So what will Sup Forums Do If Hillary somehow wins?

So what will Sup Forums Do If Hillary somehow wins?

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Continue not giving a fuck.

She won't

She already won.

Dream on 'tard.

A groundswell is already growing to repeal the 22nd amendment. America needs a strong leader in these perilous times.

Obtaining the majority of popular votes is not winning.

Breathe a sigh of relief


Probably jump rope

Move to another country.........................member?

Wins what?
Trump is president in a mere month.

He is already picking the next men to rule the land.

Theres talk about the Electoral college going ageist what there people voted for the.

Are you a bot?

As somebody who's not American and somebody who hasn't been following all this Russian hackers bullshit. What's going to happen? The CIA have proof the Russia influenced the result of the election? Will Trump be executed for treason? Will he lose his presidency? WW3? Seriously though what will come of this?


You really are standing behind repealing the 22nd amendment. Nothing is more un-American you retard. Nazi-autists like you will get beat down and your billionaire god has 4 years before he fails so hard no one wants him.

Win what?

May or may not join the civil war that ensues

Not gonna happen. There have been a total of 10 faithless electors since 1900. Trump needs to lose 37 to lose the nomination to another Republican that would be voted on by congress. Hillary would need to gain many more than that to win.

Seriously popular vote shouldn't choose the president. You'd let NY CA FL and TX decide the president then and all 46 other states could just sit out. Voter ID laws would have to be strictly enforced. So Dems would be screwed. No more dead people no more illegal voters no more multiple votes under same person.

Russian botnet at work here. Nothing to see, most of the trump posts are this garbage. We can tell from your painstaking, mediocre english.

pls foreignbro, CIA is a bad meme. Also they have none, they're all faggots. What's happening is an elector publicly said he won't give his vote to Trump, people are thinking other electors may do the same. If Trump doesn't go into presidency, the conservatives will revolt and shit is gonna go down. What's gonna come of it? Idk, I wouldn't worry about it, Trump will win.

Shill bot is that lying cunt still paying these trolls to call and trump supporters a nazi.

Very little. Calm your tits, this isn't a movie.

The other 46 states economically produce far less and all of the conservative states are taking money from blue states to support their unsustainable welfare. Have a more logical reason that people who refuse to move to where there is work should get free shit.

Being ok with repealing the 22nd makes you the most un-American trump cuck bitch there is. People like me will beat you down with any opportunity.

She won't but if she does, I'll demand another recount.

>Thinks the city is possible without the country
Cities produce nothing in the west anymore.
They're not actual economies, they're psuedo economies.
The second anything goes wrong in the world their economies crash, because they're fucking fake.

Only if you're mentally disabled. There was only one correct choice and 99% of the country didn't make it. Maybe a thermonuclear exchange will teach you retards something.

>this isn't a movie
Not but not an American either. Idk man, you guys did elect Donald Trump lol. Not saying he's going to be a bad president, just saying anything can happen. America is a strange place.

You've provided no counter point. Fail. That rural edumacation.

>Prepare for the upcoming civil war is the electoral college commits treason.
>Hunt down the families of the traitors

So you're telling me you think that 20 trillion in debt is because the country gives less federally than it receives?

michigan recount revealed massive voter fraud in all of detroit, where she won by 95%

she goin to jail son



She won't. She could go on national television and rape a baby to death while stomping on kittens and staging a dogfight and not only would she stay out of any actual trouble, but her brain dead followers would still love her.

lol the debt isn't even an issue. You don't understand economics and that's why you're scared and vote based on your stupid manipulated fears. A country that holds the post bretton woods "gold" standard currency can be in debvt as long as it likes. The debt actually keeps peace. China doesn't get paid if they go to war. Get it now?

the funniest part? jill stein was like "oops! stop the recount!" soon as she found out lol

>Nothing is more un-American you retard

Amending the Constitution is perfectly American. We've done it 27 times you fucking retard.

>muh Russians
>the 1980's called - they want their foreign policy back. B.O.

You must be some kind of new retarded to believe that

You just want to be cucked as long as possible. In no way is the 22nd amendment an issue and keeps America a free democracy. Your ridiculous stance either makes you extremely stupid, or a part of the russian botnet, it's that simple.




if my shit turns into gold i'd buy a Ferrari


>but her brain dead followers would still love her
I'm a liberal and I don't know a single person who LOVES Hillary Clinton. Everyone I know voted for Bernie and then really grudgingly voted for that cunt in the general because it was that or Trump. Does anyone actually love her that much?

Every "red" state is in the red to welfare and blue states pay out so your fat lazy populations can do nothing and live where there is little work. The only good thing rural areas create is food but even then that is owned by a few corps that employ less than 1 million people total.


>supports election nullification through faithless electors
>Constitutional amendment is un-American

Good job.

It is that kind of attitude that will redirect Chinas funding of America to Russia or Germany instead.

