What does Sup Forums think is a good shortfilm idea?

What does Sup Forums think is a good shortfilm idea?

>passed out before reading comments for yesterdays thread



A fly gets trapped in someone's house.

Two roommates with different political viewpoints politicize the issue, and the whole house burns down by the end of it.

>TFW inspired by a true story, my roommates fucking suck

Write script plz.

A shortfilm about a dude who every time he speaks, gets smaller. He has to figure out why, how to stop it, all in the smallest amount of words or he'll become a speck of dust.

This is quite original. So other communication would be fine, but talking is no?

= /

i dig it
humanity predominantly disappears after some pluage, a couple hundred people in cryosleep wake up two hundred and fifty years after the differences and roam around in the now crumbling abandoned civilizations.
>cities are forests
>skyscrapers are over run with vines
>bridges teaming with wildlife
>If you make it further into the future and the old humans did some genetic modification, maybe new species of wildlife exist.


fokin a

>any of the Fallout series
But I do see what you're meaning. Maybe like a post-apocalyptic place?

yeah but with a predominant focus on nature, fallout has too much wasteland, also, the humans alive have no idea what happend to the others, they just woke up in a completely different world to what they remember, possibly revert to a tribal,Lord of the Fliesesque

>>Utopia; no crime, no poverty
>>Robots have fully automated everything
>>Suddenly, a mad bomber goes on a spree of destroying machines and other robotic shit
>>One of the last detectives on the planet gets called in to solve the case

Ahh, I see your point. Mainly about the nature overgrown and basically it just taken over the world. Gotcha. So something like that one movie with Will Smith in it, cant remember the title but he had a companion and there are the white fucks? Mainly known for the "NO, NO" -insert gunfire- mem.

I'm pretty sure that had a shitton of overgrown plants

> iRobot

I was thinking more of a human being responsible.

>Work is obsolete
>Social stigma surrounding people still working
>"Whoa, you still work?"
> "Dude, do you know the health risks of working? Why would you not sit back and let a robot do everything?"
>" I could never date a man who has a job."

Bomber is a human who wants to work to feel purpose. He never targets humans, and his day job is a foreman at a plant that build replacement robots. Simple guy just wants to feel like his insignificant life has some great, grander purpose than sitting around to do nothing all day.


Ah, I see your point. Sounds good, I'll add to list

This is a shortfilm ideas thread, not for your outrageous gory pictures.. Please leave..

>mfw OP is gonna steal your ideas and make millions with his avant-garde creations

kek can we get a greentext


>Makes entire film in green text
>Gains millions

Well, since you asked...

I would like to see a short-horror film about a house from the 70's, with shag green carpet that turned into wormlike creatures that ate the bare feet of people that walked on it. Maybe some pets. I could pop some popcorn to that.

Long story short;

>Roomie A was cooking when he noticed the fly
>Roomie B was nearby
>B didn't want to kill the fly - just let him fly out the window
>A wanted to smack it
>Discussion about what to do
>B brings up how you wouldn't want people coming in to your life to smack you
>A brings up self defense - the damn fly shouldn't be so annoying
>B somehow brings up Syrian intervention, and how it's not our place to run around and interfere with the lives of others
>A fires back with something about humanitarian issues
>conversation goes from there
>gets pretty heated

Meanwhile, A forgot about his dinner and set off the goddamn smoke alarm.

>Gets pretty heated
Badum tss

But kek, that'd be quite the film. Interesting how that turned out

OP here, I have a shortfilm idea myself. WW2 related. Lemme know how it is.

Two characters - Friedhelm Dieter and Aleksander Petekrov
(Will add more if more people are involved)
Spring time, muddy, snow still melting(?)

Movie starts out black, flashing a clip of Friedhelm sprinting his ass off, panting
another black screen, silent.
Shows clip again, friedhelm still runing, panting, this time with bullets zipping past his head and dirt and trees exploding (from bullet impact)
German shouting in back, hopefully gonna have two other germans run after
Friedhelm stumbling to cover, (got shot in calf) still being chased. has a good advantage of distance
(not really sure, but this is an idea) He'd be looking back, falling into a hole, KO'ing himself out
scene cuts to black

Fried in an awkward position, wakes from his KO
Indistinct Russian chatter in back, he doesn't move
Camera set on his eyes, face all muddy (planning to bring out the eyes to show fear)
(not sure to do from here, but i'll just improv)
Russian chatter grows louder, as russian is right by hole
doesnt notice fried because hes so fucking dirty
(might ditch this idea below this)
Planning to pan camera up, showing where fried is in the hole and showing russians how close they are
(gonna try to make hole not so obvious)
The chatter grows quieter, patrol formation.
(not sure what fried should do to get noticed, lmk)
russian notices him, walks towards area.
mosin raised, scanning the area. notices something else, says a command at it in a normal voice
fried freezes, thinking its him
some partisan comes out, begging for mercy
russian tells him to fuck off, he runs
walks away
sigh of relief from fried
russian walks back, finally finding him
rifle raised, camera set looking at barrel


(VER 1)
Camera turns to black as gunshot is sounded.
Fades into the russians face, mouth in blood as he dropped mosin and stumbles over
Gud friend of fried, maybe Hans
Russian squad heard it, gunfire towards their war
Hans helps Fried out, dragging him to cover
Fried maybe has rifle, fight off
They both attempt to escape, fried supporting himself on hans
just as before they get to cover, fried stumbles
hans pulls him back up, just as you see a big splash of blood from hans' chest
frieds face shows absolute terror

Hans crumbles over fried, russians charge at him.
Fried is dragged across, being beaten with buttstock by ruski fag
camera will be fried in 1st person, he'd glare over seeing Hans' corpse being beaten up
face turns to ruski, buttstock slams on his face, black screen.

(fried will be going in and out of consiousness; ik i spelt that wrong)
being dragged by ruski, being spat on and taunted
-insert multiple fade in and outs-
new location, makeshift village or HQ
Russian HR
fried thrown on ground, near HR's boots
fried turns on his back, moaning with dried blood on his teeth and general face/neck area
pan up to show HR's disgusted face, holding gloves in his hand.
Tells him to get up in russian, he tries and crumbles to floor
HR frustrated, yells for soldiers to get in
pulls him up, escorting him outside
fried alone, hr in middle by two soldiers
HR unbuckles holster as fried is on his knees and hands in mud
Fried begins sobbing beging mercy
Russian tells him to be silent, (twice) second time firing in front of him
Russian tells fried to run, frieds face confused
Fried runs, shots being fired. Has quite the noticable limp.
escapes into the woods, alive but barley
only has the clothes on his back and a belt


long story short, hes in survival, found by a russian
russian raises rifle, doesnt fire until confirmed fried has surrendered
russian kneels down with him, aids him
gives him some water and bread, overall helping him.

Thats all I have. Any good ending ideas?

You should be able to explain it in 1 or 2 sentences. Not post the whole script. Jesus.