Knowledge thread. Tell us about a subject or thing you like to learn about

Knowledge thread. Tell us about a subject or thing you like to learn about.

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What is Calculus??

It's an approach to mathematically talking about change, both in terms of the way things change from moment-to-moment, and the way those changes accumulate into the current state of things. In a sense, it's a way of resolving Zeno's paradoxes, by showing that they arise from particular modeling techniques. Of course, one eventually hits a wall where the kinds of things one would like to do with math aren't feasible, so we get the pointless distraction called computer simulation.

What are gets?


Jeopardy man shit yeah

Holy Scripture
Its fucking /lit/

czech em

2 off from quads. Not my lucky day

Android programming

how to get over oneitis. Short and sweet. Come on Sup Forums do it HIT ME

Let me explain

what is oneitis? when you only get singles?

Aww sheeeit

Honesty would like to learn why the Roman empire fell so easily to Christ cucks

string theory please

they abused their power, neglected the lower class, so they turned jewishism into christinity and killed all the romans, for freedom

Cannabis. I like to learn about the plant itself and current legalization strides.

Never fell moved to religion ie catholicism anyone objects shout blasphemy and the angry mob will do the rest

North Korean military.

everything mathematics related.

You know, I've always wondered what's the relationship between Dennis Rodman and Kim Jong Un.


pipe organs. we're talking 64" stops with better bass than the flop house ur momma buys crack from x10

26 states have legalized cannabis in some way but everybody's waiting to see what Trump will do. His choice for Attorney General is pro Drug War and seems to believe he can legislate his morality on America but I'm hoping Donald is smart enough to realize that putting the genie back into the bottle would be more trouble than it's worth.

is the earth flat? explain.

To add to what said, I love low level stuff. I can tell you all about how mobile devices boot up an stuff.

>secondary bootloader
>qualcomm aboot (replaced by proprietary shit in samdung and htc devices)
>linux kernel
>android operating system

>low level bootloader
>xnu kernel
>operating system

PC with Windows
>proprietary intel management engine
>basic input output system
>windows loader
>nt kernel

PC with GNU/Linux
>proprietary intel management engine
>basic input output system
>grub bootloader
>linux kernel
>init (usually systemd these days)
>operating system

Libreboot PC with GNU/Linux
>basic stuff to initialize hardware
>grub bootloader (as a payload)
>linux kernel
>init (usually systemd these days)
>operating system

Stupid hipster faggot Mac shit
>proprietary intel management engine
>basic input output system
>xnu kernel
>faggot os

i like to learn about dubs

No, if it was, the tides wouldn't work.

Initiative 2045.


Why to be? Why it can't not be? In other words, why does it exists the be?

85 years is more than enough

I want to know how to calculate the magnetism needed to prevent the gravity force from decreasing the speed of a rotor to power my house for life please.

I agree, I can't imagine there would be a change in the general population's attitude with anything Sessions could theoretically do. Plus there is too much money in the industry and I doubt Trump would want to stifle it.

why did trump win?

Wicked Zionist Jewry

The overlap between people who are scared and the people who are stupid.

Im.obsessed with wear. Effects of sun, rubbing stuff over a period of years. This is a piece of wood I've been constantly drying and soaking in oil and drying again for over 15 years

kek. overlapping overlaps

Jew tricks and celebrity endorsements don't work anymore

What does it feel like?

Do you rub it?

explain 1 jew trick

if dubs u haff to put in butt

no, jerk n tug


Java's swing api is easier to use then C#'s WPF

I'd like to learn classical guitar and how to break up with someone who will obviously kill themselves if I do.

>>why exists the be
>>the be

let her go user. she will finder her own way


It's like removing a band aid, do it quickly and be done with it.

4 beers, and 4 fireball nips. will they fuck me up?

>depends on the beer
>fireball ain't shit

In good faith, I'll also talk about shit I'm interested in and know about to a degree.

I love coffee, Espresso, drip, french press, etc. Before I got a job as an IT helpdesk wagecuck, I was a barista at a bookstore for the longest time. While there I met so many amazing people, authors, poets, scientists, hedge fund managers, CEOs, you name it. The coffee was great, and I can make the best damned flat white you've ever had, but I value the people I met over the coffee. I love people, and I love talking to them. Being able to speak on the same level of other folks, no matter their walk of life is my super-power I guess.

Have another pape, because I hate talking about myself.

u ought to b aight. i woulndnt say gud but least u aight dog

fireball? you mean that pussy shit that college sluts drink? if you want to get fucked up buy some 151 or something

Interesting texture

It's interesting. Pretty much a mixture of the 1950s Chinese PLA (In terms of ideology and tactics) with the technology of the 1960s Soviet Army.
Nobody wants to fight that war because the North knows they will get their shit kicked in, and the South doesn't want to deal with the masses of starving Norks.

Personally, the military I've been most interested in is the East German NVA. For the time they were equipped fairly well and had probably the second best training and gear of the Warsaw Pact. After the USSR.

Gonna learn to play the flute and kill myself


Because shaming people for who they are (Or who you believe they are) does not work.
You label everyone who disagrees with you as something like a bigot, racist, sexist, etc. and then expect them to side with you? Not going to happen.
Plus people were tired of both parties squabbling and being their own kind of retarded, so they elected someone who both parties hated. Both in the hope that an outsider will fix it and also as a "fuck you".

are you gonna kill yourself with the flute you learned how to play

How To Wax Floors?

a picture representation of your argument

flute in pooper plus pics

I want to learn and explore as many religious/non religious belief systems as I possibly can. I have an immense yearning for knowledge that's beyond our world. It's a fascinating concept I can never get enough of.

The Wehrmacht and Germany's throat punch to western Europe.

I hate Hitler and his scum but objectively, it's fascinating to understand the how.

what is this?

Languages.I want to learn German/russian/French but only have the money to learn 1 atm

This will be another one of those utopian rainbow things that will only benefit the ones that will be able to pay for these them.