Are they really going to let trump become president? He's not qualified and he's going to ruin us

Are they really going to let trump become president? He's not qualified and he's going to ruin us.

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Its still bullshit though. He shouldn't have won

stale bait

So did George Bush ? So did Reagan he was an actor before he was president for fucksake take your protest and fuck off rich white men have always run politics Obama just niggered his way in

Well he did.

brilliant quote. who is that?

Are you serious Obama was the most qualified man for the job. I wouldn't mind another 8 years of him

actually, both W and Reagan were governors before being elected to the presidency.

Just ignore my Reagan and bush comment then? Where's your snarky response to that dickhole

I don't give a fuck he shouldn't have. Most of the country doesnt want him


Being black doesn't make someone qualified.

Cool cool but he won fair and square. Both candidates knew they had to win the majority of the electoral college.

And? Reagan was an actor who was helped to power by general Electric at the time he introduced capitalism to the us George Bush ran afailed oil company before being made govenor and how do you think he became govenor fuckhole by beig rich and white

are the niggers the reason you have a 65 iq, no talents, no education, no career and no girlfriend, too?

So basketball is reverse racism. good to know, hopefully NAACP makes sports more accessible for whites.

Thanks equality. Can't wait to watch politically correct sports.

Whu didn't they vote then

Never said bush was intelligent? Lol said he was rich and white

>The liberals were butt hurt that an openly socialist candidate didn't get the nod

>Thinking they know what's good for this country

Obama is going to go down as one of this countries greatest presidents ever. I guarantee trump will be impeached before his first year

But the people dont want him

the united states took a chance on a well worded black man to run their country. it didnt work out, they weren't gonna chance a woman after that. of course trump won

>implying any non rednecks care about sports

So why didn't they vote? Only a third of the us population voted



>Maintaned two wars until the Bush allotted timeframe lapsed

>Black lives matter

>Won't even say the word 'terrorist' when talking about arabs

>Campaigned for a woman who plainly said she was going to bring in up to 65,000 Syrian refugees in her first two years had she won.

>Implying the majority of electoral college gives a fuck about your Trumprage

my mistake. thought you were referring to the intelligent part not the white part. aologies.

It didn't work because Congress decided it wasn't going to and then sat on their asses for 8 years not doing anything.
Government only works if every part of it functions at the same time.

u only need to be a u.s. natural born citizen and at least 35 years old to be president. that's only qualification you need.

And trump still lost the popular vote

youre already ruined.

Ur too much. Pussied out big time on some issues. He can redeem himself by pardoning Snowden.

Lol this guy he won mate same way your faggy Obama won so get the fuck over it

Pic related is fucking retarded. Like, literally retarded. I don't even know who that nigger is, but I hate him. Not racist, btw.

who are "they" OP?

>his life is so shit he cries on Sup Forums all day
>still supports capitalism

But the electoral college does. And that's how you win an election. If the popular vote was what the candidates were trying to get then they'd campaign differently.

Shit happens

Trump was, and still is, smarter than every single other person that ran for president this year.

This argument would work if he lost by a significant amount. The truth is in terms of the total population the amount he lost by in the popular vote is like 1/300? So, it's clearly just an empty crybaby tactic.

All you fucking shillaries KYS.

Obama won the popular vote though because the people wanted him not corrupt politicians like trump had


sports are the closest thing to a real meritocracy we have in this country

Denial is what I'd call your argument he won that's that with a ginger cat

>Born in the U.S.
>Is older than 35
>Been a legal resident for at least fourteen years

I'd say Trump is qualified.

lol cry more


And he deleted his comment nice. OP is fucking retarded.

Then most of the country should have voted.

We've had cut/uncut threads for over a decade, you say this as if it matters.

>Maintaned two wars until the Bush allotted timeframe lapsed

Yea obama end the war already your worse than bush

>ends the war

why did you end the war now theres a power vacuum and we have isis

It was an absurd counter example. Basically pointing out how OP's image was crying about one injustice and that in all certainty he is only crying about that perceived injustice to improve his own station not improve the standard of equality for all peoples.

I wanted bernie but the election came down to two people who were trying to out rig the other. And before you try saying trump didn't rig the election why was it everytime you turned on any news channel they were talking about trump. This election was horse shit and Sanders was the only one who could've fixed us

Nig nog logic, but it doesnt matter if trump was black, he would have still won cause too many sjw faggots

correct on wars
incorrect on speaking about arabs
im unsure if hillary ever said that
incorrect on BLM

He hasn't accomplished shit

No, if we would actually withdraw from the middle east then they would stomp ISIS outright

I didnt delete shit

So what?

