Daily reminder that there is absolutely no proof for the evolution and the Big Bang

Daily reminder that there is absolutely no proof for the evolution and the Big Bang.

That's why they call it evolution THEORY and Big Bang THEORY.

Atheists claim to be rational yet they believe in mere theories without any scientific evidence supporting them.

What is your rebuttal, atheists?

Other urls found in this thread:


>What is your rebuttal

How did so many animal species fit on a boat being smaller than the Titanic ?
Why didn't god prevent 9/11?
If good is almighty, can he create a rock he can't lift ?

And wtf are you doing here ?
Here are more satanists than Christians

Haha as if there is any REAL proof of any Christian event having ever taken place, EVER.

You're talking proof while you're all about faith? Holy shit.



I can translate this for everyone else
>I do not understand the difference of a THEORY vs SCIENTIFIC THEORY
That means the first one, you have NO proof, just a hunch.
The 2nd means you have proofs, and much evidence but the facts are always changing. Hey, you like gravity?
>Fuck you dipshit atheist and religious puppets




Children with autism or Asperger's syndrome may sometimes display challenging behaviors in order to re-ceive our attention or to gain a reaction. It has been noted that often, the child is not concerned if the attention is negative or positive in nature, as long as it is provided. Behaviors such as these require a dual strategy ap-proach, often involving tactical ignoring, particularly in dealing with tantrums.

Tactical ignoring can be one element of a behavior management plan. As such, it is a method of responding to a behavior, complimented by a positive reinforcement schedule and skill development in learning a more ap-propriate method of seeking attention.

Tactical ignoring is a strategy where you give no outward sign of recognizing a behavior (e.g. no eye contact, no verbal response, no physical response). However, you are aware of the behavior occurring, and you moni-tor the child to ensure their safety and the safety of others. Often, you will be able to continue with a conversa-tion with others without acknowledging the attention-seeking behavior.

Firstly, the individual is displaying a behavior which is communicating a message. This message, the need for attention or to gain a reaction, requires a response. The aim is to provide the child with positive and quality at-tention for displaying appropriate behaviors, or for not displaying the desired behavior. When the child displays the desired behavior in order to gain attention, it may be appropriate to tactically ignore the behavior. This strategy uses the same foundation as that underlying Positive Behavior Support and Applied Behavior Analy-sis in that positive behavior is encouraged with positive reinforcement, and unwanted behaviors are discour-aged with ignoring or negative reinforcement.

- autism-help.org/index.htm




Gravity is a theory faggot

Why is this bitch used to shitpost about atheism?

What keeps us in orbit? Gravity. It's a Theory, yet one we know exist.

The reason why Atheist beleve in them. Is becuase this Theories need the least amount of BELIEVING (asumtions) to work.

Not knowing the difference between a scientific theory and a theory, nice shit post.

God loves you all.... cuz he likes very pale hairy white men.


>argues of science
>cannot take a proper photo