My dad works at Red Letter Media and says that the Plinkett review of The Force Awakens is going to be uploaded at 9:15 PM Milwaukee time, about 45 minutes from now.
My dad works at Red Letter Media and says that the Plinkett review of The Force Awakens is going to be uploaded at 9:15...
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rich is that you?
aren't you supposed to be in your dog house right now?
my dads gay :[
Myson? Is that you?
who cares? the plinkett reviews served a purpose; highlighting in a humorous way why the prequels were bad. We as a society basically turned a blind eye to how shit they were and Mike came out and said "hey fuckfaces, these movies are shit and heres why"
so why would you want a review of a decent movie, albeit a retread of old material? He would probably be better served picking apart the two matrix sequels.
>prequel hate was inspired by the RLM videos, not the other way around
Underage detected
kino, its going to arrive just with my kino
Things in TFA's favor
>even the weakest actors have better dialogue than in the prequels
>the action setpieces are decent
>the character chemistry functions with a few exceptions
the bad
>wholesale lifting from new hope
>constant whizbang, very few slow character moments
>finn is written as though he wasn't trained to fight
>bad cgi monsters
>Rey severely underdeveloped as a character -- simply does whatever the plot calls for
How were you born
>finn is written as though he wasn't trained to fight
wtf are you talking about? He wasn't trained to man gun turrets, but the moment he picks up a blaster he starts wrecking stormtroopers with it. Watch the scene where they attack Maz's castle again, he kicks ass.
I've said this a million times and I am going to keep saying it: fuck the editor. The movie's editing was so... hyperactive? I don't know. Was constantly cutting to new angles - not quite jump cuts but something like it. I had a hard time following what the fuck was going on for most of the movie in terms everyone's place in relation to each other
>the action setpieces are decent
Sounds like CuckCuck's typical bullshit honestly.
I think all modern action movies are like that.
Why has no one complained about that scene where Poe, a white, decides he can name the black character who was a slave to the not empire.
"Your name is Fin!"
"Well then your name honkey ass cracker."
the seguys aret errific.
Jack doesn't get any money from RLM
He literally does it for free
How many illegitimate children does Mike have?
No it isn't
>Plinkett teaser return for TFA
>that was 3 months ago
>finally got some review about some shitty movie i've never heard about.
Fuck me, what is this jewness?
how was the new Independence Day movie?
>not knowing the Baby's Day Out review is a re-upload
Kill yourself, newfag.
Pretty good. Bunch of angry british fags getting upset and teary over the UK leaving the EU.
Oscar nomination for best supporting actor for Nigel.
Did Mike have anything to do with this?
The truck was less than two blocks away from the RLM studio.
Still inexcusable either way. How long does it take to make it anyway? You'd think they started it before making the teaser.
Fuck off, idiot.
>>bad cgi monsters
What pains me the most isn't the cgi itself, but the monster design looked dumb and cartoony.
>tfw Jay loved Neon Demon
>Oscar Isaac
What ps2 game is this?
Just been uploaded
its legit
The sad thing about these plinkett threads is the new Plinkett review will get stickied on Sup Forums. These attempts at trolling just serve to fool newfags.
Why does RLM get shilled so hard on here? Is Mike in cahoots with the hotpockets to get more views on JewTube?
shirley, you can't be this delusional
Don't call him shirley
it's not up
OP is a faggot, and should be banned for lying.
No. That would be playing right into your hands, and I'd like to think I'm above that.
underrated post
Ask your wife.
I just did and she said 2.
his dad was cucked by a drunken Irish bastard
You would be wrong.
meh. not very imaginative premise. not very clever execution.
upping the pony fucking video now
Please. I made better results when I brexitted my bowels this morning.
Where? It's not on their site.
Seriously dude?
What? it isn't.
Why the hell is there extra videos on their YouTube?! Fuck, now I'm gonna have to check them all to see which ones I haven't watched before.
Because, TFA sucked hard, and is almost on par with the sequels. The problem is, retarded Star Wars fan base didn't see it, because they're nostalgia faggots.
>review of a movie for kids
that's not pathetic at all lol
>even the weakest actors have better dialogue than in the prequels
>Milwaukee time
that shouldn't be so funny to me but it is
>We as a society basically turned a blind eye to how shit they were
Don't talk bollocks
what would a yuropeon know about civilized society? off to mosque with you.