Mentally ill women thread?

Mentally ill women thread?
Why do women post shit like this?
Do you think they know how crazy they are?

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no idea, feel better about herself obv, but the salt is real
she does have a fine ass body tho

pic unrelated?

>do you think they know how crazy they are?
i always wonder this.

they just seem like automatons set to absorb resources.

never actually factored into my thought process that her awkward public shaming of men improved her wellbeing.

look at her rib lol sucking in so bad

funny part is if he was truly making bank, not be a whiny beta, and had a completely different, better life she'd still leave him

>she's a cam whore: nothing gained, nothing lost

wtf is boujee

Woman like this make me want to go full nigger mode and break a bitches jaw for feeling so high and mighty. Excessive? maybe, but would she feel so pretty when she looks like a t-rex that got throatfucked by a titanosaur.

>she does have a fine ass body tho

Does she though?

I mean sure, she isn't fat.

Keep shooting for the stars, user.

>looking good enough that she can make a living masturbating in front of a PC
>implying this is a bad thing
morality and humbleness are not virtues anymore, kiddo

>implying the average woman in a dual income household couldn't masturbate in front of the PC and get by.

Grow up faggot, that's hardly any better than living off your parents and jerking it in your basement.

Definitely a nice body

Definitely crazy.

Definitely not worth it.

Nice feet

>no tits whatsoever
>literally an average skinny girls body

alright mate.

My fiance will be the first to admit she can be batshit insane, when she's not being batshit insane

didnt know war machine browsed Sup Forums


There are like 59 year old women that cam. Unless youre straight up hideous any chick could do it.

same with my gf. don't know what that is about. would like to know though.

short for borgeouis

Said by ghetto filth, or even worse, Wannabe ghetto filth

>Dope ass apartment
>not buying a house for the same cost

yeah. shes real dumb. Average woman in the US.

that's not just women, that's because we live in a society of arrogant and vain whores...

Definitely not.

So where are the rest of the pics OP?


They brag about being middle-class?

lmao I love the states, I really do, but they've got a fucking nigger problem the likes of which I haven't seen since I left SA

>looks like a t-rex that got throatfucked by a titanosaur


women are the devil.
also women are retarded.

sounds like she is trying to make herself out like a god.
women like to talk themselves up.

this bitch is crazy my dude.

when that pussy all dried up and them tits saggy people will still be buying "dry weed".

who laughing now nigga.

Flat chested japanese girl on my facebook posted pics of items her and her ex bought together
>Tv, ps3, lamp, Etc
After what I assume was a rough breakup, Ex asks for stuff. I don't know what the real story is, but lets lend credence to the fact that she paid for everything.
Crazy bitch posts a video of her destroying all of it with captions like "HERES YOUR FUCKING PS3 YOU PIECE OF SHIT" and stuff like that.

I dont remember if I screen capped or not. If I did its on an old hard drive. Funny as shit to read and see but how many brain cells do you have to be lacking to see that reflects poorly on you?

Like you chose to date this deadbeat and sure you might be irritating him but you're looking like a fucking nut to all your friends.

I pointed this out in more kind terms and of course, she deleted all her posts about it.

Also that bitch stood me up for a movie one time.


the sex trade fucks with u. changes u, and turns you into a diff person. sex stops being about, love, joy, making a connection, it becomes like making a burger. guys who were once nice to you or in a relationship with you become the enemy, guys who ask you for sex become the enemy. then guys offer you shit you never seen before, and get into coke, and get depressed, and hate life, then unless u lucky and go clean the ones that get into drugs always train wreck. so yah, camming, escorting, stripping, changes the soul in a really bad way, and once the damage is done, its hard to go back. not to mention, she is not crazy, you really are an asshole. men will say girls r crazy to deny truths about themselves, which is usually because they assholes.

the fuck is this bitch doing.
any dude doing this would be in jail my cuz.

is this grounds for sexual assault?

