Girlfriend broke up with me on my birthday. typical "Its not you, it's me." bullshit

girlfriend broke up with me on my birthday. typical "Its not you, it's me." bullshit.

Suspect she was cheating on me. What do now, bros?

Other urls found in this thread:

Delete her number, unfollow on all social media.
Saddle up and move on.

Walk away and don't look back.

It probably was her, not you. Someone isn't required to maintain attraction. Be glad she didn't ruin you and was mature about it and move on.

punch her in the pussy

you guys suck.

Um, isn't that a good thing?

das it mane

My ex did the exact same on my birthday after 4 years. Turns out it was for someone else. Cant really give you any advice since it happened 2 years ago and im still a complete wreck (an hero thoughts, basically cried every day). The only thing i can say is you are not alone.

This altough it doesnt really help it just doesnt make it worse.

Good luck :(

Don't be vindicative, don't be resentful, don't chase her, and don't beg. Be a man and walk away. You are on your way to greener pussy pastures.

Delete her of off everything you have.
The only way is forward.

Find a hotter girl and forget about the bitch. If she cheated on you, she'll cheat on him. Whore's a whore.

Get some heroin. Legit better than any girlfriend could be

Drug her rape her impregnate her lock her in your basement or attic
Wait 5 months and punch her in tge stomach
And feed the miscarriage to her
Then do whatever you want to her.

Sloots gonna sloot.


you dodged a bullet user. move on.


Who gives a shit if you lost some disloyal ho? Stay single for a while (year+) and do what you wanna and enjoy having money.


Honestly it will hurt like hell for a while. But if you really care about her, you'll care about her happiness. Let her go and be with someone.

Just don't stick around to see it. Cut off comms.

Beta af

>take a step back
>fuck any girls you can
>go out clubbing n shit
>enjoy life for a while until you have another relationship
>also Coke binges with your freinds
Worked for me

>seek help son
It's for your own good
>it scares me that I like the idea tho