I don't understand your image. It's just further evidence that muslims don't belong.

we havent had a qualified president in the white house for 8 years now

eat shit libtard,you lost.and will lose again in another 4 years when people get tired of your crying

Typical nigger world view.

>Everything is race based
>We are automatic butt hurt 'cause wees shit skins
>Love it
>Believe meeeeeeeeeeee

270 Votes is all that matters dipshit.
Dont give Trump shit for winning legitimately. Get mad at the Electoral College which makes such a win legitimate.

hes saying the shoiting resulted from gay hate not freedom hatred. i agree muslims should be exterminated but the patriotism sales pitch is bullshit and gives credence to non muslim gay hate

I want people who actually know what they're doing leading me

Actually every time Trump was mentioned it was negatively. This should be a pretty solid example that running negative ad campaigns only furthers the agenda of the one being criticized.

The only ones who can fix you are you dipshit. STOP spending all your money on movies and iphones. STOP getting degrees in art and photography. Your country isn't fucked because of the bad leadership, your country is fucked because it's population are lazy, self entitled, moronic assholes who want everything handed to them.

But it resulted from hating the freedom that gays have in the US. The fucker was a muslim and killed the fags because of it.

go work at walmart


Thank God for the electoral college, or California would pick presidents every four years.

There is no formal competency or merit test for president because we never thought we'd need one. The expectation was that Americans would be intelligent enough to not elect a bigoted, fascist piece of shit. Turns out quite a few Americans are bigoted fascist pieces of shit too.

We all want lots of things. Grow up, the president doesn't matter nearly as much as Congress does anyway.
You act like you've never had a crooked bigoted shitbag for a president before. Well I've got news for you, most of them have been and they haven't all been terrible. So get over it, the next election is only two years away.

and your pissing and moaning isn't going to change anything

Yeah, that pic doesn't dispute anything I said.

Its not my fault this country has so many problems with race relations to the point people supported an openly racist candidate

Hey fucker read the constitution! The ONLY fucking qualifications you need is being 35, be natural citizen and be a legal citizen here for 14 years. Besides that he also won the RNC nomination, and surpassed the minimum requirements of 270 Electoral College votes.

Legally, YOU could run for president, assuming you reach the first 3 prerequisites.

>The expectation was that Americans would be intelligent enough to not elect a bigoted, fascist piece of shit.
That expectation of yours wasn't crushed when they elected Obama?

Maybe they're right and you're wrong, you ever think of that? Maybe they didn't make a test because they wanted presidents to be spineless malleable puppets like Mr Trump has turned out to be.

Doesn't matter how the fuck you feel read the Constitution

Move out

Pardoning Snowdn would actually help the US save some face. They accuse him of treason for exposing the high treason committed by unconstitutional and corrupt agencies.

Is that CIA guy from The Dark Knight Rises?

Thanks for playing Niggas, step aside and let us show you what made America great.

No Shit! If it wasn't for fly over country the witch would be pres-elect

it was gay hate not freedom hate. he would still have hated gays if they didnt have a night club.

the right has twisted every story they can to sell bullshit bigoted nationalism which is creating bloody conflicts around the globe. it has to stop if the people on this planet want to see 50 more years.

we need to conpletely obliterate the middle east, russia, japan, and nkorea and move forward as a globe. take the southern states out too. get rid of the filth

Just because you can do something doesnt mean you should. And the constitution doesnt even apply that much any more. It needs to be changed and i guarntee after trump gets impeached they will

Obama lost the popular vote in the primaries.

You don't get out in the world much do you.

>Only a non-traveling, home-bound liberal faggot would make such a stupid statement

Thank you

Why would he get impeached? He has the support of and majority in Congress. I don't think you know what impeachment is or what it's for.

>the right has twisted every story they can to sell bullshit bigoted nationalism
the left has twisted every story they can to sell bullshit bigoted nationalism
"there I fixed it"

But he destroyed in the actual election and he didn't have to rig it

>muslim kills fags for muslim reasons
>right says it proves muslims aren't compatible
Go back to sucking man ass and screeching conspiracies about the russians, you white early 20s, middle class twat.

Someone doesnt know how the republic works

Has Trump ever tried to grab you?

nig nogs don't know how

Living in the wrong country then, buddy

that's not how becoming presidents work you fucking dumb greasy nigger

you have to convince tens of millions of people to get off their fat asses and go to a polling place to make you the president.

Yeah, sorry the population of California doesn't get to decide the election for everybody

you're beyond idiotic

Why is racism a bad thing? People can deal with whoever the fuck they want to, it's supposed to be a free country.

What are you talking about neo nazis and the kkk support trump. People shout heil trump when they see him. He said all mexicans are rapists and drug dealers and he wanted to legally discriminate against muslims, blacks, and mexicans. The only people he cares about are white people