Something useful for a change

Something useful for a change.
Please share ideas about how to earn some $ by doing something from home.
Has to be legal, no drug, no porn.
Best ideas will be rewarded with some internets and 24MB of random data sent by email, if claimed.

A good idea of some time ago was wood turning. The equipment is not extremely expensive and you can make some $ turning bowls, baseball bats etc.
Pic unrelated

This one app, smore, gives you 10 cents a day for ads on your lockscreen, and some surveys are real and work, as well as typing jobs

lol just do surveys, i made 1000 in a week, just did like 4 hours a day worth for 5 days. just gotta find the right sites and right surveys, defo make more than one account tho

another idea is homebrewing beer yet today 50% of all people do that

>i made 1000 in a week

Explain more

You could become a shill and shitpost on Sup Forums

what are these surveys?
1000, even in a month, would be wonderful.

This is not legal.

Bumping for interest

my mates found heaps of different sites. all u do is just get em to find surveys that pay like 10 bucks for 100 questions. takes like 2-4 minutes, if u get fast and bullshit u can get it done in 1. just make heaps of different accounts under random emails. just generate. u just need to find good ones. melbourne boy here cunts

Melbourne has something to do? Can you indicate some sites, just to get how to start looking...

Could you recommend a site?
Im in EU if that makes any difference.

cant really recommed tbh, just trial and error. it took me and 3 mates about a month of looking casually during some boring classes and shit. but defo worth it, but once it starts getting repetitive you get really bored. sorry i cant b much more help. but its good just for when u need some money to go out or for gifts and shit, definetly not a very reliable way to make a life

How do you get your money? By Paypal? Is the place you live relevant?
How is it not reliable? When you include your previous inquiry its 1000 per month!

Yes how do you get your money? If you repeatedly do surveys from the same site don't they have to send the money to you in your name? How does that work without you getting caught?

because you can only keep track of so many emails at once, also u reach the ammount of replys they need the surverys, usually the good ones are about 500. (the ones that pay out the best) so even if u do heaps of them there are always load of other people doing it, so you constanty have to look for new ones, yea i used pay pal. i only managed to do it for about 3 months before i ran out of sites and surveys. so not a great line of work but worth it for quick money. also i have like 7 cards. used to b into making fake ids and shit and pasports and just shit like that. so i managed to get quite a few different ways of getting the money to me. over all its good momentarily when u just need a bit of quick cash and have the time, but defo not a great way of living.

>also i have like 7 cards
You mean they pay you by crediting your credit card? I don't have a CC because I spent too much in the past. How fucked up am I to be obliged to rely on one single paypal account to get paid? How many % of these 1000$ are out of my reach?

(And wow! Thanks anyway! You definitely deserve the 1000 internets and 24MB of data that OP promised)

Soccer single betting.

nah its alg, let someone less fourtinate than me have it, plus i dont really know what it is ur giving me, sorry im not really great with this shit.... could u explain?

idk what "internets" are, and is the data mobile data?

1000 internets and 24MB of random data is the usual reward on Sup Forums. It is nothing in reality. It's a way to say thank you in a more emphatic way that a simple "Thank you"

please answer this

ohh, then it is happily accepted. lol this is probably the nicest thread ive ever been in. i hope my adive at least helped a few of u. i guess i was just lucky to b able to get the money while i could, hope it works out for u guys

You all really are fuckin morons if you believe this guy was making $1000 a week just doing surveys.....

i dont really know, i just signed up to heaps of different sites, russian ones are actually reall good, they have super low security and there are some dumb people who will give u 15 bucks AUD for one 10 questions. google translate is really helpful

I am going to laugh when one of you retards in this thread get scammed cause you hand over a card number of yours so they can "deposit" money into your account

double dubs

dub dub speak truth

This is not untrue...

Follow the Facebook spammers, they make a lot from home, or so they say

Any other ways to :


Hobbies and stuff?

Learn proper grammar you filthy, dumb nigger

I mine whatever cryptocoin looks profitable and hold on to them until I need some cash or they substantially peak. It's not really reliable income but it funds my steam library