No i never said that. It seems trump won because the dnc sucks balls so they shit the bed, they can sleep in it. I can deal with rump for 4 years, but he's out after that unless he actually does some good. His cabinet is full of swamp shit so far though.

>fake news
>can't prove it's not fake
I win

Why would it? Russia and germany have much smaller and ineffective markets in comparison. China needs the US as much as the US does.

I'm a Canadian economist

we're in territory in which rules haven't been established. There are no fucking rules for "what if Russia rigs your election"

it all depends on how people with power act. It's all politics now and much less rule of law than normally. So basically anything could happen, it's a total wildcard

This is such a fucking retarded meme. Most of the states already sit out. There is no point to campaigning in about 40 states. The election needs to shift so that everyone actually counts.

The last popular-vote loser to become president was GWB. Two wars and a great recession later, we are once again debating whether its a good idea for the guy most people voted against to become the president of the United States.

not bump this thread.


Hes obviously never been to a shithole city run by democrats. Every city in the top 10 murder list is run by democrats. Shut the fuck up.

>So what will Sup Forums Do If Hillary somehow wins?

IDGAF? It would be funny to watch the sperg out after all the libcuck tears, but it ain't gonna happen.

Sure thing buddy.

Then the world will see why we have a Second Amendment.

The war on drugs fuels the murder rate. Legalize drugs and the incentive to protect them dies. And of course every major city with the major producers is democrat. You sound dumber with every post.

Take your posts back to russia there comrade.

Are you threatening to murder your fellow Americans?

Yeah right you would just murder some people and we would all see your mugshot along with news lines of how stupid you must have been.



today in things that never happend...

lol it's not a meme... it's copy pasta... and 2 it's right, the dumb asses that think popular vote should be the determining factor have no grasp that the states are separate governmental bodies and therefore their people are separated by that state... population does play a huge part in electoral votes by giving stats with a higher population more votes... the left are idiots... they don't care about facts they don't care about historical evidence they don't care about anything more then what sounds like they can personally benefit from the most. They are not good people they are not progressive.... they are racist and selfish and sore, they are mad they learned to late a liberal education is not useful, they are mad they have to pay for it. They are mad that they still have to work regardless what they studied, and they are mad their parents were right. Democrats are dumb.

I would have no problem in a civil war killing liberals and democrats and corrupt polititions.


The Constitution would have to be suspended for her to "win".

So I'd side with the lawful government and do my part. I'm not physically fit to be a soldier, but I would volunteer with my state's national guard for whatever they can use me for. If they don't want me, I'd do whatever I could to support the war effort. Raise funds, get a job at a munitions plant, whatever.'re an un-American faggot then.

the fuck is a politition? some sort of pollutant tit?

>muh Russians

nothing, because it means it will be politics as usual. Same as it's been for the past 30 years

Laugh my ass off and troll the buttblasted Sup Forumstards.

Everything you said...

The truth is the exact opposite. Ever heard of the breadbasket of the world? Fucking imbecile.

Moar like a breadbasket of deplorables tbh.

She litterally folded her cards on live tv. She cant win anymore.

What about if Bernie Sanders somehow wins?

Libtard shillary bots in here r cancer

What's wrong with these people? How do we cure ignorance of this degree?

Do fast food democrats really believe they produce anything? Lmao


Ah curbing facts with insult, another left tactic.

You know... he's right.. right? City's literally are just a mass of headquarters and hotels with overpriced restaurants... they produce nothing by managing and trading money.... they own producers but they literally make nothing...

There are plenty of factories in American cities, still. Manufacturing has actually increased in the last ~15 years thanks to automation.

Still, they get their resources from imports. I'm not sure how retarded you have to be to think cities are somehow SimCity arcologies.

>implying everyone doesn't do that on 4skin

>everyone actually counts
Since the United States is a republic, the states need "equal" representation. Therefore to do what your suggesting, you'd need to change the size of each state so that they all had "equal" populations.

Now there is a fucking American.

Antiquated and useless system tbqhwy.

Then we should away with the Senate too, eh?

I was talking about people that don't understand what you just pointed out.

I'm not sure how retarded you have to be to think you made a point by assuming others are considering a gaming media as a relevant argument to production...

>Assuming dubs is not fact on Sup Forums.

I think she genuinely deserves to be president, but we have to accept she will not be. If the electors reject Trump the House should decide between Romney and Biden.

Trump winning by 2% in a bunch of swing states while losing the popular vote doesnt strike me as some decisive victory. He has no experience and way too many conflicts of interest. Plus it really appears that Hillary got unfairly slimed in the closing weeks. The FBI letter and the Russian hacks are enough to ask the electors to reject Trump.


Ohhhhh shit and Kek confirms for truth!

Why does she "deserve" the presidency, in your mind?

Gr8 B8 M8

i sense insecurity over losing popular vote