people getting more and more comfortable with buying stuff online in general. Plus their sales are ALWAYS going down in the quarters.

how's your sex life?

Yes, stick with fast food. Trust me the "fun" of working with video games fades very quickly when you realize how shitty the industry is. Not to mention that if you play video games as a hobby you will hate them when you get off an 8 hr shift and want to go home and unwind with video games.

The best part is they don't blame the trend in digital sales/gaming for their declining sales. They blame the employees and push back on us even harder as if we can change anything lol

Been pretty scarce as of late. Working on fixing that with a few qt's ;)


Worked at gs for two days I was appalled at the way they treat employees. I walked out.

Dont worry, steam and online purchasing will be the prominent retail provider. Fuck gamestop

I have a girlfriend of 5 years that I live with. Pretty steady.

You made the right choice my friend.

Man I don't think you understand. I got shitty pizza face skin. The heat in a kitchen is only going to make my face more oily and disgusting.

So you still would say work in fast food instead?

Never look back.

welcome to any job ever

upper level managements only job is to threaten employees/lower level management

they fully understand their company is dieing and they are just trying to keep the ship afloat as long as possible by hiring cucks to work for $8/hr with no benefits and constant fear of losing hours if they dont deepthroat management

That'll put some spice into the shitty food.

Even if you have the cleanest skin ever, you are going to get greasy working in fast food. Just buy some wipes and go in there man. You wont be off any worse. If anything it will have you cleaning your face more from working there so it's a win-win.

Ever use one of these

No, do they sell them on Ebay? I might have to invest in one.

Is it true Gamestop treats their employees shitty?

Yes, it is true. Unless you sell your soul to your District Manager you get fucked over there constantly.

I worked in kitchens for 4 years during college (outback steakhouse and then a nicer restaurant)

literally never seen a single person in a kitchen with bad skin... i think the fastfood acne meme is just because its all 17 year old faggots working there

No they're pretty rare to come across

Ever get any Battletoads calls?

Any specifics?

Surprisingly not a single one. I worked in a somewhat rural one so everyone there probably didnt get the battletoads joke.

If you slip up on sales they "coach" you by cutting back your hours and saying how the managers are awesome at their job and you sucked. One thing I noticed was that when we got the regular customers who never bought extras for stats the manager would go out back and you would always take the hit. Plus they just treat you horrible with pay and zero benefits. Only cool thing I got there was some free swag and a couple free games.

RIP my dreams for working at Gamestop.

I hear that some games are purposefully scratched and thrown in the dumpster if they aren't very clean or something, do the managers check if you scratched them and if they don't do you just throw them out so some lucky scavenger might get it?

What's the best story you have of working there?

Having worked as a laborer, fast food, retail at Gamestop and currently in the health and human services field Gamestop was easily the worst job I ever had out of all of them. The "fun" of working with video games fades super fast, especially when you play video games for fun. It will make you hate video games.

does gamestop drug test?

The only time games get thrown out is if they are old as dirt, and even then it is rare. I only have thrown out maybe 5 games. As for scratched, if you trade in a scratched game or you get the warranty on a game and it gets fucked over and you bring it back in, the game gets sent to a warehouse where it is resurfaced and shipped back out as a preowned game. Sometimes the preowned games are so fucking flimsy because they have been resurfaced 5+ times. Now if I was working and dropped a game and scratched it, which I never once did in all my years I would just throw it in the defective bin and to the warehouse it would go.

Yes, it is only Gamestop that does that.


I worked there for 3 years. Best story? Getting handjobs/blowjobs from a girl who worked with me in the dead spot where the camera couldn't see after close.

Aside from that it's all the same shit. The job is awful. Do yourselves a favor. Stop buying pre-owned (lol) and stop pre-ordering games.

Too many to share and it would take forever to type them out but one was when GTA V came out and this kid came in with his mom, he was maybe 6-8 years old. His mother was like "Now, he convinced me that this game wasn't as bad as they say they are and all he is going to do is drive around." Now myself having played it extensively I said back "Yeah I would have to disagree, there is full nudity both male and female, drug use, sale and distribution along with graphic sex scenes in the game that are not optional, you have to see them to advance." The mother looked at my like I had lobsters coming out of my ears and screamed her head off at the kid calling him a liar, the kid began to cry his eyes out and said I ruined his chance of getting the game. I just smiled and thought "Your tears taste so sweet." Still laughing thinking about it.

Not at my location no. I don't think they do anywhere at all but I can't confirm it.

What year? System?

I have always wanted to do that.

whats wrong with pre-owned? significantly cheaper and I have never had a problem

how fat was she?

It was very satisfying, I did it for many games, many times. So many sad and disappointed kids. That's what all the kids get for playing the Wii U, PS4 and Xbox One for hours on end. Fuck Kids.

I'm with ya there.


I fucked the Managers daughter a shit ton. Never got free shit feels bad.

Nothing's wrong with getting it cheaper but it supports GameStop. Ever since I stopped working there I only buy new. Maybe it's because I have a way better job these days but if you can afford not to it will help get that ass of a company one step close to closing more stores.

Truthfully she wasn't fat. On the contrary quite skinny. Just a married woman going through a divorce who wanted to get nasty. Who can say no to busting a nut after a hard day's work?

You gotta be able to make her cum to get free stuff.