What the fuck is the text in the middle of this?

What the fuck is the text in the middle of this?

Is it a date?

Yes. it is a passport stamp moran.

It's just passport shit, man. Close that up, lock it away, and enjoy your vacation.

What does it say "Moran"

I need to know the dates dude

I am not your fucking google machine dicksnot. look it up your damn self.


>>Sand nigger scribbles
>>Need to know date on a departure stamp
>>Obviously not your passport

if you cannot figure out how to google passport stamps then you do not need to know that bad. do your own damn legwork fatass.

What difference does it make. Someone here is bound to be able to read this shit and tell me what it says

>What difference does it make.

I just need the dates

Goddammit. I need to know the dates.

I'll tell you user

Go for it

Does the fate of the world depend upon it?

The free world

In a good or bad way?

Oh come on man.

This is turning into an awesome spy movie in my head.

Yeah it isn't a movie

way to ruin the party mr. pooper.