>be me >party hard as a mofo (so this story is from friends perspective) >04:00 am black out drunk with bro >pulling out mailboxstands from the ground and hulk throwing them out in the streets >fast forward to 04:30 smoking in an alley >still no memory >police pull up >cliche cop comes over to us >fat, mad and ugly >"only two kinds of people walk around these parts, police and criminals" >i reply with "im still waiting for the second type of person" mfw >he got mad and started searching us >i had weed on me so i paniced >kicked the cop in the knee and yelled "goodbye mr. pigman" as i fucking bolted out of there >10/10 weekend
Isaiah Taylor
you are real cool.
Dylan Parker
ITT: Things that never happened. /Thread
Caleb James
I kissed my gf on the cheek before we both drifted away in sleep while our bodies became one.
Ryder Baker
have own
>be me >on the party >2 friends with >very much drink an alcohol >very much fire the weed >neighborhood is no goodness >very much bad man at the party >bad man be pirates >there is big fight to start one half through >man has pirates made mad >man has pirates have the gun >priates shoot the gun at the man >man has the gun also >big gun is fight in the party >be on the hide behind chair so hope not to become shoot >become alive how dont know >millitary police is on the near >arrive the party to shoot the pirates with the gun >millitary police dont arrive >every one has been left the party >am the last >return to the home >most wild time in my one whole life
Andrew Rodriguez
>Sup Forums >friends
pick one you fucking tard
Benjamin Gutierrez
>goodbye mr pigman fake or not, I still laughed
Isaac Bailey
what the fuck did i just read
Robert Phillips
I can't tell if this is real or not but I am laughing my ass off, what the fuck man