Mom, why are you wearing those hooker heels with your hijab?

>Mom, why are you wearing those hooker heels with your hijab?

She's asking for it



I would love to fuck her in front of her kid. I want to see both of their reactions.

that hairy minge probably smells like a wet squirrel tho

Asking for Allah's forgiveness?

Pakis love wearing high heels

>implying Abdullah would have it any other way...

If my name was Allah yes.
And if my dick was named forgiveness

True. Got one paki at work, skinny 5/10 covered in paki hijab. But always got sexy shoes with high heels and feet pedicured. Im not even a foot fag but I noticed.

Those heels must weigh a ton. I guess Ahmed doesn't want her to run away and wants her to look more fuckable while he's at it.

post pics nigger

I'm not a foot guy so don't take creep shots. I'm actually trying to see if I can get her to come out of her shell.

Wearing those shoes tells me she wants to be wanted and feel sexy. And yet her culture/family discourages it. Got me 2 Indians (Hindu) and 1 Bengali (Muslim) so far. She will not be easy to turn.







Paki heels thread?













dis bitch haz weird toes, do not want

Because shes Malaysian and lives in a developed country, not the medieval east.






I honesty can not comprehend how you guys can look at feet and go...yup, thats hot, fap fap fap

Post pictures of that cat

Son, because I want to make men's cock's hard while praising Allah.

Because their clothes are sexy and tight-fitting, and the feet and face being the only bit of skin shown off makes it extremely boner-inducing.

Also, I have a massive fetish for chunky heels.

because muslim women like to be hot too

Seems like it was taken from Gurney Paragon Penang, Shout out from +604!