Over the years I've developped a mystical ability to see through the very soul of a movie just by looking at the poster...

Over the years I've developped a mystical ability to see through the very soul of a movie just by looking at the poster and title of said movie.

Hit me with anything, I don't usually watch mainstream movies so hit me with any blockbuster or any kind of movie.

I only require a poster and title.

Try me.


above average.
Can be called a art piece.

5/10 (where 0 is completely worthelss - as in over 70% of the movie realease cases- and 10 is instantaneus complete illumination buddha style where you drop all your clothes and go out to live in the wilderness because you have found the absolute and unchangeable truth of life).


decent rom-com (as far as a rom com can be called decent)
cannot be called an art piece




That's uncanny, user. I have the almost exact same ability when it comes to threads. I can tell by OP pic, content, and faggotry the very soul of the anonymous behind the thread.

Your post tells me you're a piece of shit nigger faggot.

forgot to say that I can only work with releases from the judeo-christian heritage.

I don't know enough about the japanese psyche to mind read them from a title and a poster.

I could try but I would probably butcher it.

here's my attempt: funny coming to age comedy, entertaining and somehow relevant

tasteless action flick
it's only objective is to be entertaining and it even fails at that.
complete trash.


It's a porno about a young girl raping men.

Yes I can see through the glass and frame into your soul.

That's not a mirror dumbass.

it's not.



wannabe art piece depicting the extraordinary life of an ordinary man.
Cannot be called an art piece.


Because I took the time to download the picture already

that doesn't even look like a movie.
I guess it's music, and whatever it is I know it's trash.

sorry m8 but I'm gonna go have an ice cream. I'll do it when I come back if the thread is still up.


Sounds like the answer of a man who doesn't want to lose credibility on passing judgement on a good movie with a bad poster. I do believe you should go fuck yourself

Can you get me some pistachio ice cream pls


too late man, just had some awesome banana ice cream. :p

artsy science fiction film about the nature of man.



I fucking loathe you. You should have gotten me ice cream. Prepare for what comes next.


c'mon op you fucking pussy