What's the most shit tier in the European language?

What's the most shit tier in the European language?

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Dutch. If there is any beauty in that language, feel free to point it out because I missed it.


Heel onbeleefd.

Whose flag is this?

t. Ignorant

All the g*rmanic languages

Nvm. It's Benelux.


No Croatian flag but there is Kazakhstan? Good, can't be chosen than.

Albanian, Finnish

oh shhhhhhhiiiiii

Speaking it literally fucks up your neural networks and makes you a faggot cuckold.
There should be a global ban on faggotspeak.


great map of Europe you got there, OP

>European language

all slavic languages

georgia is europ

On that map?

> hülebüle ülülü döner dürüm ikibey

Any slavic language. Holy shit listening to such garbage makes my head hurt.

-> triggered?


Why? Are you? Especially southern slavic languages are really awful, so bloody vulgar sounding. Russian's kinda ok but also shares the same problem, considerably less tho.

why not macedonian and bulgarian? like you can understand the difference

Dutch or Turkish are maximum earbleed

When ever I hear the finnish language I immediately start thinking of potatoes.

what a retarded language


>calls Nederlandse taalunie shit
>own language is used in almost whole Africa

хapaшo хapaшo

You can't judge, you even don't know it. You hate of exUSSR is irrational, but I understand you are a victim of official Finnish propaganda.

Russian sounds pretty awful man. I've never really heard that much South Slavic, but it sounds ok in those 90s genocide popsongs.

this desu. Written south slavic languages are fucking horrible, thats why they disguise themselves with slavic moonrunes to hide their hideous language to westerners

Do all slavs take everything this personally?


Sounds fucking hideous.

fuck you that sounds alpha as fuck


try russian

WTF I want to remove Serb now

No, it lacks any harmony, it may sound "alpha" but it doesn't sound good.

I wouldn't wanna object my ears to such language 24/7




>Enchantéede vousconnaître. Àbientôt
엉셩떼 드 부 꼬내트흐. 아 비앙또

>Je suisPierreDupont.
즈 쒸 삐에흐 뒤뽕

>Est-ceque vousconnaissezPierreDupont?
에스끄 부꼬네쎄삐에흐 뒤뽕?

>Ah!Ça fait longtemps!
아!싸 페 롱떵!

The French sound is terriblethan russian
I think their mouth structures and tongue are not human's mouth
frenchlike smooth Chinese sound

Sure it's just russians anyway, lol.

Stay mad.

fucking slavshits

he is trying to say he likes finnish the most so don't think you will understand the rest.

i love you cute little finns, but you language sucks big time. imagine finnish flag is instead of serbian

Nah this guy is a well known Svecophile. You can recognize him from the Finland-Swedes he posts.
He wants to genocide Finnish language and replace it with Swedish.

>Written south slavic languages are fucking horrible
Written Slovene uses only latin alphabet plus čšž, nothing else. Polish and Czech however use a shitton of diacritics and such, they look awful.


hungarian because it sounds both familiar and foreign at the same time and makes my brain hurt

In the Finnish language there is no grammatical category of future time. It they designate just as the present time.
If in the Russian either, let us say, in the German, or in the English in many situations turn to each other on “you”, then in the Finnish tell “thou” and cashier in the store, and to instructor at the university, and to member of parliament. To the President are nevertheless accepted to turn by “you”.
In the Finnish language there is no gender, i.e., man, and female kind is designated briefly. “Hän” in Finnish and “he”, and “she”. “It” - in the majority of the cases is transferred as “se” and is used both for the objects and for animals.
Hence appear problems in the translate. How to translate, for example, the narrative from the English, in which main hero - woman, but her name does open to the reader only through 50 pages?

He always shows up in those Nordic Union debates, defending the idea and praising the necessity of a fusion of Finland with Sweden.

Post for russian language

Learn English before you post. Or at least post in Russian.

I get a feeling that he does that on purpose just to fuel the thread with fire. Can't real deal.

scandinavian languages powerrank:


I mean i have a hate-love relation for russian, sometimes it sounds really nice sung.

Swedish i like, and obviously my own above all else.


I post Nalle for the memes i don't give a crap about none of your beef.

Balkans are the most toxic area in the world. It's brought nothing but sufferring to the world. Literally useless and i couldn't bring myself to care about you or your countries even if i tried to.

We use other things like postpositions to clear up things in sentences. Your whole post was more or less retarded by trying to even compare ours to any other, since they lack any similarity or origins anyway.