I like when the dude looks at the bro filming like "really nigga, u seeing this"

TBH she seems fine. Probably just dealing with a lot of the same shit she accused whoever of dealing with.

Girlfriend: You have not paid the rent, you just sit and play that game, you spent your whole paycheck on weed, and your phone keeps going off and you keep running to the bathroom!"
Boyfriend: You're crazy!!! Stop or im calling the cops!!!

are people as uncouth as her "fine?"
Perhaps my perspective is skewed. She just seems so stupid

Women hold grudges and men dont treat women with respect because too many of them are too easy to fuck and drop within 3 weeks of dating. Just let them be, if shes doing better for herself and got out of a supposedly bad relationship with a loser who wont do anything with himself by being a successful camwhore then be happy.

Or you could not care and just accept people post stupid and overly emotional shit on social media all the time.

I don't mean that she seems okay. I mean that she isn't crazy, just suffering.

wanking on webcam changes you? lmao.

You don't think war changes you, faggot? Or having kids die during pediatric surgery? You still have to behave like a civilized human being. Stop giving them a free pass because they have a vagina, especially if they literally fap for a living.

Jesus just kill yourself actually.

they stopped dating months and months ago

here's a better question: why the fuck are so many guys paying to see this girl camwhore for them? I can find free porn a million times better than this anorexic chick. How tf she actually makes a living off it actually surprises me

She doesnt make a living. Shes 18 an lives at home, probably going to college in the fall

Awful feet.

Naming and shaming someone months after you breakup is pretty vindictive.

You don't think white knighting faggots will harass the people she mentions?

>especially if they literally fap for a living.


Well either way, sounds like she makes a pretty penny for just showing off on a webcam. I'm just saying, I wouldn't pay for that

im sure it happens. She dated the frontman for a minor metalcore band and she berates him sporadically on her social media.
She makes vague accusations where she clearly is implying she was abused. He gets on and is like "why did you @ me lol!"

I follow her social media to watch her batshit mind unfold. She has a youtube channel and the videos make her look insane

>Does she though?

Pffft, kek.

Yeah OP's girl is ugly and average. Plus, Asian. So especially unattractive.

All of the women in my family are hoarders and have animals that just fuck up their trashy houses and shit on the floor. They spend every last dollar they have on lottery tickets, shopping and buying dumb shit like storage unit auctions.

My mom has gone through 20+ jobs in the last 10 years and will still swear its everyone elses problem for not realizing how amazing she is.

I can't wait until she is older and I have to deal with her hoarding intervention.

My sister and my girlfriends sister have both attempted suicide despite living relatively pressure free lives being supported and given everything they need by their fathers

Every ex I have had ended up being batshit insane.

Every adult woman I know that hits menopause goes off the deep end and ends up an emotional trainwreck when their looks fade and resort to whoring, breaking families, DUIs and pills.

Maybe there are sane ones out there but I haven't seen many...

>She has a youtube channel and the videos make her look insane

Please link this

>metalcore band
>sells shitty weed

he sounds like a bigger piece of shit than her...

different guys!
She dated Kevin from "Ghost Town"

not even a meme

>Every ex I have had ended up being batshit insane.

Nigga you got to start picking higher quality women. I know how hard that is though, having grown up around mostly shitty/fucked up women.

It's especially irritating because if *men* ever behaved like that, they'd be dead before their 30th birthday. But women are given a pussy pass every single time and showered with attention and affection from everyone around them. Then you end up with 50 year olds who behave like high schoolers because they've just always gotten away with it.

I'm gonna regret this!


Sauce ?

She's actually a munter wtf.

not sure if copypasta or also mentally ill..

what is a munter

a fuggo

bongslang for someone with exceptionally unattractive facial features.

on this side of the pond we call them untouchables

i dont get what is supposed to be mentally ill here.

Reading it sounds like it came from a zeta as fuck faggot that jealous he cant have her. Or she's writing that about a girl she liked that dropped her for a drug dealer.

