Be me

>be me
>24 yo, studying social work at university, living with GF since 5 years, top of class
>get fat (150kg)
>want to have kids, but GF acts shady
>break up with gf
>stay in the crib you cant afford
>throw all your money at a silly project (trying to setup a work integration programm for youngsters)
>buy 7 old subarus, so you can fix em up with kids and sell them for profit
>get stressed out bc no money left
>realize you wont get any gov funding cause no diploma yet
>get really horny and try to screw around without success, just headaches
>blow through all your money and lend 40k from your mom
>use said money for hookers, cars and fun.
>travel to italy, spain, belgium, Holland a few times and meet a nigger named Femi who lets you crash at his place
>smoke alot of weed, get kinda depressed
>be unable to sell any of your 7 subarus
>try new drugs like mdma, shrooms and extacy
>get paranoid and even more depressed
>stop sleeping
>crash your 20k car and get your licence suspended for 2 months
>go home because you're fucked up
>mother gets in an accident and breaks her foot 4 times->hospitalized
>be home alone and try to kill yourself
>sister stops you and brings you to the doctor
>get put in a mental asylum and medicated with fucked up mental meds
>get diagnosed with bipolar syndrome
>stay there for 3 months without big advances
>family moves your shit out of flat, bc unable to do it from asylum
>realise your really crazy and unable to act naturally, while being really dependent on others
>get out of asylum with 50k debt, but weighing in at 100 kg
>repeat your semester at school
>start working for a security company
>get even fitter and earn your money (5k a month)
>sell a little dope for even more profit
>start smoking again with caution
>get offered a job in your field of work
>get pussy cause your sexy as hell

Well, would I do the same again? Probably not, but hey in retrospect I had some crazy good times hahaa
Whats your fuck up story b?




Come on good storys?


Ahhh, post already you pricks. Cant be only fuck up around here

This is truly some nightmare fuel

