Drawthread: In Living Color Edition
Drawthread: In Living Color Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Requesting lewds of Doll.
I can timestamp if I need to
posting this sketch in new thread
one of my fav tunes
Coulld I see a more refined version with body details?
Restating a couple of requests from the last thread:
"Yo, y'all know how there's a "Nega-Mario" as inspiration for Wario and same for Luigi/Waluigi?
Could you try to draw the Nega-Princess Peach? Make them however you see fit."
Also re-requesting a chubby gal in this particular outfit showing off their bush.
lookin for reqs
hap holigays
Hiya drawthread.
I hereby request a character named Horizontal-chan.
Draw a cute stereotypical animu character with all of their body parts being horizontal.
Pick a number and drop a ref. 4 is already taken, 5 is on hold until I can get a confirmation.
>blindfolded and ring gag
ring gags are the best. 10/10
That's called a line.
Requesting you standing outside a mall entrance, ringing a Salvation Army bell & freezing your ass off for pennies.
Fuck it, gonna request, if you feel like doing it great if not then thats fine.
This trap incubus-ish dude... In short shorts and thigh-highs.
And a tiny tank top.
Gimme 3.
Kiss under a mistletoe
>Take or give request
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try drawing a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired
If you don't know where to start, start with 'Fun With A Pencil'. Loomis is a meme for a reason.
Intuos Draw/Art (formerly Bamboo) is fairly cheap and solid ($64/$79 USD Amazon)
Ask a Drawfriend
Previous Thread:
>ring gags are the best
Yes they are.
Oh THAT'S what this is? Sick as fuck.
Could I have number 3 as this striking fellow?
Gosh all of your drawings are so enjoyable.
Requesting cum oozing out of Pin's mouth, and some degrading bodywriting
butt reveal
Shit 3 just got taken nvm.
oh pin, thank you for recomending me Now and Then, Here and There, that shit was too real, now I need to watch ecchi.
giv me the 6
I'm not trying to do fur tonight, it's not really something i'd like to draw.
Got information for the lower body?
Hello Arin.
When will you whore Suzie out to me?
i love christmas spirit
Need it juicy.
Well fuck.
imight wanna do this another time. im kinda burnt out and can only do super simple stuff
!!!!!!!!!!! lets talk about it! its my favorite anime. tell me tell me how you felt!
taking requests
Good question.
I'd do both Arin and Suzy. It'd be a fun lil' orgy.
Would you be willing to draw Pin from below, about to sit on somebody's face and teasing them about how much of a slut/bottom/whore/etc. they are?
do something whit this racoon
Pin, Imma need you to stay at this kevel of cute.
My hearts can't take more
>ring gags are the best
2 please
sit on my face plz
number 1 pls
This' fell nice?
Fuck you Im not gay
if you give a ref. im not good at perspective
will do cappin
i need to get another one.the one i have now is kind of garbo.
Fuck you Jeremy
poor Phoxy
Kill yourself you gross fat bitch.
taking requests
What kind?
Dental model?
deeothroat stuff
>how you felt
It was a roller coaster,
Fucking piece of shit, pathetic af
I feel sorry for her, I was hoping to know more of why he was with Hamdo in the first place, a shame that we didn't get a backstory for her.
A best, she got it rough, but she was so well writed.
I pressed F so hard for her, I don't even remember the name of the asshole that shoot her. But I hated that guy. Fuck
And Boo and Nabuca, dang.
>not gay
That's a damn shame. I would totally suck that D if you were.
i would like the part when she removers your head
what the matter? im helping ya, because we are friends
Hey Miss c:
F-fuck off Phox that makes me uncomfortably aroused
Ima punch you
Would you be more comfortable if I dressed up sexy for you?
fuck... pin... did you do the dragon pin remake? with the gold coin....please tell me i dident miss it
spacer circle
the dental ones freak me out
Dude I know? The characters are all done so well and you caaaare.