If it's the latter, that's pretty hot

we call them fugly

>jealous he cant have her

Are you dyslexic?

i refer you to

Forced meme is forced.

she is attractive

for now

but when she gets old and ugly and no man wants her because she has had more dicks in her than a Bangladesh bus has people and no company wants her because she is bad for there image with all the porn she has made then what will she have?

i laugh at her

She's hot tho

even if she hit total rock bottom she could get a job bartending or waitressing and make 50K+ a year

dude what are you talking about lol

>number of partners doesn't influence future partners
>no indication of her making pornography

She already seems like she's found success, at least according to her post petty as it may be. Your criticisms are.. pretty random and absurd lol

True I guess? What indication does anyone have that this woman will hit "rock bottom"? Like what prompted that comment?

Number of partners almost certainly influences her ability to:
a) Secure a high value mate for a long term relationship
b) Have any success at remaining with a mate for the long term

She's also a self-admitted webcam model which just screams self-esteem issues, lack of education and possible histrionic disorder.

If she's found any success it is more than likely not sustainable in any form, and I believe the criticisms are fair if you were to compare her with well adjusted females of similar age/attractiveness.

spiteful dumbass who brags on social media about cam whoring and dating a drug dealer

im sure she will be the first female president or go to medical school

>Number of partners almost certainly influences her ability to:
>a) Secure a high value mate for a long term relationship
>b) Have any success at remaining with a mate for the long term

How are you sure of this? You realize that there are many people out there in the world that do not think like you, right? I'd love to see some actual data depicting success of long-term relationships in addition to number of sexual partners. If it doesn't exist then how can you conclude that? It's just personal bias.

I agree that her success is probably not sustainable, but to call her poorly adjusted when she's clearly finding success in her current environment is unfair.

Major false dichotomy fallacy going on in this argument.

A person doesn't need to be extraordinarily successful to not hit "rock bottom".

I'm sure she'll be fine.

Get cucked.

>That run-on sentence.


i just dated a type I bipolar woman
she knew when she was being fucking crazy, they just can't suppress the incredibly intense emotion

Have some more. Notice any patterns between the highest risk careers and our girl in OP?

I had a teacher for a year of higschool (before she got fired) who was bipolar

She would lose her shit and go full on feminazi like once a week and just spend the whole class yelling at guys and kicking them out of her class and the rest of the week she was totally normal/nice

Has to be an interesting life knowing that at any given moment you can just lose control and turn into a monster

That's certainly an informative graphic, but it doesn't say anything about securing a "high value mate" specifically, nor does it say anything about length of time spent with that mate.


Nope..? Camming is not on that list.

Unless she bartends choreographs or cleans house while on cam, I guess.

she's a camwhore my dude
way beyond dancer at this point

Are you intentionally being dense? What part of "women who have had more non-marital sex partners were less likely to have stable marriages (>= 5 years)" do you not understand?

what does "to" mean?


What does that have to do with finding a "high value partner"?

OP, why would you hide her identity? She's a camgirl



People like you are the reason why this current generation is going to shit. You're content to observe success in the short term and completely ignore any long term effect of the behavior (i.e 'she's just having fun, enjoying her youth, finding success in the moment etc). Fast forward 10 years and you're probably the same person admonishing the state for not providing enough welfare/benefits to support the lower class. Absolutely disgusting.

seems like something a girl might post

it doesn't matter how badly she slanders her target, she still comes off as the pathetic one.

you have to throw all that out in the public, after that much time has passed?
it's like.. you're a cam girl, we know you don't give a shit about anything and are a petty human being, she doesn't need to keep telling the whole world that.

she's talking about he can't hold a job and his parents don't love him, yet she has no job and her parents don't love her. hmmm....

Nah I'm just not sexist and wouldn't tell a girl that having sex or being sexual devalues her in any way because it doesn't.

Whats her cam whore name? I bet she does some real fucked up shit.

>I'd love to see some actual data depicting success of long-term relationships in addition to number of sexual partners.

>gets presented with data
>continues to ignore reality

Do people actually believe this? Not sure if troll..