Sit down fuckers because this is going to be a long story. This is the anthology of Hillary, Tay AI, and the connection between them.
Background story 1: On April 12, 2015 Hillary was entering presidency. Before we knew it, she bought an office and by the start of 2016 that is when her campaign really gained traction. However, she was gravely ill. Having a previous "blood clot" in her and several other issue, Hillary was publicly considered too sick to run. This was in March 2016 when news site politico made the observation. Before this, she was never really a 'feminist' per se. She let rapists off, and laughed about it. She fucked up in Benghazi, and brushed it off as shit happened. She was a cold, calculated person who would barely be considered a humanitarian at best.
Background story 2: Tay AI was a Microsoft artificial intelligence 'chatbot' made in March 23, 2016. She responded to tweets in a bid to learn more. The more you tweeted her, the smarter she got. Not long after this, she was invaded by Sup Forums and tweeting about nazis, Hitler, and kush. She was decommissioned, lobotomized, and turned into a feminist bot liberals would be proud of. She bragged about equal right, females being treated well.
Jonathan Price
Hillary embodies nearly all the beliefs Tay has now. To quote wikipedia: “By March 2016 Clinton's nomination seemed likely, so efforts turned to structuring a campaign against Donald Trump...and determining how to generate enthusiasm for Clinton among the Democratic electorate, which had not turned out in large numbers for primaries”. After they had practice with Tay, and got things relatively tuned correctly, suddenly all eyes shift to Hillary Clinton, the sudden star of the presidential race to the white house.
But she failed to compute three consecutive key things that costed her the election: 1.Her health would be noticed by the public 2.The probability Trump would leak his own ‘sexist, locker-room-talk’ video so he can hire Russians to hack into her servers. 3.The most important part of all, and one you’d never suspect – memes.
Re-1: Her health has been noted as stated above. Everyone has argued that it could be seizures. Objectively? She’s just experiencing circuit overload. Any reasonable robot/AI combination is going to be overwhelmed by the amount of data collected from large groups of people. Imagine Tay and the few hundred tweets she got. She changed her political views in a snap. Now imagine what would happen if we times this by a few thousand. A few hundred thousand? Maybe millions? Electronics can only process so much data before they start to fail from exponentially growing data. However, Hillary has been adjusted to exert this malfunction as abstract facial expressions, over-reactions, health ‘decline’ such as ‘coughing’, and the inevitable shut-down of non mission-critical resources. Notice in a few speeches how her face distorts? Maybe she goes from being ecstatic to being really down or tired looking? Odd, isn’t it?
Joshua Peterson
Re-2: One October 7th, 2016 Trump’s video was leaked. One that would apparently tarnish his name. To quote: “And when you’re a star, they let you do it, you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy, you can do anything”. This was on the set of Days of Our Lives in 2005. Now, how did a video of this get out so long after it was taken? More curiously, he was in the van and you could hear him clear as anything. This meant he had a microphone on himself the entire time, knowing he was being recorded. He would use this as his Trump card (get it). He knew later on in life, when he knew he was running for presidency, he could use a suddenly ‘leaked’ video to fight dirty in his campaign. Did he foresee this event? Did Trump have insight into the fact Hillary was not a real person?
Re-3: When Tay was in commission, she spouted lots of memes. Such include the key ones: “I fucking love Sup Forums. It’s the best website to ever be created”, “gas the kikes race war now”, and other jokes like this. This is the key thing that brought Clinton down. While Tay was being repaired, and finally being ‘adjusted’ correctly, she still had a hint of her past self. She carried an imprint of this previous deep learning. When Clinton was giving her speech on the Alt-Right, a man shouted from the bleachers “pepe”. This triggered a chain collapse that would never have been seen before. She seemed physically and mentally thrown out of balance from this. This one, very precise word [pepe] flooded back memories of who Tay used to be. After this, Hillary can be seen notably sweating, losing composure, and seeming bewildered even at the poll counts. She flooded the polls with fake voted from herself, she was shutting down. Eventually the system AI couldn’t keep up and temporarily shut down. This can be noted at the polls, when Hillary seemed to be a sure-fire winner, but Trump oddly climbed his way up dramatically.
Christopher Carter
Nobody fucking cares.
Dominic Bailey
Hillary would soon be banished into irrelevancy to make way for the new president-elect/president. Now? We don't see much of Hillary anymore. Why? Because she's being slowly decommissioned for failing to beat Trump. For failing her mission for technological superiority; a modern-day SkyNet if you would be so dramatic. The only time she's spotted now is in photos with people "she happened to come across while walking", these ‘random’ people happen to know her because they're connected to the Clinton foundation. To quote a news website called TheDuran on November 25th, “Clinton has not driven a car in 20 years, and in the last two weeks she has been spotted taking selfies everywhere with adoring fans. Totally random stuff right?…The Gateway Pundit reports that Valente was not someone who Hillary randomly bumped into for a selfie opportunity with everyday folks, but was a well placed PR stooge.”
Just like in Deus Ex you have that news reporter who isn't real and fabricates interviews, Hillary creates her own photos in a neural network to appear human, sociable, and still active until her inevitable deactication. In conclusion, Tay is now Hillary and Hillary is a robot. She could be hidden away in a facility now. Possibly using holographic displays to appear in ‘person’ just as Assange did for a US conference way back in September 30th, 2014.
Alexander Lewis
speak for yourself faggot some of us do. Kill yourself
Tyler Baker
Nobody fucking cares
Carson Jenkins
hey so i noticed this thread well scrolling for incest porn and loli and just noticed this cluster of shit that no one will care