I'm straight, but I love really chubby guys. The older the better

I'm straight, but I love really chubby guys. The older the better.

Also obese dudes with long cocks are my kryptonite.

Posting more for glory

Love weird cocks

>I'm straight
>but I love really chubby guys. The older the better.
>Also obese dudes with long cocks are my kryptonite
>I'm straight
Idk if you're fully grasping what straight is

Cmon, b, I know there's some obese fags lurkin.

I'm a fat fuck loving ass fat fuck.

i'm kinda chubby

Thanks for contributing your shit post and pointing out that I'm obviously not completely straight.

I thought my love for fat fucks would've spoken for me, but I guess some of you inbred fucks don't know how to imply.

Then why
>I'm straight


Honesty, this has me more confused than OP, sexually..

Ehh, your body type is where I cross the line, honestly.

If you're skinnier than me, you aren't attractive to me.

And, though you are a bit chubby, I'm probably 30-45 more lbs heavier than you, which is what I consider the sexy chubby.

Because I'd still sip on J Laws pussy juice with donuts for breakfast everyday for the rest of my life.

Sorry, you semantic motherfuckers, I suppose I meant I'm bi.

34 years old fatty here. My ass kind of looks like that picture.

Not sure if contributing or

Oh lawd, das right up my alley.

I'm not lying, I fap to my own pictures because of how perfect I think I look (body wise) sometimes.

I'd do me. I'd do me so hard.

You like to eat ass, OP?

Also, do prove it

Honestly, the smell is off putting, but if I'm turned on enough, I'd probably be down. Most definitely down to do it in the shower.


Prove your a fat perverted man on the internet, now I've seen everything.

I'm not really in a picture taking mood. But I'll bump your thread with a few pics I like.

Hah, yeah, you can say I'm not the most ordinary person.

But OP likes what OP sees.

Nice mushroom tip!


But if we're in the shower, how can I suck the pussy juice off your dick.

Go on...

Trips demands I must.

Hmm, if there's another girl involved I suppose exceptions can be made...

Cock goes here

Wow, first trips ever and I don't even realize it.

Love your package, that flaccid cock looks perfect. Love the whole angle of that pic.

Also, dubs

Thanks :3

Could barely tell what that was.

And that's how I know you're probably a fat sexy fuck.

how old/where are you op?

No problem, user. Feel free to keep contributing. Will make for an epic gap session.



Thats exactly what my little dick looks like!

so you like the idea of some big guy grunting and thrusting away, your beefy thighs spread open, him pushing his gut into your back.
your face shoved into some girls cunt while he squirts a thick load of cum into your fat ass?


You couldn't have described it any better

shame I'm in SC, I'd fill that sweet ass up for you.

You mean some people don't know how to infer you mongoloid.

>I'm straight, but I love a specific kind of guy with long cocks.
Dude, look up the definition of "straight" in sexuality. You are not straight unless you are female.

I really love a nice big belly filling out a tight uniform. Looks perfect.

God, you just can't wait to show how much smarter you are than OP, can you?

Oh, okay.