im black and bored as fuck lets do a Q&A
Im black and bored as fuck lets do a Q&A
how often do you say the word nigga out loud
from where do u absorb the melanin and what powers does it give you?
Why did you choose to be black? What pushed you to a life of crime? Why do you want black women? Why do you praise God when he clearly doesn't care about you? Why do you smell funny compared to every other race? Why is your hair always nappy? Why do you thrive to be as white as possible while maintaining the outwards appearance of being black?
Are you a real nigger?
not too often, but i say it i guess.
when im suprised or getting hyped over something, ill say nigga, but when im just like with my white friends and shit, my nigga usage is pretty low
hell yeah man but fuck BLM
License and registration please
Sup nigga
ooh mr edgegod
1. i just kinda did man like i get to listen to hip hop its kinda fun u should try it sometime nibba
2. uh i guess the especially high poverty rates in black communities that force me to resort to crime to feed my family
3. they give good pussy
4. idk homie its not like u can force a bunch of black people to become atheists so we just kinda have to
5. we eat hella chicken
6. we're too busy making children and eating chicken and shooting people to comb our hair idk
7. bruh idk im just some faggot on Sup Forums i can't spek for the entire black community