Non-Native English speakers

Non-Native English speakers.

What kind of English were you taught at school, was it British English or American English?

Which do you prefer?

I'm just genuinely curious, don't mean to start a sperg war but this is Sup Forums so it will probably happen.

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Teachers are trained in standard (British) english and that is what they pass on to classes. Of course most students also pick up a good bit of what they learn from american teleprograms. Not that the two are much different, I don't see why you care.

They teach Brit English at school but people don't learn it there, but from playing vidya, watching Sup Forums, etc, so everyone ends up learning burger English

>What kind of English were you taught at school, was it British English or American English?


>Which do you prefer?

literally couldnt give less of a shit

>cultural victory

Shut up gringo puto

It would be, if the countries you sold countries to submitted to yours. Really it's more like a "you-being-a-cultural-prostitute" situation.

The proper one.

The real one. They don't even count americanisms as answers on the english exams. Pants - wrong answer, it's trousers. Sneakers - wrong, it's trainers.

>not being anglo

british English

but they tell us things like Brits say "have you got?" and Americans say "Do you have?", and that words like Humour are acceptable both with the u and without.

We do pronounce the er in words that end in er like Americans, not like the English. I guess that happens because that pronounciation is more similar to how it's written

wtf I love russia now

Regardless of which one people reply with, the simple truth is that they're learning English in the first place because of American power and cultural hegemony.

>Brits can't say their r's
>Americans can't say their t's
Really makes me think.



We changed like at least 8 English teachers and their English ranged from absolute shite to rp and standard american(-ish).

One teacher I had in 3rd grade didn't even fucking pronounce 'elephant' right, at all.

It was an easy subject, but even those that couldn't really hold a basic conversation not only passed, but got A's.
At that level, you can't really discern what accent they have.

Ayyy thanks for that senpai, saved us the hassle

Wrong. "American power" is a void expression and cultural hegemony is far more comprehensive than what is making people learn english, which is nothing more than to have access to a wider variety of entertainment.

I took Spanish in high school, expecting Castillan, they taught us fucking Mexican.

makes more sense for you to learn mexican tho
it's your 2nd language afterall

t. sw pro

>What kind of English were you taught at school, was it British English or American English?
At school it was a horrendous mixture of English and Californian that not even the teachers kept consistent.
I didn't learn English from school, though, I learnt it at an academy and by consuming every kind of media in English. The point at which I started realizing accents was after watching "This is England" and being very shocked at the unusual "fock off" pronunciation instead of "fack off".
Since then, I realized my Frist/Advanced/Proficiency teacher had an English accent and it grew on me.
Nowadays I speak my own way based around a (mostly) English-neutral -whatever that is-, meaning that I still roll many of my Rs because the English R can fuck off.
But, being completely honest, I don't know what can be considered a "neutral English" accent, since I refuse to believe the "oy m8, cam wiv mi to da paaaahty tonigh, inni?" are the "neutral English" speakers, just like, being MadrlieƱo, I refuse the notion that "bienvenido a Madriz, que le den a la ll" is the "neutral" Spanish accent.

Well, you aren't going to find many Castilian teachers in the US.

my spanish teacher was a fat mexican, we had to write a paper on any event in mexican history, i picked the mexican-american war and pissed her the fuck off

>my spanish teacher was a fat mexican
My condolences, then.

British until High school. A high school teacher was from the US of Burger. Then British again.

>i picked the mexican-american war and pissed her the fuck off
t. edgemeister

we're taught british english but since all the media and movies and tv shows are from USA we end up learning USA english because it's legitimately impossible to do otherwise.

USA english sounds more normal because of this, and british english and all of it's dialects sound fucking retarded or subhuman.

I was taught British English.

But you were allowed to speak and write in any dialect, as long as you were consistent. So if you want to talk like a drunken Irishmen you had to do it flawlessly.

But I prefer American English. Or kiwi English.

this man is lying

nobody prefers kiwi english to anything

Yis I do.

School: Brit
Prefer: American

The listening tapes and the workbook was british, but all my english teachers were american.
But I can't not make american pronunciations.


The thing is, my English has gotten a lot worse because of American movies and the internet. I try to speak proper English but I still pronounce "can't" as "canned".

I can't say "can't" like a proper British man after I've seen this fucking Trainspotting.

It's pretty funny though. Like if you picked Waterloo in French class

Shut up bru

>pronounce "can't" as "canned"
wtf man

a questionable and enigmatic language which British English, American one and Japangrish are muddled up together and are taught by Japanese teachers who have no experience of living in the UK or the US desu oniichan.

I like both of them.

>What kind of English were you taught at school, was it British English or American English?


>Which do you prefer?



American English isn't English.

New Zealander english

AFAIK the USA doesn't have an official state language.

re-read the key

Isn't it Spanish?


At least we don't have it on all of our signs.


Why wouldn't Quebec have French on signs? BC doesn't, I dunno about other provinces, though.

My professors acknowledged American English, but the test ended up all red from corrections to British English. If the student for example wrote "honor", instead of "honour", they'd throw in "u"
The "c and s" in verbs/nouns: advice/advise as well (people confused these a lot), and pronunciation-wise, all of my professors nurtured an English accent

>go to japan
>speak to teacher
>his students are watching
>he can't hardly say anything to me
>we take a significant amount of time to communicate small things
>I have to really think hard about what he might be trying to say
>I try tons of ways to phrase something so it overlaps with his English vocabulary

Meanwhile the students are sitting there watching, judging. I wish I could have heard their thoughts.

It's beginning, Tyrone

""""""""""""American"""""""""""" """"""""""""english"""""""""""" is absolutely disgusting.

Brit english is the only correct one anyway, their 'r' is almost decent

I prefer British. Australia has a weird merging of the two and I'm not sure how I feel about it. For instance you could say jail or gaol and still be correct.

An accent isn't a different language m8

>"American power" is a void expression
Do you want another Pinochet, mayate?

That's fucking Miami, you might as well be posting signs in Wales.

How do you pronounce gaol?

How did you end up speaking to a Japanese teacher in front of his whole class?

Wasn't the entire class at this point. But I hosted exchange students from Japan growing up, and also went over there during one summer. They still had school, because.. you know, Japanese soul-crushing education system. So I did attend their school for a bit.

fair one, I hope you slayed some Jap poon ladm8.

A good Sup Forums post is like a good cigar: it lights off with smooth full-bodied baiting, it transitions into more sophisticated sperg wars with nuanced undertones, and it finishes off with everyone dissatisfied and Janny taking it down.

Same as jail


It's a good analogy, dumbass.

There is a beginning, middle, and end to a cigar, each considerably different.

There's a beginning, middle, and end to a Sup Forums thread, each considerably different.

Light-hearted baiting and banter -> convoluted sperg wars choc full of ulterior motivation -> everyone has a sour taste in their mouth and thread fizzels out and is archived.


Cigars are relaxing af but I can't smoke them indoors since they smell so strongly. But I don't want to have to sit outside for 45min just to smoke. REEEE