Ok Sup Forumsro's I'm basically fucked. I'll take it from the top

Ok Sup Forumsro's I'm basically fucked. I'll take it from the top.

>4 months ago
>going home from shit job
>work in pc repair shop
>walking home to bus stop
>see a grill and fall for her immediately
>fucckkk she takes the same bus
>I think she's an an 8/10 or something
>not a 10 but there's something about her
>my brain fucking crashes
>come home can’t stop thinking about her
>god damn cute smile
>most amazing hair
>I wanna fucking marry this girl

>a week goes by, still thinking about her
>more and more actually
>remember she was wearing the uniform they wear at the shops where they sell the Nespresso cups
>”Nespresso Boutiques” or whatever fancy name they call them
>there is one near my work, maybe she works there
>for once in my life decide to man up
>and do something about it
>like in the movies
>she’s probably out of my league
>I know I'm a bit of a nerd and people sometimes call me podgy
>but fuck it

>next day at lunch break I head to the Nespresso store
>walk up to the counter
>memorised a pretty suave monologue about the bus ride to get her number
>she asks if she can help me
>my brain fucking crashes, again
>forget my monologue
>start sweating


Other urls found in this thread:


>”I’ll take two packets of cups, please”
>”which Grand Cru would you like, sir?”
>”ehhh normal will be fine”
>”could you describe your taste in coffee, sir?”
>end up walking out with a fair amount Nespresso coffee
>haven’t said a word to her about why I was there
>mfw I don’t even have a Nespresso coffee maker
>so fucking embarrassed

>few days later muster the courage to go back and this time tell her
>again freeze
>just buy more coffee
>this has been going on for three months now
>twice a week I go to that store during my lunch break and buy coffee from her
>I now have over 500 unused Nespresso cups in a cardboard box in my house
>last time she even asked why I don’t buy more at one time
>I laughed nervously and bolted out of there
>also my mom is starting to ask questions about the coffee

Please Sup Forumsro’s, how can I turn this around. I’m so stuck. I really want to ask her out.

better buy yourself a nespresso machine you fucking pleb

LOL, thats the end of your story? fuck i was expecting more. i'm so taken aback that i can't even give you advice...


wait, this is genius. do they sell machines there? buy one from her, then when she asks if yours broke, be like, "No, i never had one. I just come in here to see you."

This is a beta line, and it may backfire, but I think it's your only shot. Like, 40% chance of working, 60% chance of freaking her out.

Tell her you want blow her back out. Simple.


That's just retarded enough to possibly work. Go for this, OP

I get why you say that but you have to understand that for the past 4 months my whole existence has revolved around my trips to that store and every fucking time I don't know what to say when i get there it's fucking depressing.

I'm so afraid now that if I tell her she's just going to laugh at me like they do most of the time..