Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

My girlfriend is coming over tomorrow, we're gonna fuck and she's on her period. Never had period sex before, does anyone who has have any tips they'd like to share? All I know to expect is that it's gonna smell.

>>pic related to topic

Put a towel down first and take your shirt off before you finger or fuck her

just fuck in the shower m8

It's really nothing like that. Every dude I know over exaggerated period sex.

Lay a towel down so no blood drips on the sheets. Fuck her. The only difference is your dick comes out with a slight reddish hue.

That's it. It doesnt smell, it's not super messy. It's just like regular sex except you wash your dick afterwards. That's it.

Do it in the shower or have some self control and wait.

It's not worth it tbh.

dunno bro the only time i did it the girl had a light flow

felt kind of sticky going in then almost like tiny granules would sometimes rub against my dick


this 100%

Literally same scenario today, fucked in shower, came out clean

I'll give you the same advice my grandfather gave me & basically the most I know about Billiards in gerneral...

When the Red is blocking the Pink, you can always shoot for brown.

yeah its not bad, I like to wear a condom if I have one, if not just wipe your dick and hairs off after

if you want to pee blood after that, be my guest

it's not the blood on your dicks/balls/pelvic region that gets you, it's the rancid smell.

This is bullshit for most people, ask a ruined couch cushion my ex once had

Shit is hot - she may be extra horny.

When eating her pussy, just stay up around her clit and do it before you fuck.

Its actually low-key enjoyable, just try not to look at your dick, your pelvis and your dick are gonna be covered in her stuff lol. Unless you don't want her to bleed, tell her to take a BATH, not a shower, A BATH, for 25 mins. Should do the trick and give you 45 mins of no bleed. Have fun OP!

Did you forget to bring a towel?

Get a towel for putting under her and one to wipe yourselves off with. Take a shower after it and enjoy life

if she showers beforehand, it will only smell like blood. Also, beware blood dries fast and it could get painful for you unless she constantly super wet.

you eat pussy when it's bleeding? How do you not vomit from the smell?

The Verdict:

1: Rubber (Optional)
2: Towels on hand
3: Gentleman's Wash

or anal.

may not smell as bad as you think;
but it will be messy. Don't freak out when blood chunks stick to your dick.
Its kind of a turn on; looks like you're literally impaling her with you meat...

Fuck that shit, tell her anal or no sex, stay the fuck away from baby hungry bitch's pussy you dumb shit.

your grandfather was a very wise man

That's not true m8. It's sticky and smells different to regular sex, also feels a little different as far as I remember but christ I haven't gotten laid in about a year and half so fuck what I know.

These are correct

Wtf is wrong with you?

>just like regular sex except you wash your dick afterwards
You should wash your dick after regular sex too...

Yeah this is bullshit.

It does have a smell to it, and depending on what stage of her period she's on/how heavy her flow is, it's obviously going to be a bit messy.

this shit should not even be quoted but Ive been there. fuuuck that stench still haunts me

Are you a chick & my ex?? haha totally ruined my parents couch with my first gf. looked like I had stabbed the cat & used the cushion to wipe up the mess

This nigger knows.

> expect is that it's gonna smell.

Not bad if she showers first.

cause I love pussy, ya faggot

you must sleep with some nasty bitches then cause I've never had it smell fucking weird, that's fucking gross.
except for one fat bitch I fucked who wasn't even on her period who had a stanky fucking pussy and i'll never do that again

8l how do you think reproduction works

She lays an egg during her period and you cum on it?

everyone already gave solid advice so ill just tell a story

the only time i ever had a horrifying period sex experience was when my girlfriend's period came literally mid-pump during sex---she's anemic and a bigtime bleeder so it was a bloodbath-- we still finished of course. Even did doggy and splashed blood everywhere. My dick came out of here like a fucking drenched blood sausage. I even wiped it off on the white sheets

luckily it was in a hotel room so no clean-up--we had a check-out the next morning so as a prank for the cleaning ladies we wrapped the blood covered white sheets around a couple of pillows and formed it like we wrapped up a dead body, then put the dummy in the closet

the cleaning ladies probably shit themselves hahaha


Haha, done this cause GF was horny during. Weird. Just do it in the bathroom so the drippings end up some easily cleanable surface.

What? neither of these have ever happened to me

feels really good man blood is the best lube

I've never had a problem with it, just lay down a couple towels, never dealt with weird smells but I'm not fucking rancid niggers either.

It's cool cause it acts as an extra lube, and good for her cramps.

If she feels self conscious just tell her it's okay, that you don't think it's gross because it's a part of her so you love it...

After you bust take a shower, don't let that lazy slut lay around maker her shower also

Some chicks smell often, some don't.

If they don't have a bread box going on (and they're white) it's seldom an issue.

virgin alert

bro, it doesn't even smell that bad and it works like lube

Put a towel down
Turn off the lights
It won't smell
It won't feel too different
Shower afterwards

Done it before wear a condom and expect blood on your dick and pubes

I always thought it felt rather dryer, the same but different sort of thing. Give it a go. But like others have said, protect your sheets and clothes :D

welcome to manhood

I always wash my dick after sex. Nasty not to.

