So bros. Earlier today i saw my lady of 2 months tagged another dude in this...

So bros. Earlier today i saw my lady of 2 months tagged another dude in this. I called her ass on it after i already told her not to tag this dude in anything. She says its because theyre closer than friends and have talked about me waking her up with my dick in her pussy. Apparently she shows this dude pity by talking sweet to him, but never anything sexual. I dont know if i can trust her, we've both cheated in past relationships, including with eachother while dating other people. Oh and this same dude has tried to get with 2 women ive been in relationships with while i was dating them (this is the second.) What do

Its obvious there is only one course available, You need to kill him
Take him out to the woods where no one could hear him scream and make him watch as you dig his grave

Id rather cut his sack off and feed it to him. She told me he found out his dad and grandma were disgnosed with cancer on the same day. Fucker deserves it

>fucker deserves it

Bit harsh

She's creaming inside your girlfriend, either accept being cucked or kill him as someone already recommended.

He, not she.

Or get into cucking

>Hurr durr my girl cheated on me wut do?

You dump that bitch. What's so hard to understand about it?

Hes a 29 year old deadbeat dad of two kids and a xanax addict. Who gives a shit

I love this chick and i semi-believe shes telling the truth. Love fucks with my mind especially when im already fucked in the head m8

>I love this chick
>been dating 2 months

How's being 13 going for you?