Wannabe future trap here Sup Forums what hairstyle should i get to make me look more andro?

wannabe future trap here Sup Forums what hairstyle should i get to make me look more andro?

>inb4 kill yourself faggot

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Try flattening and straightening that do girlfriend

grow your hair out and use more coconut oil to tame the body down a bit. nice opacity on the last one, your face is cute.

bottom right

kill yourself faggot

gimp wouldnt let me fix the opacity, but sure its grand, i only know one person who regularly checks Sup Forums irl

omg guys bailey jay is on Sup Forums again, how have you been?

your skin is shit

OP is a genius!

surprisingly nice advice for Sup Forums :) thanks, yeah coconut oil and straigtening it, ill probably do that.
thanks for the compliment, appreciate it!