When in doubt just hit it with a stick.
aww im so glad you liked it. it really is one of my favorites
I did not.Mind if I do it tomorrow? Im just kind of chillin atm...
What happens when the pin is removed
Pin dies
dont worry phox, he is just faking it
also clean up your nose man
and im gonna kill you
you know because i alrdey did it two times
is...is that moku?...in the top left corner?
How tho
So all you can draw is gross fat bitches that literally no one wants to look at.
You totally contribute to the threads you reposting cunt.
the one on the left reminds me of junkrat...
Sure. I'll attach one. Sorry, took a while to find one that fit well.
I know it's not super simple, so if you'd like an alternative, something else I have in mind is Pin shifting down some jeans just a little to show off their butt-crack and sticking out their tongue.
i forgot the bell part my bad
i fuckin love christmas
Yeah, Moku x Bawble was a short lived ship by some user, I'm guessing the same user pushing Shadow x Bawble.
yeah, thank you, it's pretty up in my list too.
sorta like this?
i dont even KNOW tht guy
only at 100k subs
i don,t have the life in me to finish this, i just murder all sense of body scale in my mind
for real... i just puked abit....
Can I see you in a skirt, some boots, and striped thigh-highs showing off your butt pretty please?
I don't care if you got trips, you better shut your mouth, I for one adore chubby hairy girls.
Band or half-mask?
>asking for subs
you are whats killing youtube, next you'll be asking for likes
requesting drunk Moms that have had too much eggnog
anyone wanting their traditional art made to digital? with color?, im bored and have nothing to do.
That is an interesting take on him since dude is supposed to be lanky and shit but OHOHO YES-
His name is tick and he got a big heart, so some Christmas spirit and smooch each other
>Shadow x Bawble
At least is more fiting OTP confirmed
sorry if i'm late to the party but coulrn't resist to post this:
actually i like sasha better as a plain normy
i mean, won't deny i miss her doing that sweet juicy high quality porn (when it rarelly happened) but those days are done for good, she kinda did everything for the cash i guess
She did, but damn was she good at it.
so yeah, gg
did someone say bell?
Get to know him he's really cool
I already have it scanned but the fUCKING LINES DONT WORK REEE-
its this.
pants are black, shirt is blue with yellow lines.
hair is pink, horns and ears are dark purple, eyes have black "whites", yellow irises.
those muscles put me off c:
thats awesome and cute!
the one i have is a band
but i don't have a preference on that
youre welcome!
mmm this is a little too complicated for me right now
She is meh to me, she need to be thiccer
Yeah its not great, I am pretty sure its just some troll who pushes the ships to annoy people, and Bawble is the perfect weapon, is a shitty, bottom tier drawfag no one likes, but isn't a blatant shitposter like Chris so no blaring reason to hate her aside from the gross fucking art work, the SJW leanings, and how obnoxious and annoying she can occasionally be when shes depressed or cunty... has the single WORST avatar out of the bunch that makes most people gag instantly, ship her with anybody and its impossible to find the resulting porn appealing in the least bit... its basically a badge of shame to be shipped with her gross ass.
sorry its not mine i just used it because people arent really drawn to things that dont have pictures if you want to see the original artist this is his twitter @TeevzArt
Hey Pin, may I request you doing this?
It's always great to know other artists have this bestfetish of ringgags.
>WORST avatar
nah, fucking phone posters have the worst avatars
Dont mind my sleep deprived autistic screeching-
I just meant I have the art already scanned I just need it coloured and for some reason Krita does not like it-
>this much text ever.
Is he though?
Sure, I guess.
oh okay i thought you were talking about the art i posted saying it wasnt mine i was like haha yeah i know but if yeah im just bored and feel like making some traditional art to digital
Can I request Pin doing this?
Doesn't need to be animated, but I'd like to see blindfold, gagged, and writing on her face that implies she's slutty