I used to have period sex with my girlfriend all the time during high school. Honestly there's a lot of stigma around it but it isn't bad at all. We just used to make sure to lay a towel down on the mattress before we fucked so the blood wouldn't leak. During sex it was most comfortable for her to do just missionary. Always use lots of lube. Keep the lights off. And keep an extra towel with you. When you cum let your dick dry for a minute and clean it with a towel. It should take off any blood, blood clots or uterus bits. My girlfriend used to clean my dick off for me with a towel because period blood didn't gross her out. Ask your girlfriend, she will probably clean it for you with a towel so you don't have to look at it.

wash your dick after regular sex?
Nigga who's got time for that

I'll wipe it off, but I'm not going to shower after every time I have sex

Just man up and do it. Grandpa swallowed more blood on the beach at Normandy in 5 minutes than you will if you fucked and licked a thousand bleeding gashes. Dont make grandpa call you a faggot from the grave.

didn't you know period blood goes up your peepee hole?

>not washing your dick every time
what are you gay?

Dim the lights. Keep a dark coloured under and one for cleaning hands/face.

Right. Exactly... I didnt say shower, i said wash your dick.
People just going to let pussy juice dry up on thier dick?

Just make her use a tampon and fuck her in the ass or her mouth. Idiots.

Yea fills up your bladder to.


its not my favorite, i never do it unless im not gunna see her for a while and its the last chance to do so. something about blood with sex makes it hard for my dick to stay rigid. but its not like it the fucking worst.

>Wash your dick after regular sex too
washing your dick after sex? you mean the after blowjob

dont have time to read everyones comments so sorry if someone said this but...it can be gross. Depends where she is at in her period. It honestly grosses me the fuck out. It can be blood chunks. The blood will be dark. The combination of my girls pussy juice and the blood makes it look like a milk shake from steak n shake.

tldr - give it a try then decide for yourself.

*shudders and keks at the same time*

Turn off the lights ya tard

me and my gf have fucked so many times while shes on her rags and ive never pissed blood,
>peepee hole
vigin confirmed

I think he was being sarcastic, buddy

i bet you dont eat meat coz your a vegan fag also

once i bust a nut all i care about is rolling over and sleeping.

who seriously is lame enough to wash your dick after sex everytime?

LeBron sucks.

and then you poop it out

Thats pretty gross user, what sick shit is inside you that allowed you to continue with your bloodbath?

I guess we are sick fucks who dont give a damn if pussy juice crusts up on our dicks. We are simple men, bust a nut and catch some Z's

Calm down super satan

This guy gets it.

if you havnt had sex before this could be quite a experience. to help her ease into the moment you want to play something like this during the act..

Feels warm man

had this situation yesterday, ended up just blowing me and shes coming around today for sex, just wait it out

Nah man, its not the same.

It's WAY BETTER than normal sex. The warmth of her blood in your dick and acting like a natural lube, and she's way hornier. No condom either.

Everyone should try it.

satanan has spoken

OP here, appreciate all the advice and support mates, perhaps I'll update you all tomorrow

yeah that shit is pretty gross, I fucked this one girl on her period and I was horny af, we were fucking in missionary position with a towel underneath and I felt she was really wet (The blood I know) we kept on banging and I started going harder than I felt the blood going down my ballsaqq and I went limp

this is my boy. it is fucking awful to clean up and anal is fucking amazing


Take it slow and easy, it can be sore for them when on their period. Also, don't wear anything.. not even boxers, condom won't even save you from getting some blood on your skin.

Besides from that just don't go down on her and try keep hands away from there too. Once you have it in just enjoy yourself and the 5 minutes of cleaning blood off yourself after.

I love fucking my gf when she's having a light period. Warmth hits my dick hard and makes me cum all the more faster. Really though if she's light then you can skip a towel usually. If she's heavy, put one down and expect some okay sex. I'm not a fan of the kind of feeling a heavy period gives, but I love the smell for some reason. Also don't try eating her out on it. You probably won't, but from my own experiences it's bad.

Agree. Take it slow at first and take a shower then

Had sex with gf the other night, she was horny af on her period so I let her fuck me. It was actually kind of nice because ive never seen her so dominant before. It wasnt my first period sex so I wasn't expecting much.

Except then she wanted me to hit it from behind and here's where shit got dark. I've never been partial to the residual sex-smell that comes about mid/post fucking, but when I was fucking her from behind the sex stank became so fucking overbearing that I couldnt finish. Also we broke my bed while doing it which gave me a good excuse to call it off.

When people tell gross sex stories about fucking some dumpster hoe and they talk about the putrid dick-softening smell, now I know what theyre talking about. Bodies are fucking gross.

Just fuck her with a tampon way up inside her, I've done it

fooked my ex for 9 years on her period and it never smelled once.

That being said I dumped her as she entered her late 20s so maybe I got out while the getting was good

Just fuck her ten when covered in blood go anal like a savage.

There was no blood or anything, just that awful smell. Its enough to make me reconsider my stance on period sex.

My gf sucks me off after period sex.

props for your respect. but i can get laid any day for like 23 days straight. i can fkking wait seven

I came here to post this pic. And here this fagget beat me to it.

side note. u could always fk some1 else in your seven day window. also, try n convice her blowjobweek is still a thing

Love the smell and taste. Gets me rock hard when she is heavy flowing. Plus she loves it. She also says it helps break it up when I'm plowing deep.

Cunt spotted.

Only a bitch would try to downplay period sex. Here's the reality:

It smells like rotted fish. It feels grany, like there's small amounts of sand. It looks fucking disgusting.

Want me to explain it further?

Period is another form of unwanted bodily excretion, like urine and feces. Cunts like this user will try to sell you on the idea it's "beautiful". No, it's not. Dead flesh (lining of the uterus) being expelled by the body as waste.

That's what you're fucking. Think of anal as she shits.

Found the fag

Keep samefagging feminist cunt.


when the river runs red, take the brown road instead