The only swedish that is good is the elf version of it.

indo european speaker prefers indo european languages more at 11

come and visit us, you would like it. but you don't have a balls to come here.

polish is language of the gays

I have no time nor interest to visit balkans. Why would i even want to visit? I get cheap booze from estonia and good looking girls from sweden.

Polish sounds cool and I like poles. They like our music.

Chuj ci w oczodoły bułgarski psie

My uncle had a house there, nothing happened to him except meeting friendly people.
t. other

To our seaside. you an afford our best islands. You will spend twice as much in other countries on mediterranean sea

your uncle is a good man Juha ( juha = soup on Croatian)

Maybe i'd just stick to spain or Finland if i wanted to buy a summer cottage. Like Realistically speaking.

I must be the only person besides the Dutch themselves who likes how that language sounds.

every day I thank god that I was born Bulgarian and speak a cool language, unlike the polish dogs.

I've been to Spain, their sea is really not as nearly as good as ours. Cities are probably bigger and better if you are looking for other stuff than sea. But hey Pekka, your choice, we live in a free world :))))

>I've been to Spain, their sea is really not as nearly as good as ours.

Here we go...

French sounds so gay, whenever I see an alpha french male, the moment he opens his mouth suddenly he is so femenine

>polish is language of the gays
Mehmet,is that you posting with our flag again?
Insulting another slavic language is like insulting your own.That is how i know you are not really Bulgarian.
Underages failing to b8.

t. paratibepotabitabereyosubira

Bavarian German, Spanish and Portuguese

portuguese is top tier

Croatiabro is right though. Spanish sea/beaches are overrated and over-developed. We've got other strong points but autistic bongs and krauts just keep coming to our crappy beaches out of force of habit.

fuck off pleb

>the only correct replies come from Bulgarians

Have you seen bulgarian in latin letters? it looks like the physical representation of puke sound

Now post these in Dutch, so every one can see how ugly it is.

Looks like the Colgates are getting pissed, wat nou?

(And yeah I know this is Afrikaans, but I'll be damned if this doesn't get a chuckle out of me every time)

toz ko izka6i da kaji sys tova? ni6to mu nqma na bylgarskiq brat. vari da podgotvq6 bika sven4o



last time i went to spain there was a whole beach made out of coarse builders sand with worms in it that made you itch

who the fuck makes a beach?

OK with women
Horrible when men speak it.

Russian sounds pretty cool

>worst language
>first reply is dutch
>only 1 (one) mention of Danish


Here's the thing: most of the beaches in eastern and southern Spain are artificial and were made by clearing out rocks and dragging sand out of the seabed. I'm old enough to remember when the beach was a much smaller, rockier affair overall, and of course there was wildlife, crabs, fish and so forth -- nowadays it's a sterile, artificial mess full of dissolved suntan lotion. I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said it's an environmental disaster, either.


thats afrikaans. here's some dutch poetry.

Poëzie is een daad
van bevestiging. Ik bevestig
dat ik leef, dat ik niet alleen leef.

Poëzie is een toekomst, denken
aan de volgende week, aan een ander land,
aan jou als je oud bent.

Poëzie is mijn adem, beweegt
mijn voeten, aarzelend soms,
over de aarde die daarom vraagt.

Voltaire had pokken, maar
genas zichzelf door o.a. te drinken
120 liter limonade: dat is poëzie.
Of neem de branding. Stukgeslagen
op de rotsen is zij niet werkelijk verslagen,
maar herneemt zich en is daarin poëzie.

Elk woord dat wordt geschreven
is een aanslag op de ouderdom.
Tenslotte wint de dood, jazeker,

maar de dood is slechts de stilte in de zaal
nadat het laatste woord geklonken heeft.
De dood is een ontroering.

I'd say dutch.

Danish sounds fine when Sarah Lund speaks it.


Anonic is right.
There is a reason the Habsburgers visited Croatia during the summer

May be sound and letter "ы" is not very well for an European ear, ancient Russian language don't have his sound and used "и" ("i") instead, but after Mongols and uniting with Siberia, local Siberian sound "ы" has come to Russian language, and now have place, we have accustomed to him.

The giant clusterfuck of unique Slav languages in Eastern Europe. No one in particular, but for fuck's sake. Ukraine has 20 recognized languages, none of which are English.




i agree with this 100x
so ugly languages, literal mordor speak

>Su dialecto se llama, literalmente, "vulgar"

¿Acaso conseguirán recuperarse los magandangos?

every snipe complimenting their swamp.