Aww shit Sup Forums, my entire webm folder is mysteriously gone from my HDD. Three years of webms - gone

Aww shit Sup Forums, my entire webm folder is mysteriously gone from my HDD. Three years of webms - gone.
Can we have a webm thread? I'll bump with what I have laying around.

Any webm donations would be greatly appreciated.

Starting with a gif because I'm still searching.

webms incoming

What can I get'cha?
I have it all, friend.


Turns out my HDD is on the verge of dying because of many bad sectors.

My webm emporium was there all along, but it took a very long time to load it.

Also when the fuck did chinese moot lower the file size limit? And WHY?
Does anybody actually like that fucking wasabi nigger or what?

Oh wow hi Billy Mays...I-I thought you were dead?
Thanks for stopping by.

Have a webm.


Is anybody lurking?

story and where can i watch the full thing>


Tbh user, I only know this guy from the webms and gifs that float around.

Of course he's on a TLC show, but they do specialize in shock value so it might be hard to find.

I'm curious now though too. Shouldn't be too hard to find.


lmao i love this one


C'mon lads






What is this?
Nobody has any webms?


I wanted to post in this thread, but Sup Forums has ridiculous standards to uploading webms. You might wanna check >>>wsg
I feel you, OP.

post some rekt webms pls contributors