I can't play webms so give me your best porn gifts you got
I can't play webms so give me your best porn gifts you got
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cool, a webm thread
fucking retsrd
What a sad nation
>on an iPhone and can't be bothered to use it
>posts jpg
Yeah, webm thread.
>so graceful
Fickung retard
Look how it was bent around the curves of her intestines. Fucking wild.
Filemaster app
Download it
Watch webm's
I sure hope OP's enjoying his thread
This just changed my life
mm dat some good looking cunt
nice title
Chink escalator broke, lady got rekt
that chick is perfection
It doesn't really look like the escalator pulled her. Did she survive?
Its tear-jerking
>that escalated quickly
She is very dead
that's impressive
certainly one happy hole
Was waiting for it to claw him or something, turned out to be a normal webm, gg user.
Nice trips, Satan.
How do you let yourself get that fat?
Like, at one point you have to think to yourself that you need to lose some weight.
Fuckn animal thread
damns, dudes ripped
Nah, she died, it took them somewhat 8 hours removing her from the mechanism
Just watching that made my ass hurt... And my dick stiff as a dead snake
>I am too stupid to google "woman dies escalator"
>please spoonfeed me
Faggot. Honestly, I know this isn't even worth my time, but anyone who gets off on violence to a dog, of any animal, literally can't get enough clocks down their throat, and is likely a psychotic, unloved piece of shit. Enjoy your lonely, unsatisfying life.
>they're actually not Asians
dogs are shitty and stupid and deserve to die
at least he wore his helmet
>Nothing but finger and peck day.
Not even once.
Bow down fuckers
that's a hamster. but a better file name would've been "OPs mom"
those are lions, you retard
Any webms/gifs of those things pushed all the way in or is that not really done?
and that's when he decided to kill his family
checked and kek'd
and that's a leopard, goddammit. No one knows the names of animals in this thread
Fucking sauce nao
It;s called a Hitachi and nah not really.
why they run like bitches, they shot kill that nigga
I think he's misnaming them on purpose user.
And we found the Trump voter...
holy mackerel do you enjoy taking bait
>Edgelord = Trump supporter
he only wanted to touch the fishy
Nothing new but you still made my day, especially the user mocking the japs. I bursted out in laughter when I was in a bad mood
this gave me the weirdest boner
>Let me just try to gap this with no speed
no you got it wrong.
that's CLEARLY a tiger
Sauce pls?
Any more like this?