People being tortured

People being tortured


The suspence... What happens






the dubs have spoken. bless

>that much blood and bruising from 3 hits
not sure if legit.



That would actually feel good.

fuck 'em

thats all ive got
(not Op)
keep this thread alive Sup Forumsros

That's incredible. Wow.




Neagan's first kill


>flaming homosexuals


Is that American psycho?

Fuckin lathes man, the only power tool it's safer to work around naked and a pair of safety glasses

ak vs tank or rpg

shit weapon

china = no protection

it's not, it's the best part of an otherwise shit movie


>Disco Inferno

da fuq

this is what is wrong with the world

back when liveleak was good and full of racism.

Which fire is this?