>tfw too nervous to walk into one of the "stores" in a red light district
They're literally waving at me to come inside. Is it because I'm a virgin that I can't muster up the courage to walk in and get my dick sucked?
>tfw too nervous to walk into one of the "stores" in a red light district
They're literally waving at me to come inside. Is it because I'm a virgin that I can't muster up the courage to walk in and get my dick sucked?
yo dude just get stoned and do it one day
will be great
if I lived in a country where that shit was legal I would've been on it all the time
Sadly amerifag gov is generally retarded
I'm on vacation here, and haven't the slightest idea where I can score some weed. And also the country is seriously anti-drugs.
But yeah I was walking around the area for like 30 minutes just looking at the girls at the storefront. I told myself I'd go inside on my second time walking around but couldn't do it.
my fat ass would of kicked the door down tbh
Then just get hammered, but not noticeably so
Go in for a blowjob
sure blame girls for you being a pussy
im sure its because girls didnt fuck you that youre a loser, yes thats your problem in life op, otherwise you would be literally perfect
go in for a lap dance and see where it goes
Just go in, They're there to have sex lol. Nothing bad can happen.
I'm not blaming anyone but myself user. It's my fault I'm so socially awkward and slightly overweight that I can't get a girl. And that's why I'm a virgin.
They sell sex, and that's it. Once you walk in you've got twenty minutes to get undressed, fuck, get dressed, and then leave.
That's what I was trying to tell myself too, but my autistic mind makes me think otherwise. As soon as I walked into the area the first shop I walk past has the person at the front wave me in but as I keep walking I hear the prostitute and the woman say something in Japanese and then laugh.
That one retarded moment sticks with me the whole time I'm there. All I can think about is whether they were laughing at me and my autism or not.
>I'm on vacation here
Then just do it fag, who gives a fuck no one will ever know oe care once you leave, it'll be like having dreamed it.